South Florida Ride this Sunday, 8/12

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Sounds like a great morning ride! I grew up in Florida (DeLand) and lived in Titusville from '88 to '98. Used to enjoy the wide open spaces in south central FL around the lake.

Have a great ride!

First off, it looks like both Dana and I need a life. As soon as we get back we are online?!?!?!

Anyhoo, it was nice seeing/meeting/riding with everyone today.

Proof to the California clowns that us Florida boys really can scrounge up a group ride:


From left to right: bob-st, jguysr, icedog75, wpbfjr, taterides. I'm not in the picture to preserve my anonymity. If you guys tell anybody what I look like, I'll have to... nahh, I'm not going to do anything. (As far as you know.)

Rode a little over 300 miles today - not bad considering the weather. To say it was hot today is an understatement. Don't know about you guys, but Dana, Tate and I caught a little drizzle on the way home, and it felt gooooooood.

Let's do it again soon!


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well, we had 6 fjrs today!!

2 riders missed the southern and northern meet locations, and met us for b'fast at 'mom's kitchen'... they rode 90 miles just to meet us...

stellar cell phone pic:


L/R: jguysr, Icedog75, tatarides, Bob-ST, Brundog, wpbfjr (behind camera)

Bob-ST was kind enough to be our guide most of the route... he showed us what roads and scenery there is in okeechobee (cows, cows, cows, dead raccoon, cows, cows). :rolleyes:

technically, i think our ride was international, in that we rode thru the Brighton Seminole Indian Reservation. stopped into the casino to hydrate, many elderly people being held into their slot machine chairs by what appeared to be a bungie cord, but i was later told it was a debit card thingie that they chose to attach to their persons... who knew?

Our ride continued along the north and west sides of lake okeechobee, and we saw the beginnings of a funnel cloud over the water in a rain storm, but it never descended more than 300 feet by 100 feet wide to take a SWAG at the dimensions...

icedog75 split off, we continued until bob-st and jguysr had to split off...

taterides, brundog, and wpbfjr continued south and thru the main Seminole Tribe reservation... we saw a pickup that had lost control pulling a utility trailer with motocross bikes an bunches of other stuff... everything was demolished except driver and passenger... seat belts save lives...

another stop at alligator alley for a snacks and fuel... chatted with some rice rocket dudes... began to pour... rain suits on, head home...

maybe an avg of 250 miles, plus more for the dudes down south....

nice time had by all,


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Man how sad is that you get home and straight to the forum. HMMM how did I know? Cause I am just as sad. Had a great time.Lets try this maybe once a month? Key West next time? Thanks!

Yes, sorry I missed that point: bob-st was a gracious host welcoming us to his home town, picking the restaurant, then giving us a tour of, well, where the hell were we?? Anyway it was a good ride and allowed us to, uh, "burn the carbon" out of the motors. Thanks bob-st!!

Dana, how could you possibly guess the size of that funnel cloud? Me thinks it was much bigger than than. It was really far away. I thought for sure we would see some flying cows like in that tornado movie. That would have been sweet: great day of riding and drag home a side of beef for a little post ride BBQ. Oh well, maybe next time.

Ya know, I am still guilty about not stopping for that rolled over F250. I think the three of us could have climbed into the swap and rolled it back onto its four (well, the three that were left) wheels.

Speaking of rocket dudes, WTF was that guys point? If you get pulled over, you won't get a ticket, but if he sees your radar detector, then you will????!!?? I think that guy may have been sucking in too much cow pattie fumes.


Remember the COP that was in front of us when we turned south from 78 onto US27 (where all of you guys blew your horn at that old lady that didn’t want to make the turn) and then the COP made a U-turn back north? When I left you guys I went back through More Haven and that same COP was giving some lady in a SUV a performance award.

Glad you guys enjoyed all of the good Okeechobee roads. I ended up at about 260 miles for the morning ride.

I agree with taterides, let’s do it again.

Almost forgot... BrunDog busted through 5,000 miles :yahoo:

