SPANK 2009

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score
Joshua Tree, CA
Hello Kids! What did Santa bring you? I hope you got some tires or gas cards.

Cruise over to and download the Registration pdf. Note the low-tech simplicity of the web page, and the Registration form. SPANK 2009 is going to be a thoroughly "Old School" rally. I don't want to give away too much, but unlike the last two Spank's, 2009 will not sport GPS Waypoint handouts, nor complicated schemes or structures. Well, maybe one. <G> This is going to be a straight-ahead, simple rally where the winner will need more wits than gadgets.

Good old fashioned Time/Distance techniques will rule the day, I assure you.

I know full well some of us are feeling pinched by the economy. I have done everything I could to keep the cost down. This is actually the cheapest Spank rally I've ever held, but we will still have a great Brunch Banquet ( the food rocks ) and t-shirts and stuff. I hope you can make it.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


SPANK Rallymaster

GZ, you are putting me between a rock and a hard place with this.

SFO is going to be up in Eureka Springs on the same weekend. I've already registered for it. It's possible to do both, but Sat night with Chik, the Eskimo and Bearly is sure to be a good time.

24 hour rally centered on Hot Springs. I've tinkered around with routing my own Razorback SS1k and it was a challenge to make things work out.

I'll mull this one over a bit and probably jump on board. Thanks for getting this all together.


I NEVER meant to over-ride SFO or any other event. It's tough sometimes getting a "clear" calendar date, and I failed in this one respect. Michelle and I didn't think any LD folks would be doing SFO, but you've proved us both wrong.

If you sign up for Spank, I'll do what I can to get you to both events in happy fashion.<G>


I NEVER meant to over-ride SFO or any other event. It's tough sometimes getting a "clear" calendar date, and I failed in this one respect. Michelle and I didn't think any LD folks would be doing SFO, but you've proved us both wrong.

If you sign up for Spank, I'll do what I can to get you to both events in happy fashion.<G>

No biggie on my part. The anticipation is killing me. I've got the possibility of a work related event interfering that I'll have to work out.

I don't know if you remember or not, but over some late night beers in the parking lot at NAFO after the SS1K we touched on the topic of a LD ride in Arkansas.

This really has me intrigued.

Wow, I didn't realize that this rally was coming to AR. I am signed up for the SFO event as well but would really like to do this rally too.

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I do remember the conversation. I've been enamored of AR ever since riding there in early 2006. And I always promised folks that Spank was a traveling rally, not tied to So-Cal by any means. This rally is finally putting the money where the mouth was, being the first 24-hour rally outside of Cali.

Glad some of you can make it, giddy-up!


I do remember the conversation. I've been enamored of AR ever since riding there in early 2006. And I always promised folks that Spank was a traveling rally, not tied to So-Cal by any means. This rally is finally putting the money where the mouth was, being the first 24-hour rally outside of Cali.

Glad some of you can make it, giddy-up!

Maybe be out of the woods with this. Just have to check some things next week.

I found

that is an introduction to Hot Springs for those who haven't been there. I believe that the Arlington is just north of Bathhouse Row.