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So, I'm coming early to get these and many more questions answered. I'd sure appreciate some help ......PLEASE, give this hick from Nevada some Kawlifornia pointers and advice. I'm talking the south end ...the north end is my bitch so no worries there.

Cheers from Reno ....John

Get in touch with me. I have some help to offer. PM me please. I live about 2hrs. north of SD in Rancho Cucamonga CA. I will be glad to assist. :yahoo:

RenoJohn, you'll love where you're headed, trust me.
It won't be traffic.

I'm optimistic and charged that you'll do a splendid job the point that perhaps I'll gain a new appreciation for Kawlifornia. Thanks for putting this on GZ
---- So, who's willing to fess up that they're doing this thing????

--- I may be looking for a roomie Saturday night at Ground-Zero SPANK2007 headquarters .....anyone in the same boat? (i've got the other nights covered)

--- I'll be coming down early and likey Wednesday will be runniing a solo rally .....proofing a small fund raiser route that a buddy is putting together for later in the year ....anyone want to ride and help me proof this thing? (only 250miles +/-your chocie of boni) and east of SD from what I understand.

Reno's headin' for a spankin'

Let's get this party started!!

Up in the hills around reno we've got snow flurries, and chilly wind. Perfect! Heading south mid-day and will be in So CA late tonight. Abbreviated trip compared to my original plans, but time enough to enjoy the paddle and sure lookin' forward to some silly good hard ridin' fun.

see you ******s in the next day(s).

Keep us CBA chicken-S#$t folks up to date, eh?

Have a great ride you guyz and galz. :rolleyes:

Really looking forward to reports...

Keep us CBA chicken-S#$t folks up to date, eh?
Have a great ride you guyz and galz. :rolleyes:

Really looking forward to reports...

An early report from the front -

This is one tough SOB rally.

It ain't anything like any other rally.

Completely new methods -

Peeps is gettin S P A N K 'ed.

Effing big time.

REALLY effing big time.

Big Dogs hurting.

pups whining. (me) owwwwwie.

MIGHT be a ride report to follow - once I can sit down again.


Well !!

It's over - cept for the finisher's banquet tonight.


A Very Interesting Rally.

Beeroux - Excellent Job. Word.

Lot's of unexpected events.

And - of course -

What would a rally be -






without a BMW rear drive failure.


Ride safely back to the hacienda, all you riders.. then grab a brew or two and start posting! :rolleyes:


back home.

lot's of thoughts, memories, laughs.

And I have a visual that I will NEVER forget -

walking into a Carl's Junior at 8:30 pm -

and seeing Turbo Dave at the soda fountain.

Wearing his 2XL whitey tighties on the outside of his riding gear - backwards.

Yep- it was a innerestin rally.

I imagine there will be some postings happening as the riders return to the barn. Personally, I didn't take any pictures - but there was a 'staff' photographer that just happened to turn up at one or two of the checkpoints -

and he took some pics.

for which I would pay good money to have removed from the internet. :blink:


I've been S P A N K 'ed.

Big Effing Time.

Kaitsdad -

23rd place out of 23 finishers.



22nd place out of 24 finishers.

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