Spark Plugs

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K Rider

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2008
Reaction score
Southwest, OH
Last week took the bike in for the Sub-Harness recall. While I had it there and the tank would be off, I ask them to change the plugs. Now a little history: Since the bike was new it has had a 'tick', or maybe I should call it a 'ping', between 2500-3500 rpm. Sometimes it was quite loud, but from reading others having similar issues, I thought it was normal for the FJR. I have a little over 13k on the bike and this was the first spark plug change. Since changing the plugs the noise is gone! Now that's how a bike should sound! The FJR sounds so much better and seems to run a little smoother. I only hope there wasn't any damage done.

I know this subject has been beaten to death but I'm wandering if the ones in it could have been the wrong plugs. The very first thing I noticed after leaving the dealer was the bike runs a little hotter than before. I could tell the bike was putting out more heat than I was used to under normal conditions. The temp gauge is 1-2 bars higher than before. Didn't even notice the noise was gone until the second time I took the bike out.

What's your thoughts?

l...I ask them to change the plugs...the bike was new it has had a 'tick'...Sometimes it was quite loud...Since changing the plugs the noise is gone...

...The very first thing I noticed after leaving the dealer was the bike runs a little hotter than before...The temp gauge is 1-2 bars higher than before...
If a plug cap is not solidly snapped on the top of the plug it will make a ticking or popping noise. As the plugs age the noise may get louder. Sometime when you are bored, use the diAG mode to fire the spark plugs, you will be surprised how loud it is. If you have a popped plug cap the noise will be louder on the pair of plugs that have the loose cap.

I have no idea about the temp being 1-2 bars higher. Under the exact same driving and weather conditions?

I figure something was wrong with the original plugs. Whatever it was, it was like that from day one. Maybe the gap on one of the plugs was wrong. I guess, since I wasn't the one that removed them, I will never know.

I don't know if too tight a gap would cause a ping or too big a gap?

I figure something was wrong with the original plugs. Whatever it was, it was like that from day one. Maybe the gap on one of the plugs was wrong. I guess, since I wasn't the one that removed them, I will never know.

I don't know if too tight a gap would cause a ping or too big a gap?
Did you not read ionbeam's post above?

Most likely a loose plug wire. NOT an issue with the plugs themselves.

I figure something was wrong with the original plugs. Whatever it was, it was like that from day one. Maybe the gap on one of the plugs was wrong. I guess, since I wasn't the one that removed them, I will never know.

I don't know if too tight a gap would cause a ping or too big a gap?
Did you not read ionbeam's post above?

Most likely a loose plug wire. NOT an issue with the plugs themselves.
My mistake. I read it and don't know how I missed that part.

If you find out why it is running hotter than it was, I would like to the cause for that as well. Mine is doing the same but I have not been overly worried about it. maybe someday when I have the tank up I'll switch back to the stock plugs and see if that makes a difference.

I figure something was wrong with the original plugs. Whatever it was, it was like that from day one. Maybe the gap on one of the plugs was wrong. I guess, since I wasn't the one that removed them, I will never know.

I don't know if too tight a gap would cause a ping or too big a gap?
Did you not read ionbeam's post above?

Most likely a loose plug wire. NOT an issue with the plugs themselves.
My mistake. I read it and don't know how I missed that part.
Last week took the bike in for the Sub-Harness recall. While I had it there and the tank would be off, I ask them to change the plugs. Now a little history: Since the bike was new it has had a 'tick', or maybe I should call it a 'ping', between 2500-3500 rpm. Sometimes it was quite loud, but from reading others having similar issues, I thought it was normal for the FJR. I have a little over 13k on the bike and this was the first spark plug change. Since changing the plugs the noise is gone! Now that's how a bike should sound! The FJR sounds so much better and seems to run a little smoother. I only hope there wasn't any damage done.

I know this subject has been beaten to death but I'm wandering if the ones in it could have been the wrong plugs. The very first thing I noticed after leaving the dealer was the bike runs a little hotter than before. I could tell the bike was putting out more heat than I was used to under normal conditions. The temp gauge is 1-2 bars higher than before. Didn't even notice the noise was gone until the second time I took the bike out.

What's your thoughts?

I did the same thing, had them put in iridium plugs and a throttle body sync. A huge difference in power, not that it was running bad before. Can't say I've noticed the heat difference and never paid much attention to the normal heat zone before.

In the FAQ section it said approx. 16K for plug change with iridium plugs. Mine look perfect and gap is still perfect after 20K. Don't really see a need to change them. Seems like they should last allot longer....

went to Denso website and they say up to 20K in bikes with Iridiums. Not really sure why, heat issue maybe but I am going to change mine since I am in there. I don't expect much difference

so installed new and checked gap of old...old ones gap was .034@22k miles (was thinking gap was bigger to start with, pat myself on the back for good record keeping), I installed at .030 so I guess that is a decent difference. Cleaned KN filter as well and she is purring a bit more smoothly:)

I just picked up a new to me 2008 FJR with 22k miles and the previous owner told me he had never changed the plugs. Bike runs great. Having said that, I have some new CR8E's on order.

I just picked up a new to me 2008 FJR with 22k miles and the previous owner told me he had never changed the plugs. Bike runs great. Having said that, I have some new CR8E's on order.
I was a longtime skeptic on the irridiums, but tried them recently. I gained a few mpg with nothing else changiing. i might be a convert.

And Carlson....Welcome to the Second Generation!!!!!!!

mr.paul, from Minnesota
