Speaking of Tank bags...

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2006
Reaction score
Lutz, FL
Using my new tank bag this morning, I got to work and started thinking...My bag is sitting below 3 pc's roughly 2 feet away. I had my Ipod in it this morning, and my wallet was in it with my debit/credit cards. Will those magnets in my bag cause problems with surrounding items?

Yes and no, and it depends. Since the magnets are in the base, if you store your electronics as far away from them as possible, you should be ok. I had a debit card get wiped & I think my cell phone's odd behavior for awhile was related to a long trip in the tank bag. I now carry both phone & wallet in my jacket when on trips & haven't had any problems (I know: this kind of logic got Chicken Little in a heap of trouble). Would be difficult to do with a laptop though.

Some tank bags are advertised as having shielded magnets to protect electronics. IMO it's not a good idea to carry any hard objects in your pockets in case you crash. That little cell phone or MP3 player could put a world of hurt on you during impact.

IMO it's not a good idea to carry any hard objects in your pockets in case you crash. That little cell phone or MP3 player could put a world of hurt on you during impact.
Good call (pun intended) on the cell phone in the jacket. Hadn't thought about the crash factor. Guess that's a, errr, wake up call. Surely wrapping the phone in neoprene or placing a rain suit between it & the magnets would be enough shielding, no? Maybe someone could manufacture a "safe cell" prophylactic (although I'm not sure there would be much market for the nano prophylactic--or at least very few men who want to be caught purchasing one).


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Good call on the pocket material, i hadn't given that much thought either. I will be running most of my electronics in a tank bag also and now the cell phone will be in there. I suppose it is a good habit to get into. As for the magnets i count myself as lucky i have had no such problems with cell phones or debit / credit cards.

Shielded magnets to protect electronics? Hmmm, the fear with cards and electronics is the magnet rearranging magnetically stored data. So, if the magnet can't do that, how does it stick to the bike then? It would seem to be using the same forces to both hang on and eat electronically stored information.

Anyway, I used to play with magnets and old computer discs. It actually took a pretty strong magnet in very close proximity to actually erase anything, so I haven't worried much about putting my stuff in the magnetic tank bags.

Interesting topic though,


You need a layer of kriptonite in the bottom of the bag to shield your electronics from the magnets. ;)

But seriously, I just got my first magnetic tank bag and I have been wondering the same thing about cards and other things with data stored on magnetic strips. I have the Frank Thomas Cargo bag and I can't find any information about whether it has a shield to protect stuff from the magnets. Anybody know?

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IMO it's not a good idea to carry any hard objects in your pockets in case you crash. That little cell phone or MP3 player could put a world of hurt on you during impact.
Good call (pun intended) on the cell phone in the jacket. Hadn't thought about the crash factor. Guess that's a, errr, wake up call. Surely wrapping the phone in neoprene or placing a rain suit between it & the magnets would be enough shielding, no? Maybe someone could manufacture a "safe cell" prophylactic (although I'm not sure there would be much market for the nano prophylactic--or at least very few men who want to be caught purchasing one). :blink:
Don't forget to do a good deed now and then -- 'kharmic prophylaxis'.... :)

Struth about crashing -- the little (2 inch) pocket knife I used to carry in my right pants pocket put such a hurtin' on my r. hip during my last crash I've had to carry it in the left pocket since.

I've worried about tank-bag magnets -- but haven't noticed any bad happenings. I have had expensive equipment (cameras, for instance) ruined by high-frequency vibration due to carrying on long trips in a tank-bag. And many un-screwed eye glasses screws.

I haven't had any credit-card 'lost magnetism' issues in years.....

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