Speaking of YES

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formerly Renegade, get used to it.
Jul 6, 2006
Reaction score
Trenton, OH
It just dawned on me that I haven't recieved jack from Yamaha since I purchased my 06 back in June.

I did purchase a 4 year YES at the dealership. Should I have recieved something from them? If so what's it look like?


Yes, you should of recieved paperwork outlining your warranty and what is and is not covered. It would also give you procedures in event you break down on the road and need overnight assistance, rental car, etc.

Bottom line is yes, you should of recieved paperwork, long ago, on your YES. Check with your dealer.


So my wife digs out the paperwork, and we have a receipt showing the purchase. We have a sample contract, blah, blah, blah.

And this thing that says if you don't receive the full package in 60 days call this number...

So we call. Yamaha has no record of *YES* for me.

Not to worry though, I have receipts for it and it's not been a year yet. The *dealership* will get back to me tomorrow. :angry:

I would call Yamaha Y.E.S. Administration at (866) 937-3983. I have an ID card that I carry on the bike.

We called Yamaha, the number on the Sample Warranty they give you. The thing that says real stuff is coming in 60 days or less.

They said; "Wa Choo Talkin Bout Willis?"

We don't show a warranty for that bike. We then called th dealer and they said we sold it to you, not sure what happened but that they'd take care of it.

They called back in two days and said we were right, Yamaha doesn't show it, but clearly we purchased it. They didn't know where the gap was but that they took care of it and we should see something in 60 days.

So we'll see.

If I was a betting man, I'd bet they just didn't file the paperwork. Like a lot of other businesses, I don't know why it's so hard to get the basics right. I dont' know why most moto dealers have to be jerkoffs.

My buying experience wasn't totally horrible. I got the bike I wanted but it wasn't the best experience. I would certainly not go back there, even for warranty service, I had made that decision back in June when I rode away on the bike. Long before this warranty thing, so they have performed about as expected.

Why do dealers have to suck?
