Speeding Ticket Fest

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formerly SouthernFJR
Jun 26, 2005
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL
Saturday in Cullman, AL on I-65... getting on the southbound on-ramp I count 3 State Troopers parked on the side. Looking back into traffic while merging, I see another one with a radar gun under the overpass. Within 2 miles, I counted 6 vehicles pulled over, each with a State Trooper issueing a speeding reward. That's 10 troopers in less than 2 miles. Maybe some forum members who are LEO's can chime in, but doesn't this smack of quotas?... I mean, last week-end of the month? :angry:

Saw the same thing at the I20 exit for 48 on the way to Cheaha two weeks ago. Luckily, we were getting off at that exit and had slowed down to get over into the right hand lane. There were six chaser cars on the entrance ramp waiting for a rabbit.

In a word yes.. The commanders/Inspectors will come down with an operational order to crack down on say...bad driving etiquette and wham there's a blitz on you guessed it!


Gas prices go up, usage goes down. Tax revenue goes down, too. The guberment needs that lost revenue back so they send out their revenue revcovery squads.

They been out in full force here in SoCal lately and here and in WA or OR(?) it has been brought up by members of the legislative bodies that sales tax should be dropped in favor of a usage tax based on miles driven... Both states had it shot down, but once an idea like that is aired...

Nice, eh?

There was plenty of coverage in Montana last Sunday too. And I got some personal attention. :angry: Oh well, it's just money, right? They actually expect people to abide by the speed limit in the middle of Montana???? <_<

I don't know if that usage tax was instead of a sales tax, I thought a usage tax was in addition to a salestax. They want an state income tax and momentarily remove a sales tax only to be quickly reintroduced later. A$$hats

Off Topic The Supream Court made a LOUSY Property Rights decision. It used to be they could only take your property for a road or 'neccessary' GOV. deal. NOW it is in the Public Good if Wally World or anything else that can generate more Tax Revenue than your paying, that is for the Public Good.

YOU (Me)have no Property Rights! They can suck moist A$$ chese! :angry:

TJ - I heard about that. To continue the hijack... Wasn't it some private homes/property on the coast in the NorthEast? I believe they played the "eminent domain" card, saying it was for the economic good of the area. They "offered" a guy $65000 for his home/land, well below market value, I believe. Yes, this is total shit.

Continued hi-jack...

I think if this goes on much more, The property values will mean nothing. The government has no right taking our land just for commerce. I guess i am glad i don't have "prime" real estate on the coast :blink: . We need to send in the :ph34r: and axe this idea before it gets out of control!

Yes, the recent Supreme Court decision regarding eminent domain does suck moist a$$ cheese. Its just another in a line of imperious decisions from an imperial court that seems to know no bounds. It will be interesting to see if Rehnquist retires. It seems somehow symptomatic of the court's ills that its members cling to their posts reluctant to give up their supreme power.

However, IMHO, the property rights thing is a sham anyway. Think about it: If I were a tenant farmer in the middle ages and didn't pay the rent to my liege lord, he would send out his sheriff to boot me off the land. Today, if I don't pay my property taxes, the local government sends out...the sheriff, to boot me off the land. Other than voting, which doesn't seem to keeps them from blowing my money at light speed anyway, what's the difference? The average citizen didn't own land then and he doesn't own it now. All land essentially belongs to the government.

So there. ;-)



Jim Jim Jim, your value to the world is based on the taxable value of the land your bank owns, don't you get it ? 11 K a year in taxes makes you a first class citizen.

(Actually it's friends family and good motorcycle roads.)

Southern, I've seen you and you don't qualify, too anglo-riche 'ya know.

I've driven this bus into the war room we don't have yet.

:atv: look at all these cool :beach: icon :aaevil: playthings


Oh say does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave

Oe'r the land of the over-regulated and the home of the easily offended.

Thomas Jefferson would Shit if he saw this Country today. :angry: :angry03: :angry2: :angry01: :argue:

Well, I might get flamed for saying so, but the majority of the problems are caused by the PWDV (People who don't vote). Too many people think their vote is wasted because they don't like one of the major candidates, so they don't vote at all and their voice is never heard and the special interest groups get to control the country. Two of every three Americans skip out on major elections, to say nothing of local elections.

This is supposed to be government of the people, BY the people, and for the people. Instead it's governent of the people, BY the special interest groups, who steal from the people to fund their causes.

So vote for whomever ya want, but vote. Or yer wastin' yer breath by bitchin' about all the problems.

And Thomas Jefferson would REALLY shit a brick to visit our country today and see so many squander the freedoms that have been paid for so dearly. :rip: Sumpthin' to ponder as we approach Independence Day. :guns:

Well, I might get flamed for saying so, but the majority of the problems are caused by the PWDV (People who don't vote). Too many people think their vote is wasted because they don't like one of the major candidates, so they don't vote at all and their voice is never heard and the special interest groups get to control the country. Two of every three Americans skip out on major elections, to say nothing of local elections.
This is supposed to be government of the people, BY the people, and for the people. Instead it's governent of the people, BY the special interest groups, who steal from the people to fund their causes.

So vote for whomever ya want, but vote. Or yer wastin' yer breath by bitchin' about all the problems.

And Thomas Jefferson would REALLY shit a brick to visit our country today and see so many squander the freedoms that have been paid for so dearly. :rip: Sumpthin' to ponder as we approach Independence Day. :guns:
I totally agree . Vote!! There needs to be a change in the voting day from Tuesday to Saturday AND Sunday so everyone has the chance to vote IMO
