Speeding - ticket?

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Ford pickup in left lane
I had a blast with a Ford pickup in TN near Nashville one time. I was using him as a rabbit. He was doing a leisurely 95 on I-40 and I stayed about 500-1000 yards back. Road was clear. We made pretty good time until he....


WTF? Yeah, it was a *cop* in a (what we in Canada called a "ghost car") Ford F-150 pickup truck! OK, *that's* cheating!

Lukcily he had lit up the guy ahead of him. When I passed by (under the speed limit) he looked over and gave me a nod.

Sneaky cops.... :)

As many know from NAFO and from living here, speeding in the greater Denver area (including nearby mountain communities) is risky action. In all my travels in the US I've never seen so many marked & unmarked vehicles in one location. Ford, chevy, dodge, harley... When I lived in Alabama it was simplier since all I had to do was lookout for crown vics. Not here.

One morning as I traveled to work I was behind the sheriff's dept van that was marked "Crime Scene Unit." The officer pulled a speeder over. This police vehicle was bigger than the normal van.... like a ford 250 with a big box on the back.

I know there is a red crown vic in the area that is state patrol.... unmarked with dark-tinted windows. I've seen it many times on the side of the road with blue lights flashing behind a unlucky soul. One day I was going home from work on my bike hitting 90 as I merged from I-76 to I-70. Guess which car was in the left lane merging from I-70? Yep, the unmarked trooper. I let go of the throttle and was doing low 70's as I came to his side. He went his merry way.

It is very common here to see a trooper and then see another one a mile or two later. So when I see one I wait a few mins to see if the tandem trooper is around. In Jan going to work one morning there were 4 of 'em parked side-by-side ready to pounce on the speeders. Then there was another one a few miles down the road.

Sheeesh.... what about my right to the pursuit of happiness? ;)

I've been stopped 3 times in the past 3 years on 3 different bikes. In each case I was courteous and admitted "I just wasn't paying attention".

I have a clean record (1 ticket in 20 years) and in all 3 cases the cops just gave me a warning or nothing at all. In one instance I was doing 14 over.

just sharing it cuz the "not paying attention" excuse seemed to work pretty well.

Just did 2300 miles last week in NC,SC,GA,FL all at 15 over, as recommended by a not to be nammed FJR riding SC trooper. No faster except for that 120mph the senior citizen of the group did trying to catch up to us on the 7 mile bridge. Don't know how many police I passed but not a one even gave us a glance. Must have just thought "crazy Canadians".

Did pass one at about 25 over on Alligator alley on one of the two turns. He must have been catching some ZZZs. First thought, he's got me, second thought, no but he's gonna nail my two buddies that are going even faster trying to catch up to me. Again he must have been catching some ZZZs.

I got "lit up" heading out of Bozeman on the Feej a couple years back, clocked doing an honest 90. The guy was cool, wrote me for 85 which is no points and $20 on four-lane in this state. But the interesting thing is, he told me he picked up the big front-end dive on the Feej when I spotted him (was riding w/pillion). I always wondered if that was a give-away... Evidently to some it is.

But the interesting thing is, he told me he picked up the big front-end dive on the Feej when I spotted him (was riding w/pillion). I always wondered if that was a give-away... Evidently to some it is.
Dont hit the brakes like a sissy nana. Next time dump to third, go to WOT and come back and tell us about THAT experience.. That would be good reading right there for sure!! LOL

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The one awesome thing about our FJRs is that with the shaft-drive, we can slow down from 100mph to 55mph in the blink of an eye... All while never touching our brakes once (and brake lights, of course)...

...But the interesting thing is, he told me he picked up the big front-end dive on the Feej when I spotted him (was riding w/pillion). I always wondered if that was a give-away... Evidently to some it is.
With the linked brakes and ABS on the Gen II, just stomp hard on the rear brake. Particularly with a pillion, a surprising amount of braking with little dive.

Of course, I've never ever, ever needed to do this :rolleyes: .

I prefer to do a stoppie and then he does not think to look at the radar. he is to busy watching me to see if I crash!! LMAO (NOT)

The scooter cops in my town are in the process of getting ST1300's. I saw one the other day and asked how he liked it to which he replied, "I can't wipe the smile off my face". When I told him I had an FJR he said "wanna race?". Cool cop.

I was up in Texans neighborhood a couple of months ago. A group of us had stopped on the side of Volente Rd out by Lake Travis to observe a memorial cross of a fallen riding friend from years ago. Two motor bike cops from the Sheriff's office stopped by and one of them whom knew our group was on a new ST1300, the other on a Beemer. When leaving the one on the ST rips a wheelie!! I kid you not! It was hilarious, with all of us trying to get the camera's out in time! :)

There's at least one officer who is riding an ST1300 here in Cheyenne. Noticed it last summer. I've ridden by him several times and he doesn't even turn his head to look at me. FJR envy, I believe.

Summer of 2006 - hotter than blazes! The wife and I rode up to Sandpoint, Idaho at the end of July for 10 days. Saw two cops total for the week on the way up. We are riding back on the last Sunday of the trip, 20 miles north of Casper, WY on I-25. 11:00am in the morning and already 100 degrees. At this point we could see the light, so to speak, about getting back home.

Two semi's and three cars had been playing the speed up, slow down game for about 10 miles and I was tired of it. Next opportune moment I grab a handful of throttle and pass them all. I was a tad over 90 and slowing when I topped a very long downhill and noticed a car in the left hand lane at the bottom of the hill about a mile ahead. Of course I really started the slowdown at this point figuring it was a WHP. It was. He stayed in the left lane doing about 50 mph. I cautiously passed him in the right lane and started up the hill. As soon as I got past him he hit the lights. Said he clocked me at 87. WTF??, I was behind him! He wrote me up for 86 because we had helmets on. He liked the break too having seatbelts on. Gee, thanks. Still cost me $110 and hits my insurance for 3 years. Only the second speeding ticket I've had in my life, the previous being 25 years earlier.

As he's pulling away my wife tells me, "Oh, I didn't tell you we ordered them 360 degree radar units back in April." She's a purchasing agent for WYDOT. Gee Babe, thanks for the info. Murphy is my best friend!! Guess he was bored on a Sunday morning out in the boonies. :glare:

I prefer to do a stoppie and then he does not think to look at the radar. he is to busy watching me to see if I crash!! LMAO (NOT)

Is that how ya got the crash club sticker????
Purdy Close... I did a Slide"y" I was actually just testing my new frame sliders is all.. They worked! My frame slid fine.. I did notice after the test that the plastic was scratched though...... Dont know what to think about that.. I would be upset but they never represented it as plastic sliders unless you count that it let the plastic slide along the asphalt :glare: B) After the first 100 feet it did not really matter anyway I guess

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