Speedometer replacement......

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2006
Reaction score
Spring Hill, KS
I wasn't satisfied with Yamaha's solution for this problem, specifically the decal and the loss of indicated milage. So I did some calling around and found a company in Washington state called Electronic Speedo Service. For $85 and a days time, he can put the milage onto your new speedometer. My bike is going to be the test bike, since he hasn't yet seen the '06 guage cluster. For those of you scratching your heads and wondering....HELL NO I'm not paying for it. Shipping out there and back and the $85 for getting the work done is coming out of my dealers pocket (or so he says). I asked him flat out how he was going to get Yamaha to pay for this, he said they wouldn't. I don't think I believe him for some reason, but maybe I'm wrong. Either way, it will be right when I get it. And here is the kicker, I will give him the milage next tuesday (riding trip this weekend), I'm going to add 120 miles becasue that is what I put on it in a week going back and forth to work, he will send it off and call me when it is back. So I still won't have any down time to speak of! :yahoo:

Just for giggles and grins, I'd check with BBB and the state district attorneys office on them. I'm guessing they are legit, but anyone who advertises that they can program mileage on new and used speedometers just naturally sets off my caution meter.

Good luck and keep us posted.

I really want to know how this goes, and then your dealer needs to talk to Yamaha corp to get this done as part of the exchange. From my understanding there aren't but a few hundred? that they need to fix anyway?


It's not as uncommon as you might think. In the car business we replace electronic instrument clusters all the time. General Motors Uses a company called Instrument Sales and Service. We call them and order a new cluster and they calibrate it to the correct milage. The old unit is sent back as a core to be rebuilt, and the cycle repeats itself. Yamaha could do the same thing. The new clusters they are supplying could be sent out to be calibrated, I think they are just trying to save that part of the expense of the repair.

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I used ISS to swap out a dash on my Sierra. No problems at all and they provided excellent documentation of before and after. Sold the truck and again, sailed through the process. They are authorized by most car factories to do this. So easy for Yamaha to get this all done right, if they would.

OK, I am just getting around to checking this out. . . Is Yamaha going to pay to fix our cluster if we have the 17mpg problem?

Sorry, I know this is not an excuse. But I am in Costa Rica for the next few weeks. . (been dieing to ride on these roads). So I havent checked mail or the forum till this raining day.

Heck, for the sake of not having it on my title I think I would be willing to cough up the $85.

Will be anxious to hear how this works out. Please keep us posted.

I'm going tomorrow morning to get my new guage installed! Being the anal pain in the ass that I am, I thought I would go ahead and strip the plastic off the bike tonight so that the mechanic wouldn't have much to do. I was thinking I might even walk in and hand him the gauge. WRONG. This is not a project for the faint of heart. Yamaha made it seriously mind numbing to take this bike apart. I've got it right down to the end and have NO CLUE as to how I am supposed to get the last screw out. Its right between the headlights just below the tuneing fork decal.....but on the inside. Without getting that screw loose, the plastic doesn't come off, which means you can't get the screws out of the back of the guage to take it off. Needless to say, if at all possible, I will be standing next to the mechanic as he does this last step. My suggestion to anyone that thinks they want this done, TALK YOUR DEALER INTO SENDING THE GUAGE IN BEFORE HAND SO THAT YOU DON'T HAVE TO TRY AND DISASSEMBLE AND REASSEMBLE YOU BIKE. More to come later.....


I don't understand. Why would you do all of this for them? Are you getting your new gauge(s) with updated with your current mileage? Or are you starting over at 0?

If the former how did you work that out?


I don't understand. Why would you do all of this for them? Are you getting your new gauge(s) with updated with your current mileage? Or are you starting over at 0?

If the former how did you work that out?

I decided to remove the plastic for a couple of reasons. One, I've had bad experiences with dealers in the past. My FZ6 went in for a warranty TPS replacement and came back with a broken side cover. The dealer just shrugged his shoulders and said it wasn't them. Two, I was hoping to be in and out of the dealership in less then an hour. And Three, since it was coming apart anyway, I decided now was the time to add my heated grips, speedohealer, etc.

Yes the new guage cluster has almost all the miles on it that the old one shows. It will be short almost 400 miles because I underestimated turn around time for getting the guage back. It was the dealer that was dragging his feet that cuased the slow down, but I can put the miles back on the Odometer with the Speedohealer once it is installed (I can fix the difference).

I will get some pictures too.

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You don't have to remove the plastic for the speedometer replacement.

My Nephew and I did it in 1hr.To get at the screws behind the speedometer I held up the front plastic

and he took the 3 screws out.

Ed.. :blink:




Yes the new guage cluster has almost all the miles on it that the old one shows. It will be short almost 400 miles because I underestimated turn around time for getting the guage back. It was the dealer that was dragging his feet that cuased the slow down, but I can put the miles back on the Odometer with the Speedohealer once it is installed (I can fix the difference).
I will get some pictures too.
So the dealer got Yamaha to pay?

In my view, Yamaha should take all the pain on this one - they should pay for the cluster swap, and they should pay to get the mileage transfer. Why should an owner be stuck with a flag on their title?

You don't have to remove the plastic for the speedometer replacement.My Nephew and I did it in 1hr.To get at the screws behind the speedometer I held up the front plastic

and he took the 3 screws out.

Ed.. :blink:

You got it Ed. Thats exactly what they did. I had everything else done, just wasn't willing to pull on the plastic like that. I was at the dealer about a half hour.

According to the owner, he paid the $85 to have the milage put on the new gauge. In my opinion, he should be able to get something worked out through his rep to get reimbursed. Also, even though I had the milage in the new guage, they still had to put the decal in the glove box. I figured that would be the case, so I armorall'd the inside of it before hand, sticker came right out! :p

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Also, even though I had the milage in the new guage, they still had to put the decal in the glove box. I figured that would be the case, so I armorall'd the inside of it before had, sticker came right out! :p
That's awesome, I'll keep that in mind.

How would anybody get a notion on their title?? I have the title for my Bernice in my safety deposit box. I'm certainly not bringing it to the dealership when they swap out my speedo next week. What am I missing?

How would anybody get a notion on their title?? I have the title for my Bernice in my safety deposit box. I'm certainly not bringing it to the dealership when they swap out my speedo next week. What am I missing?
They don't mark your title in any way. The only thing they do is put a decal in your storage box that states the old mileage and that the odometer has been changed.
