Spiegler / Super Brace clash

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Uncle Curly

Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
I have the modified super brace that is the first modification that was arced out in the back (not the gull wing). I got this after having problems with the first brace striking the banjo bolt. Recently I was on a ride and had an open stretch so I decided to practice a panic stop. All went well on my first stop, but on the next attempt my front brake went all the way down to the handle and brake fluid sprayed up on to my wind shield!. I was 30 miles from home and was able to down-shift the bike home I had just enough braking to bring it to a stop if I wasn't going to fast. The Super Brace struck the Spiegler line at the joint and un-cranked the screw. Fortunately the steel braided line was not damaged. My Spiegler lines are tilted back at a 45 degree, but can't tilt back any further because the length of the lines is insufficient.

My question is can I be assured that if I purchase the new gull wing Super Brace will it eliminate the possibility of this occurring again. I'll take brakes any day over improved performance. My old brace is on my desk awaiting its return to its maker.

Thanks. Uncle Curly

Uncle Curly, do you have a picture that can show your brake line routing near the brace location?

I have the same setup and practice hi-speed emergency braking when I get the chance. Never have hit anything.

Groo, yes it is ABS and i will try and post a picture - have never posted a pic. but will give it a try. Thanks.

The reason I ask is that comments were made that the Spiegler line replacement would "supposedly" eliminate any chance of hitting the brace, even the older ones. I've got one of the initially reworked ones like you (not the Gull Winged one).

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have never posted a pic. but will give it a try. Thanks.
If you have trouble posting a pic, PM me and I can make arrangements to get the pic up in your post using my admin powers for good and not evil ;)

I wonder if perhaps the front suspension is set too soft; allowing the forks to compress more than they should.
Though this may be true, even if the front should for some reason bottom out, it should never impact any other components.

I recently completed an exchange of my original-design SuperBrace under the recall notice, in spite of the fact that my Spiegler set up is supposed to clear the brace, even under total fork compression. I was expecting to receive a gullwing design, but what I received was a straight piece, not curved, and, without a side-by-side comparison, one not discernably different from what I had returned to SuperBrace. I e-mailed SuperBrace and received the following response:

"[W]e sent you the remachined #1128. After much research and rode tests, your remachined brace will not hit the banjo bolt or black box unlike our competitors who merely hacked a "V" in the brace."

I have an ABS as well and I'm begining to become concerned about the safety of this brace in a situation of extreme fork compression. Bounce, even if the front suspension is too soft, shouldn't the brace design have taken this circumstance into account? It's apparent that Uncle Curly has one of the earlier mods, but his brace was supposedly redesigned to avoid the very problem that he had.

I for one plan to check when I get my new fork springs from Klaus on the Group Buy.

I've got the Spieglers at a 45, ABS, an old SuperBrace, and suspension set to stiff. I've given the front end some quick bounces and no hit, but thinking when I have the springs out I'll be able to more easily check full travel and interference.

Ignacio,The new springs that you are getting are way beefier then the stockers.

They're about an inch or so longer and much stiffer.The stock springs are real cheese in comparison.

Ignacio,The new springs that you are getting are way beefier then the stockers.They're about an inch or so longer and much stiffer.The stock springs are real cheese in comparison.
Just installed mine and they are quite a bit stiffer than stock. Very little dive with them and 7.5 Silkolene oil (50/50 5w and 10w!). Factory settings on forks plus superbrace gull wing and Wilbers rear shock makes for a comfortable controlled ride.

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