Sport Bike Question:

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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Middleton, ID.
I not being brought up with sportbikes, (started with dirt bikes then to cruisers), have heard the term "squid" many times on the board. So, dummy me, what does "squid" mean pertaining to sportbikes? Ok, I can take it....PM. <>< :blink:

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From our very own fjrforum encyclopedia:

"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Squid is an irresponsible motorcyclist; it is generally associated with a new or reckless motorcyclist seen riding erratically and/or beyond his or her capabilities, often without appropriate riding gear.

The origin of the word is varyingly attributed as:

A contraction of squirreley and kid or squished and kid, or an acronym for "Stupidly Quick, Underdressed, Ignorant and Dangerous" or "Stupidly Quick, Underdressed and Imminently Dead"

Observing a squid underwater, it seems that the creature is unable to change direction while swimming without first coming to a near complete stop. Once the squid does stop and change directions, it can very quickly accelerate back to its regular swimming speed. Beginning motorcyclists (especially sports bike riders) commonly have trouble turning the motorcycle with any substantial amount of speed (causing them to slow down to unnecessarily slow speed to take a turn), while at the same time have a tendency to ride very fast on the straight sections of the road.

Often young, this motorcyclist is identified by their reckless abandon (speeding, wheelies, stoppies etc.) and by their inappropriate attire (Shorts, backwards ball cap, flip flops, Wife Beater T-shirt, etc). Such a rider eschews all or most of the protective gear worn by many riders (helmet, gloves, leather jacket, riding pants, and boots) and the social and legal norms of riding behaviour, and as such is looked upon with derision by experienced motorcyclists, who also refer to them as "organ donors", "Zip-Splats", "a Stillie", "Skin Crayons", "Sausage Creatures"<1> and "soon-to-be-ex-motorcyclists". "

Being sometimes referred to by the name "Squidward"... Love You Heidi!

Squid was explained to me by an EMT who said... "It's because they go burning off on bikes that are too fast for their tiny little brains. Later, when we scrape them off the pavement, their lack of good sense coupled with no protective riding gear breaks every bone in their body. They flop around like squids!"

When he finished I shuttered and felt all "fishy" inside.

Being sometimes referred to by the name "Squidward"... Love You Heidi!
Squid was explained to me by an EMT who said... "It's because they go burning off on bikes that are too fast for their tiny little brains. Later, when we scrape them off the pavement, their lack of good sense coupled with no protective riding gear breaks every bone in their body. They flop around like squids!"

When he finished I shuttered and felt all "fishy" inside.

Jeff, one look at your avatar says it all! Hahahaha!!! Anyway, I know that you are now TRFKAS (The Rider Formerly Known As Squidward) since talking about acquiring Aerostich or Cycle Port gear. I've got to find something else to tease you about. How about trailering your FJR? Yeah, that's it! I'll tease you about that!

Your friend, Heidi

Per Bounce's slide-show link, Southern California is truly the "land of the squid." Year-round riding, lots of scenic twisties and coast routes, temptation to dress for the ride instead of the crash...

Recent squid encounter: Red-light on Pacific Coast Highway. Hayabusa rider wearing shorts and a fake helmet pulls up next to me. "Hey! Is that the new FJR?"


"F___ing cool!" Light turns green and he accelerates up to 100mph in 5 seconds, just in time to stop at the next red light up ahead. He was so squid that he was practically deep-fried calimari. (Hey, I like to twist the throttle between red lights every now and then, but at least I'm wearing leathers.)

I've always heard it was a contraction of "Squirrley Kid" -- Squid.

from the 1970's:

squid: Inexperienced rider typically in shorts & sandles, no helmet, considered dangerous and/or foolish [From Cycle magazine, early '70s story about "squirrely kids" running their Yamaha RDs all over the canyons in California every Sunday morning. The author shortened Squirrely kids" to "Squids." -- Harold Gantz]

They now have a club you can join -- and below is the new uniform:

