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Not too long ago I was dicking around in the garage and made a rack for the rear of my 2009 CBR600RR that would hold my Dryspec bags. This past weekend I finally had the chance to take a little trip to test out the mount and the bags. Worked great, did about 800 miles over the weekend. There's a little sacrifice for comfort, but once the destination is reached and the bags come off the fun begins. Well worth the sacrifice.....
Went to visit my sister in Vernon, TX., traveling from McKinney, TX., just north of Dallas. Vernon's out west a ways, just south of the Red River, and the entire area up there is going through hard times. Between the sour economy and a major drought, things don't look good. Lots of closed businesses and empty buildings. Made a stop at the church I grew up in. Rock Crossing Baptist Church in the middle of the fabled Waggoner Ranch south of Vernon. This is a real "Cowboy" church, it was cowboy before cowboy was cool. I can remember the ranch cowboys riding up on their horses, taking off their chaps, and coming in for church with fresh cow **** on their boots and jeans.
A little ghost town not too far from Vernon
The little CBR was awesome. I'll be doing a lot more touring on this little beast....
Went to visit my sister in Vernon, TX., traveling from McKinney, TX., just north of Dallas. Vernon's out west a ways, just south of the Red River, and the entire area up there is going through hard times. Between the sour economy and a major drought, things don't look good. Lots of closed businesses and empty buildings. Made a stop at the church I grew up in. Rock Crossing Baptist Church in the middle of the fabled Waggoner Ranch south of Vernon. This is a real "Cowboy" church, it was cowboy before cowboy was cool. I can remember the ranch cowboys riding up on their horses, taking off their chaps, and coming in for church with fresh cow **** on their boots and jeans.
A little ghost town not too far from Vernon
The little CBR was awesome. I'll be doing a lot more touring on this little beast....