Sprained Palm

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Creston, CA
I've somehow really hurt my left hand. :angry:

I'm being serious, I can't make a fist or extend my fingers, and palm feels like a muscle or tendon or something has torn; extremely sore to touch or use and certain motions are enough to drive a man to drinking.

I'm grounded from riding the FJR to work tomorrow - I can't use the clutch, no power to pull the lever back. Ok, I can, but it hurts like hell. Woke up last night at 0300 and the thing is just gawdaweful painful. No better today. Even Vicodin isn't killing the pain.

Any (good) ideas what this might be? It started hurting one morning, and all at once. No real pain in the wrist area, which is common with carpal tunnel. Weird, but painful. Doctor appt tomorrow, driving the 1 ton dually.

TWN, Scab, BustaNut, Odot, be nice, I'm truly not having fun. :angry:

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Ya know this just fukin cries out 'abuse me please' But I'll refrain............ To a point.

Ya do anything out of the ordinary with the left paw?? **** that was a dumb question. Gezz Don I dunno, Grab an ice bag and a bottle of hooch. :huh:

Oh, an buy an AE ASAP



You woke up with it? Swelling (edit: I mean the hand)?

BTW, Why would you list me first? :p

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You woke up with it? Swelling (edit: I mean the hand)?
BTW, Why would you list me first? :p

I can't imagine why he thought of you first Tim :clapping:

Don't worry Don it will be Friday soon enough, in the mean time have you tried Viagra it might take the swelling away :rolleyes:


You woke up with it? Swelling (edit: I mean the hand)?
BTW, Why would you list me first? :p
10945 posts? Guess yer the House doc nutsack. :****:

Whoops!..... hold on, that can't be it, as scabby an the dotster are post seniority members afore me.

Must be the pills.


I had planned to breeze right past this thread, until I saw Don is the author.

Any chance Carpel Tunnel Syndrome? I know Grumpy and some others on here have had that surgery and are familiar with the symptoms.

Did you case a triple?

I'm only experienced with hair growing on the palms.

We need a touch of sanity here. Way back in high school I have seen a couple of the football players bruise and/or sprain their palm, but there was no mistaking how they did it. My uncle is a chiropractor and has told me that pinched nerves in the neck from poor posture can cause numbness and on the rare occasion extreme pain in the hands and wrists.

TWN, Scab, BustaNut, Odot, be nice, I'm truly not having fun. :angry:
Well, never mind then.

Really, though, have you hit something with your hand? You know, like using the palm of your hand for a hammer?


LOL on a serious issue.

No, I didn't spank the Monkey too many times.

No, I didn't hit the hand with a hammer or other big massive device. :rolleyes:

"My uncle is a chiropractor and has told me that pinched nerves in the neck from poor posture can cause numbness and on the rare occasion extreme pain in the hands and wrists."

This may be it - I'm a computer geek by trade... lots of keyboard time, and have felt 'twinges' before, but never a full on "the hand is useless thing."

Thanks or being nice - :rolleyes:

Back to the icebag and the tilten' hilton is ready to rock for the drive to work..

Have you looked for bite marks? (Not from people, but from spidey) Just wonder if you got some venom in you that has a temporary effect.

My vote knowing that your a computer nerd: CTS (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)

BTDT, hurts like hell.


Sorry, might be RA (rheumatoid arthritis).

I've got it and it can come on overnight, in the most improbable spots and massive doses of painkillers don't have any effect.

My only advice is if you think you have a flare up coming on start taking 600 mg of ibuprofen every 8 hours. And I mean if you start to experience any pain anywhere. Starting the IB after it has set in has minimal effects.

See a rheumatoligist, they can do tests to confirm, but IMHO do not take the drugs they prescribe. Look for alternate methods of control (yoga, herbals, etc...) The drugs knock down your immune system, against everything.

PM with any questions.


I had that problem from a bad swing of a hammer. The handle ended up in the center of my palm and it transferred the force to the nerve between the bones that is associated with carpal tunnel. It felt like I had been shot and I couldnt use the hand for more than a week. The doctor said it was just a simple bruise and that no permanent damage was done.

I suspect you managed to put pressure on that nerve one way or another. Go see a doctor and have an X-Ray done to be sure.
