Starting in 2nd Gear (AE Model)

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I've put over 20k on mine and know that, if it is a normal take off with normal speed, it shifts to 2nd at 20mph and 3rd at 30mph, etc., and is butter/silk smooth with no clunks whatsoever. Why would you want to put extra wear on a clutch system trying to pull around 800#s from a dead stand still in 2nd? :blink:
Slow manuvers in 1st are no problem because you can feel the clutch slip on its own until you get to the rpm that it locks totally into 1st. Have to admit, though, that life would be better with that throttle cam I've yet to purchase/install.
This throttle cam? I asked my dealer, as I was told the latter 07 bikes the gear engaged sooner. Mine, being 06, seems to go up as far as 1800-2000 revs before engaging. |this makes me sound rather unproffessional. Can the revs be changed in any way to bite sooner? A normal clutch you are engaging at 800-1000 revs. I must say I have ridden 9+000 miles in 5 months and all but high revs find it a good system.


Yes, it can be adjusted. A dealer service manual probably shows the procedure. Do a search of the forum, somewhere on here the procedure is posted. I have read it but can't seem to locate it. I have a 06 and it engages around 1200.

BE CAREFUL after changing these settings. After riding 9000 miles you are used to how much throttle you grab to smoothly take off. Don't launch unintentionally when it grabs sooner!

Found it!

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Be careful too becuase if yo make it engage too low you will not be able to shift INTO 1st when the choke is on as it must be below that setting before the clutch will let you shift (IE my idle was a tad high and I could not shift to 1st util I lowered it via the little screw thingy on the side)

CW opinion is BS! As far as I'm concerned no one should be offering advise on technic for riding an AE other then AE owners. The AE is unique and takes more time to master then any of these mags are dedicating befor spewing there crap opinions. After 4k miles on my AE all shifts are seamless and silent. If you asked me at 100 miles I would have expressed concern over choosing the AE. By 1000 miles I loved it. Now a t 4k I'm spoiled by it and can give the honest evaluation that the bike is capable of clunkless shifts between any gear. Its all a matter of time and rider skill. I personaly dont like taking off in 2nd gear, it just feels like a little too much clutch slip for my taste. Easing into the throttle from dead stops will eliminate the initial clunk as the bike takes off.

I agree with others like myself who needed a little time to master the upshifts. Once you do, they can be smooth as silk through any gear. I have learned to take motorcycle magazine reviews with a grain of salt. I think they are o.k. for general info, but I have found the most useful info for buying to come from good forums like this one.

Cycle World had a long term wrap-up on the 1300AE model. Despite owner input that found real world riders of the AE to be very happy with the auto clutch, the folks at the magazine preferred the standard clutch. This reminds me of almost every automobile mag where there's heaps of bitchin' & moanin' if the model comes only with an automatic transmission. Conversely, they NEVER moan if it comes only with a manual!However, they did comment that they preferred to nearly always start off in 2nd gear to avoid the "clunk" of going into 2nd. I have noticed that this is the toughest shift to make cleanly also. My question, then, is two fold: 1. Do any of you riders do this? 2. Have you read/heard anything that would urge one not to do this for some reason. Obviously, if top acceleration is desired you would not do this, but I'm talking about everyday riding. Thanks for any input on this question.

By the way I attempted to search on this topic w/o any result. Apologies if it's been previously covered and my searching was imperfect.

Cycle world obviously spent alot of time and money doing research.. More probably than yamaha when they invented 1st gear for the AE.

Sorry Dude. Not your fault. But the entire concept of some dumbass editer allowing that to be printed echos then single digit IQ of the holder of his title...... Pffffffffff Why not third. They need to learn how to ride the damm bike before they spew stupidity

:assassin: :assassin: :assassin:

My AE is not the end all be all but once mastered.............. Smooth like...... well......... a computer controlled clutch in sync with its rider.

I like clutched too!!

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I suppose we'll know if and when someone has to replace a clutch assembly. I can't imagine that would be a good technique for clutch life if one often rides in stop and go traffic. Ad a pillion and the luggage being packed....hmmmmm.

If I owned an AE, I think I'd go with Robin's (Cdogman) assessment.

I've done more than 10,000 2nd gear starts, but not a single one on an FJR and every one performed just as the race gate dropped.


Most race bikes get two or three clutches per season. Any chance CW is selling clutch plates on the side?

