Stelvio Pass on Top Gear

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"takes a second to say goodbye, say goodbye...oh, oh oh...

push the button and pull the plug, say goodbye...oh, oh oh..."


My favorite line....

"It's not like can't just press the reset button if you get it just go through the pearly gates.....on FIRE!"

..or something like that....need the subtitles to get it exactly right. :D


Top Gear is the best show on TV. It's nice to see that they're finally getting Season 10 on BBC America. Americans get the shaft when it comes to Top Gear, and the ones we get even on BBC America are cut down. I'll stick with downloading the British versions pulled straight from BBC UK.

I have all 10 seasons on my media server... even old episodes are AWESOME to watch.

OH! That's all I can say... OH!
would that be a dream ride/drive or what?! If it were a loop it would be heaven!


artistonFJR: You can make a semi loop out of Passo dello Stelvio, or two distinct loops. I am usually approaching Stilfser Joch from the north since I pick my BMW's up from Stefan Knopf at Motorradriesen in Heidelberg

You'll be heading south through Mals, Glorenza and Prato. Once over the difficult eastern Stelvio approach, and just past the summit, head north back into Switzerland towards Santa Maria over the Umbrail Pass. The Umbrail still has ten kilometers of gravel, but it is tightly packed and I've ridden it with RT's, as well as GS's. You can then bag Ofen Pass on your way to Livigno. From Livigno go due east and pick up two more high passes: Passo d'Eira and Passo di Foscagno. You then will be in Bormio for brunch. Then run the "easy" western approach back up to Stelvio for a sausage and a cappuccino!

From the top run downhill on eastern approach and head for Merano to take on Timmels Joch und Grossglockner. Sehr gut!

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Professional drivers my ass.
They couldn't even stay in their own lane :p
There was more than one lane there? :dribble:
There are any number of unbelievable roads there and for the guys riding the Pyranees in a couple of months. There was absolutely more than one lane, it was a typical European backroad in width and people do pass. At speed!

But I would hate like heck to come around one of those corners full-tilt on the Feejer and have an Aston coming the other way fully on my side!

On the Stelvio Pass during our Alpine tour in 2006. I can just be seen several corners ahead trying to keep up with our host, Klaus, of the Hotel Enzian in Landeck. As he was on a KTM 950 Adventure, I didn't stand a chance. Here is a video of the gravel section of the Umbrail Pass, easily done by FJR!

Dear Dave, Thanks for the outstanding video of yours and thanks for the referral to Klaus and the Hotel Enzian. Great work!

I have been aware of that pass for years as they had done it in the Tour of Italy on bicycles and I have wanted to ride my bicycle over it. Now days I think that the FJR would be alot more fun, well at least going up. Coin toss on which one would be more fun coming down on.

Professional drivers my ass.
They couldn't even stay in their own lane :p
I certainly was not impressed by their driving skills.

I'd be more impressed if they had to negotiate a couple of Fiats.

I'm sure other traffic did not appreciate being held back so they could film.

Still, it brought back some good memories for us, once is not enough.
