Still in Lust

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Benevolent Dictator
Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
Tri-Cities, WA
It's been 7 years now since I fell in lust with the FJR1300.

And while a number of folks think I have forsaken my bike and hardly ride it anymore in favor of that lickety-split Hayabusa... they would be wrong.

I ran across four photos I took of my crusty old Deer-Strike bike while I was on a 2000-mile weekend jaunt to see some buddies down in Nevada, and I'd thought I would share.....

Just east of Pyramid Lake:


Off the pavement in central Oregon.....


Somewhere on HWY 447....


Early morning, just north of Fernley, Nevada....


There is not another bike on the planet that can even approach this machine with regard to the performance versus cost. None. We all owe a massive debt of gratitude to the early pioneers who did the write-in campaign to Yamaha to convince them to bring this model to our shores.

After all these years... this bike still rocks!

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Nice pic's WC.

Remindes me of my trip up through Utah, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, California.

Oh, +1 on the lust


Jebus, WC -- with that title, I was afraid you were announcing the imminent arrival of yet more children!

Shoulda known it was about a motorcycle affliction. :lol: :rolleyes:


Wow! what great pictures and nice looking machine. Glad you still like our Ol' Friend who started this whole mess.

I appreciate this thread, Warchild, for a couple of reasons. First of all, the photos are awesome. I have quite a collection of cool FJR photos and I'll definitely be "borrowing" these to add to it. Second, I STILL occasionally catch myself sneaking out to the garage to just stare at and admire the FJR :dribble: And every now and then I wonder if I'm some kind of freak for being every bit as (or more) attracted to the bike today as I was when I first saw a photo several years ago :fool: , or if there are others who have that same long-standing attraction :fans:

So thank you for starting a thread that validates my lust for and obsession with this bike.

Some outstanding photos the WC! Especially the last one. :clapping:

The FJR just looks great for a tourer...has plenty of grunt...and handles far better than the grunt tourers of yesteryear.

I would have put over 100k on my 04 if I hadn't bashed it a month ago...she stopped with only 51k on it (those stupid ins guys thought that was alot :blink: )

Anyways, I have a replacement '04 in the garage now and plan on seeing many new places that I have never been on it...while cruising in luxury, speed and grace.

I've said it before and I'll say it again....There's NOTHING out there that I'd trade my FJR for! There are faster, but none prettier. It's just that this bike FITS. I had to wait 5 years to get my '06 and I'm not sorry one bit. :D

Nice post, Warchild. I agree 100%.

I bought my Feej in August, '07. It has 14,000 miles on it now, but I still go out just to admire it quite often. I came from cruisers and just can't imagine ever wanting to go back.

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Plus, to infinity. Before I bought my '06 FJR, I owned a 2002 BMW K1200RS. At the time I thought it was the finest sport-tourer in the world. I paid $18,000 plus tax for the BMW, and put over 25,000 miles on it. I got lots of looks and it was very smooth and relatively fast. 130 horsepower in-line four with good low-end punch. Then the FJR came along and I became intriged. When I saw the new '06 and read about the many improvements, I was sold. I put my name on the waiting list and she arrived in April of the next year. Now, I am not knocking BMW motorcycles, but I can say without hesitation, that the FJR is a better sport-tourer, PERIOD. It's faster, it handles better, it looks better and it's even more comfortable. Plus, we won't even mention the price/value comparison. Indeed, we must be geniuses for riding FJR's! This forum is a celebration of the FJR, and I for one, am proud to be a part of the FJR nation. Enjoy the ride, and be safe out there.

Gary Green (winewhisperer)

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I STILL occasionally catch myself sneaking out to the garage to just stare at and admire the FJR :dribble:
Yep. me too....and I still grin!

On top of that, I noticed today that other motorcycle enthusiasts stop to talk with me when I'm uncovering mine to suit up and ride home from work. Funny...they don't stop and look at other guy's bikes!

You're right, Dale! Yamaha has provided us with quite a machine......

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Don't know how much my opinion counts, but here it is. I bought my 07 a year ago. Fell in love with the black cherry and so has everyone who looks at it. Everytime I stop by a Yammie shop for whatever it never fails either a sales or service person tells me what an awesome bike I have.

Several times here in Denver I've had someone roll down their window and speak of adoration towards my baby.... this has happenned even while I'm moving! When I trailered it from Denver to Memphis in August and stopped for gas or rest I had someone telling what a beautiful bike I had. It really gets me when the guys that come up to ask me about my bike tell me they ride and he/she didn't have a clue what kind of bike it is.

Though I only put 10k miles on it from Apr to Sep this year those 10k miles seemed only like 100. Yeah, the stock seat sucks and my legs didn't have relief tll I installed highway pegs, but, everything this bike performs much better than it looks. Whether it's carving the local canyon roads, letting her loose on the front range, or simply commuting to work this bike always puts a smile on my face.

I have only owned my 08 for a little over 3 months but I am still very much ‘aroused’ by it's good looks, power and smoooothness……….. ;) After trying BMW's & Honda's I knew instantly the FJR was the bike of my dreams.

By the way nice pictures WC.........

While it has only been a little over 4 years for me since I began the search for a new bike and read all the post about the bike by the early pioneers there has never been a day that I am not happy that I bought the bike, tick and all.

My wife does not understand the desire to go out and ride 1000's of miles at a time. May be some day she will, I got her on a dirt bike this fall and now she wants to ride. May be next summer I can get her out riding on the steet. I have already told her that I want look at the 2010 FJR if there are good improvements and she can have my current FJR. I think she would love to drive it more than being on the back.

Great pictures Dale. They make me proud to know I have 'one of those' too:

The versatility is so remarkable. We so often hear of the stories of all the hypermileing that the FJR can do and all the glorious trip reports, but my main use is commuting and shorter outing; it just does so much so effortlessly (and looks great doing it).

Well said Dale!

This is the first bike that I've owned that I haven't thought of getting rid of after a year or two. When that day comes, It'll just be a newer model.

Nice shots man. I think I just might ba able to do supmin wit em ;)

