stock luggage rack - now I know it's plastic

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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2007
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without mounting a topbox or other luggage rack such as Garauld rack?

If not, doesn't it make you wonder what the hell Yamaha was thinking?

without mounting a topbox or other luggage rack such as Garauld rack?
If not, doesn't it make you wonder what the hell Yamaha was thinking?
Haven't had a problem with mine. Top box has been mounted for 6,000 miles.


It's plastic, but it's tough. I used mine regularly before I killed the bike. I have tied a heap of shit to that thing.

I crashed and mine slammed into the concrete. It bent to the whole rear subframe. So, if the subframe bent before the plastic rack broke, I'm betting it is pretty strong.


It's plastic, but it is very strong. Unfortunately, because of its shape, it is almost useless. Bungee hooks don't seem to fit around it, it isn[t flat, and it is too small. I think it is just for looks.

I welded up a custom rack that is wide, flat, and easy to hook things onto. I only put it on when I am going on a long trip; it is quite ugly, but works well.

I have seen offers for custom racks that actually look good, but they are in the $150 range. I spent about $5 on steel.

I've bungied stuff (tires, North Face pack) to it. Others use more civilized methods for sure...

It also is a primo holder for Garauld's removeable backrest when that is needed.

Have bungie...will travel. Don't leave home without 'em. ;)

So now you know it is plastic, you posted a new thread?

My understanding is that the bike does not come with a "luggage rack" but a "rack area"..thus meaning a place to put one.

Why would you want to tie crap to a painted surface on your bike anyway? It is not a "rack" ..those you have to buy...........


without mounting a topbox or other luggage rack such as Garauld rack?
If not, doesn't it make you wonder what the hell Yamaha was thinking?
It's not actually even called a rack in the parts manual, but is listed as "Handle, Seat". I think the main intent was to provide passenger grab handles and the little rack looking area behind was more of an afterthought. But it works ok for lashing soft and/or light items to.

Mine is sitting on a shelf having been replaced with a GIVI tubular steel rack that accepts a trunk. Far more useful than any rack IMO

It's not the greatest rack in the world, but at least its standard, reasonably rugged, and has secure mounting points. When I'm doing a camping tour, my tent, sleeping bag, pad, and kermit chair live happily on the rack for a couple weeks at a time and I've never had the slightest problem with stability or load-carrying capability. Rok-Straps are the key to getting a good secure load, not a huge rack.

- Mark
