Redfish Hunter
Gone Fishing
My thoughts are they are broken.
Yep, broken. Just scroll down for the rest of the pics and text, they tell you they're broke.
My thoughts are they are broken.
Someone with a metric tap and die set could drill and thread a hole where the stud is broken off and red loctite a new stud into place (assuming there's enough material there to support this operation). But I don't know that I'd buy those scratched up mirrors and attempt it even though I have the tools and know-how.
In this picture (click on it for larger view):I'm replacing the stock mirrors on my FJR with FZ1 mirrors. The right one went on easy but I cant get the dash off the left side to get to the bolts. HELP!!
Correct. I always remove it then kick myself for doing so. Edited my post above.^^ Pretty much it.... and I don't remove the other x-head/phillips at the inside, (the edge-on one), because it just holds the grip warmer unit onto the panel...
I put a piece of old towelling or similar over the plastic to protect it....I unplug the grip heater control unit, because the dangling part has metal bits which can scratch the finish on the fairing around the glove box.