Stock Windshield Is Crap In Bad Weather

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Jul 1, 2005
Reaction score
Roanoke, VA 24015
Saturday I was on my way south on the BRP,, and was forced off due to lightning and rain ,, at Station NC,, I do not mind getting wet,, wearing Joe Rocket Phoenix mesh jacket with the rain liner and Balistic pants did there job very well,,

I just could not see,, the windshield threw rain into my face,, my face shield was getting fogged up due to the heat and rain ,, I was in the storm that moved through Boone NC,, 3 1/2 inches in a very short time ,, much to my shagrin I was in it,,, and out of it ,,and back in it,, from 8pm till 10:30pm ,, averaging about 25>30 mph

I will post on the rides portion for full details,,

the main thing is that the windshield is crap,,

and I need some advice about adding a wing,, a flip,, taller ,, wider,, or what ever will help keep me safe,,

out of the 5 most stressfull times I have been riding, over 35 years ,, this is #1,,

some help please!!!!!!!

I agree, I had a similar situation with my stock shield, it's carp in the rain.

I have to tell you though, I was in the rain with my Concave screen the other day, it was raining cats and dogs, I could see better and had less problems with my short screen then my taller screen. Now I'm sure if you have a Barn door on you would be better off, but I was surprised on how much better I could see in the rain with my mini shield on. I think the stock shield just throws it right in your face, where with No shield you have better air flow and it blows the rain off your face-shield and you don't fog up.

Thats my 2 cents anyway :D


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FWIW Last week chooser and I got caught in 8 hours of rain across MN, ranging from drizzle to heavy downpours before we called it a night. :ph34r: The trucks were out too, with wheel spray a plenty.....

I have a CB +4 +2 w/ flip and was very pleased with the protection it offered. Through the rain, I had it about 2/3 of the way up, still being able to look over the flip. Face shield stayed relatively clean, with minimal fogging. I did keep the shield slightly open for ventilation. (Shoei helmet with the vent lever) Upper body with arms being the exception, was fairly dry. Only negative noted, once helmet shield built up water drops, only way to clear it was to peek out from behind the windshield and blow it off...

Hope this helps.


BTW on I90 east, was passed by a 05 FJR really getting it in the rain. Only problem was the FJR was in the back of a white Tundra pickup. Pickup turned north on I35 toward the twin cities. Anybody want to fess up to the trailer (truck) queen ?

UnCaged, really must have been heavy rain if it was raining cats, dogs and carp! :)

I don't know if you've tried it, but I always run with the shield (stock) down when it's raining. I use a full-face helmet and generally either have the rain gear or am already wet. Either way, the shield does nothing for me in the rain. With it down, the wind on the helmet keeps blowing the rain off my face shield. With the shield up, the drops just sit on the shield until there's enough that I can't see around.

Not the best solution, I'm sure. But, if you gotta go somewhere and you're already wet (or are wearing enough decent gear that it doesn't matter), jack that puppy all the way down and cruise on!

I have the +2/+2 ahamaY shield on mine. What I found, as long as I'm going over 45, I'm fine. The shield does a good job of keeping the rain away from my face. BUT, anything less than that and it seems to cause some wierd effect where it blows all of the rain from the top and sides of the screen right into my face. So, if I can't sustain 45+ mph, I gotta pull over. As long as I'm over 45, I have yet to find a rainstorm that has made me pull off the side of the road (even though cars and trucks thought it was a good idea). Plus, as long as I'm moving, I can pretty much lift my faceshield most of the way up and look right over the top edge of the screen for a clear line of sight.

For the fogging, I always keep a small container of anti-fog stuff in my tank bag. Small container and doesn't take much space. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

And another thing, amber colored face shields work great in the rain to improve visibility.

Different riders, different experiences. The stock shield has worked great for me in the rain. I ride with it up.

- Mark

yes ,,

it was raining fish n frogs,,

I do use fog spray on my face shield,, as well as rain x on the outside,, it was 75 degrees and raining so friggin hard at times I could not see 25 feet ,,, and when I got to Boone the motel had given my room away,, ##@!#$%^&^%$***&^**%$#@#@@@@!! what ass wipes,, will never use Best Western ever again!!!!! soo,, I headed out to Banner Elk and got a room there

one ass in a box was running up on my tail and staying about 15 ft off me ,, I would slow down and motion for him to go around and he would not pass,, I guess he thought he was helping me see or something,, I finaly pulled over into the parking lot of a closed garage so the asswipe would go by,, when I did I ran through a mud puddle that was about 4 or 5 inches deep,, I guess it is a good thing I did not have my Tracker ACP.45 with me or I would have shot the dumb f**ker!!

I am glad I have not installed the new lower fairing,chin spoiler and front fender I bought after the hit n run incident,, took a good 1/2 hr at the carwash the next morning to get the mud n sand off ,,

tonite I will beging taking the faring off to begin the cleaning and detailing


the next day I rode over to 421 by way of Mountian City where I met a local guy named Gary and his wife on an '05, told them about EOM and they seemed like they might come,,

the ride over 421 was great,, then up 133 to 58 to 221 home to Roanoke,, it was sunny and a hell of a lot of fun,,

the Agony and the Xtacy

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Sunday was way foggy here in Mayberry. With the shield all the way down, my visor collected all the foggy mist, fogged itself and wouldn't clear. I started to raise the screen when I hit upon an screen angle that directed the wind stream right on my visor. Cleared it right up of exterior and interior moisture - kinda like I had Rain-X on the shield...

Take the shield completely off and ride through the next rain storm. Then put it back on and you will appreciate it. :dribble:

Take the shield completely off and ride through the next rain storm. Then put it back on and you will appreciate it. :dribble:
Is that like "Beat on your thumb with a hammer, it feels so good to stop!"? :p

Take the shield completely off and ride through the next rain storm. Then put it back on and you will appreciate it.    :dribble:
Is that like "Beat on your thumb with a hammer, it feels so good to stop!"? :p
Exactly. I will never achieve Radman's greatness but one must try. :)

Well I must be a different shape to all you cos when I ride with the stock sheild in the rain if I raise it all the rain is blown down my helmet which looks really weird and if I open the sheild Just a Tad (shoei) it all blows down inside the visor so when the rain stops I have all these splashes inside the visor. Drove me mad first time trying to wipe the rain off me visor as I went along and I couldnt understand why it didnt go ,until I stopped and realised it was inside

Well I must be a different shape to all you cos when I ride with the stock sheild in the rain if I raise it all the rain is blown down my helmet which looks really weird and if I open the sheild Just a Tad (shoei) it all blows down inside the visor so when the rain stops I have all these splashes inside the visor. Drove me mad first time trying to wipe the rain off me visor as I went along and I couldnt understand why it didnt go ,until I stopped and realised it was inside
When I had the stock shield on, I had the same problem unless I went into a tuck position to get behind the shield.

UnCaged, really must have been heavy rain if it was raining cats, dogs and carp! :)
Sounds like a waterspout because of carp content.... :D

I raise mine about 2/3 way up and the rain is blown down my shield like at the carwash. I think it depends on your size, how you sit, and probably the type of helmet you wear as well. I got caught in a similar storm going up onto the BRP from asheville a few years ago and it rained 4 inches in one hour. I needed an aqualung or a minisub. Those storms do move in quick up there.

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