Storms gone bad again

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I spoke with the Avon rep today and was told that Avon does not recommend this tire for the FJR, due to weight and power. He said at this time Avon does not make a tire for the FJR, :blink: but one may be in the works. He feels that there is probably a broken strand in my tire and it should be replaced immediately. He suggested trying Michelin or Metzler.
Must be reverse psychology or something like that?


Five minutes of research is an amazing thing. Go to Avons web-site................... their web-site shows the Storm as a recommended tire for the FJR.
Not too surprising, especailly in the case of Storms, which are sold as sport touring tires. The top sport touring bikes aren't that different from each other in power and weight. Personally, I would now consider that to be very bad or out-of-date advise. I don't want another road trip spoiled by faulty tires.

Leave them all for me ;-) I love 'em.
Yep, concur, I have three sets of Storms in the garage... a set for the XX, and 2 sets for the Hayabusa.

Incidently.... todays was the first time I have had the new Dunlop RoadSmarts out in the rain. Surprise: the Avon Storms are better in the wet than the RoadSmarts.

Okay, it's not a *whole* lot better, but the Storms do seem to be more sure-footed in wet corners compared to the RoadSmarts. I would call them about equal in the dry, perhaps the edge to the Storms there, too.

The RoadSmarts are going to need a good amount better treadlife than the Storms to even come up even between them.... we'll see.

Pick your favorite tire, and do a google search. I'm willing on betting dinner that you can find a story or thread somewhere of someone having a problem with every tire made. If we went by one persons exprience on a forum, we would not own a motorcycle at all, or a car, or anything else. There are numerous posts here of people who have had zero problems with them. A friend of mine has run two sets with no problems. Until I see more of a trend, I'm happy to have just put them on my bike and have no fear of something happening with them any more than any other tire.

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The conversation with the rep was friendly and businesslike. He simply stated that the tires are not recommended for the FJR or Honda ST1300. He indicated that he hopes I will return to Avon when they make a tire for our bikes.
This can only mean one thing: Microsoft are now selling motorcycle tires and you were actually talking to Steve "FUD" Ballmer posing as an Avon rep.
