Story that should be told

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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2008
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Fayetteville, AR
A member says I should share this story so here goes.

My wife and I both ride. We usually ride with a small group of folks on Sundays. There are other riders who join us infrequently. So this Sunday around noon about eight of us head out from Fayetteville, AR headed for a casino in OK. We are to meet with four riders that one of the other group met that week and two regulars that were working that morning.

As near the casino we have to pull off a side road and turn left onto a main highway. As we sit at the light waiting to make our left turn some of the cruiser folks get frisky and start making noise with their loud pipes. Light changes and they roar out on the highway. Some swing a bit wide on the shoulder and the leads set a strong pace. We go a short distance and we hear sirens... damn! I know the lead doesn't have a plate on her bike something to do with her only having got a bill state and no title for her bike (BTW she has been riding like this for three years!). So the pack slows down and LEO flys buy us, pulls over in front of the lead bike... and turns right for parts unknown! Whew... As we approach the tuen into the casino there are cones in the road blocking the right hand lane for widing construction. One of the lead bikes starts weaving in and out of the cones and then turns in. We all pull around behind the casino and dismount. Then I look up and there is an LEO patrol car next to us. He scolds the guy that was weaving in and out of the cones and drives off. Whew again.

We meet up with the four other riders and go in the casino to wait for the last two. The two call me and one, Heather, has run out of gas and they want me to bring her some gas. They are on 412 at the bridge that crosses the IL River. I get a loaner can from a gas station, get gas and head out. I come to a bridge that crosses the IL River but no bikes. I keep riding figuring that the IL River must cross 412 multiple times, quite common rivers in the area to do that. I ride and ride. I stop to check my cell to see if they called me and they had not. I keep riding and finally find them. We gas her bike up and off we go. Heather makes no mention of paying for the gas, not a big deal but remember this later on. We return the gas can, she gets fully gassed up but I notice that the other rider, Dody a good friend of mine, pays for her gas.

We meet up with the others at the Casino, tell the running out of gas story and we all hit the road. Some of our regulars are leading the pack and I am the last bike as usual (I can play catch up the fastest :) ) Our rides are charted to go from one drinking place to another, remember it is not the destination but the journey that counts.

We go a whole four miles to some back country bar in OK. So 14 bikers, some with 2 up, dismount, those that have helmets take them off, we head into the bar and discover it is closed. We turn back to our bikes but Dody knocks on the door. A lady opens it, sees this large group of patrons and says "I'll open up for you all". So we go in. The ladies chat it up with the owner and discover she headed to our next stop to meet up with her friends. The ladies invited her ride with one of them; she says sure, calls her friends and discovers one of them is headed to pick her up. She is important later in the story.

So we mount up and head to the next stop back in AR. we stop in this small town in OK to gas up just before we reenter AR. As the last bikes are fueling up Dody starts showing off by doing burn-outs on his '08 HD Crossbones. We start to leave, I had traffic blocked so group could pull out together, Dody came down the grade out of the gas station and then sat there, his bike would move when he engaged the clutch, all other bikes take off, we pulled over to shoulder to try and figure out what was wrong, and my friend and I could not get the clutch to work,. Dody calls the HOG towing service and after waiting on hold for 30 minutes finally talks to someone gets the time and expense info from them. We decide that I'd go get my trailer to bring his bike back home (we were about 50 miles from Fayetteville). The rest of the group went on to next stop not realizing we were not with them (new group members between us and our regular riders). We talk on cell phones on what was happening and what our plan was. After I take off, Heather (who was sweet on my friend) decides to ride back and keep him company while he waits for me to come back and she calls Dody to tell him so. I see her on the way to get my trailer.

She misses a turn only a half mile from Dody and quickly realizes it. She turns around and as she gets back on the road, she passes a local LEO going the other directions. She is behaving herself and doesn't notice that he turns around and follows her. She gets on the right road and is a half a mile from Dody when the LEO pulls her over. She has expired AR tags in OK and it turns out she never took the time and effort to get a motorcycle endorsement on her AR drivers license. Even after taking MSF course (in AR if you take the course all you need to do is go in take a 10 question test (that is impossible to fail) and pay $10. Soooo the LEO impounds her bike as SOP when unlicensed driver involved since she might ride off on it. He won't give her a ride to Dody. Meanwhile Dody is at the gas station sitting by his bike waiting for Heather to show up. Some guy pulls in the station and sees Dody sitting there, asks him if he might be waiting for a girl rider, Dody says yeah, guy describes the scene down the road, guy says he knows the LEO and offers to drive him back to scene and off they go. They get there just as Heather is getting out of the patrol car. The guy talks to the LEO and then tries to talk him out of impounding the bike, too late the LEO explains as the tow truck is on the way. So the guy takes my two friends back to the gas station and waits with them to go the impound and get her bike out of jail. They see the tow truck go by, Heather stays with Dody's bike and Dody goes to get her bike with the guy. Turns out they won't release the bike to Dody since it is not his. So back to get Heather, they charge her $195 (which Dody pays) for the 1 mile round trip to get her bike. BTW the officer does ticket her for expired tags but does for no motorcycle license, a $575 fine. She whines about her situation all the way home... duh Heather you did it to yourself!

I ride FJR speeds home. . When I get home I call Dody to tell him I am here and am getting trailer ready to go. He informs me of the above and that I will be bringing home two bikes. Back to the garage for the other Wheel Dock! I try to call my wife and others at the bar but no one answers.

I drive back to get Dody and see all kinds of LEOs. I am glad there were not there on my way through the first time! I stop at the bar to bring my wife up to date. There is a party going on. The owner of that bar earlier has connected the group with even more bikers and some non bikers. They are having a grand time. I tell them what has happened to Heather because they hadn't gotten any calls due to the loud music playing. I continue on to get the two bikes.

We load the bikes into the trailer. Dody decides to just have me take his bike to Heather's. He'll let the HD dealer come get it from there. We head back the same route I have been on before. When we get to the bar we find that everyone has left! Cell phones are checked no messages. Continue on. LOEs are still out in force. We get to Fayetteville and I drop them and their bikes off at Heathers. I am able to reach my wife and there are at a local hang out. I head there and the other two come in Heather's car.

When we get to the bar, the place is PARTY central. They have connected with a few more bikers and two women from the last place. Well one of the two women is pretty well lit and can barely stand up. Her sister is not far behind but is functioning. The female bar tender that just got off duty is buying rounds of Tequila for the ladies. Several of the ladies are faking doing shots and passing the drinks on to others. The lit sister finally goes down for the count. One of the bikers from the last place offers to go home and get his truck to transport these two women home and leaves. The sisters go out to the edge of the back parking lot so the sick one can fertilize the grass. The guy comes back in about 30 minutes. The three of us load the sick one into the back of the crew cab. Since I don't know these women at all I am not willing to grab the woman in a manner necessary to get her all the way in the truck. She is in enough so only her legs from knee down are outside the cab. Her sister tells me that is good enough for now and I back away. She then tells her almost awake sister that she is not ready to leave yet and to stay put! She then goes back in and parties some more. Sisterly love, it was a very tender moment.

Meanwhile my wife informs me she did shots and shouldn't be driving. So since I have trailer we can load her bike in the trailer. Then the lady with no plates asks us to follow her home since she is on the edge of having too much to drink and drive. We say sure. So while I am loading my wife's bike into the trailer the two of them decide that I can load both bikes in the trailer and they can keep drinking. So I load another bike into the trailer. We stay a little longer and I take everyone home. Unload her bike on her side street and start to leave. She stops me because I left her bike in a No Parking Zone and would I help her move it, figures doesn't it! We get home around 10:30 PM.

Now the last part of the story. Dody has HD come get his bike and the Service Manager tells Dody another Crossbone owner had the same problem that weekend. They look at the bike then tell him the clutch is out of adjustment and is not covered under his warranty. Dody doesn't believe it but isn't in a position to prove them wrong. He goes picks up his bike and heads home. He gets about two blocks and the clutch starts slipping badly. He turns around and goes back to HD. They don't believe him and a mechanic takes it for a ride. Dody said he didn't get out of the parking lot before he turns back. Turns out the clutch had failed and that was covered under warranty and they gave him money back.


Brother, you need to be more particular about who you ride with as any of you could have become a victim of stupidity due to too much booze while riding. Your experience is one of the reason I do not ride with large groups as a general rule. When you get a bunch of riders on bikes, some of whom you do not know bad things can happen. In your case, it was only a lot of inconvenience and no one got hurt.

I do not believe in bar hopping on a bike. Riding requires your full attention and even just a couple of drinks slows down your reactions. At least you and your wife demonstrated some good sense. Sorry if I sound like I am preaching but it is not worth ones life to take the risk. JMO

whoa way too much drama for me. I ride to get away from all that crazy shit.

sooner or later shits gonna go bad for someone. don't let it be you.

I think I hurt my brain reading that. It's good to hear that you got home safely and that you exercised good judgement with the designated driver stuff. You also reminded me that my tabs are due to be renewed very soon...

I rode with a group like that once - the key word being "once!"

Sorry if I'm stepping on your toes, but, from the sounds of things, you were lucky you got home with your bikes and yourselves in one piece, and only spent most of your day waiting for or rescuing various members of the group from their own bad decisions.

I know people like them. (But I don't ride with them.) They flaunt their loud pipes, no/expired plates, illegal helmets/handlebars, riding stunts, etc, and then bitch about getting "picked on" when they get stopped and cited repeatedly.

Frankly, I've run out of patience for that type of "biker." Not only can they ruin your whole day if you're too close to them when their stupidity becomes terminal, their childish behavior on their lucky days is responsible for a continual eroding of ALL riders' rights.

To sum it up, not only would I not ride with them, I'd do my best to keep several miles between them and me. I enjoy riding by myself, and I enjoy riding in a group - I just pick the group that I ride with. There is a bunch of us who have a lot of fun as a group, and Tyler, I'll ride with you and your friends anytime.

What a soap opera,,,, :dribble:

One of many reasons I prefer riding ALONE....

I Don't drink and ride ,, I don't ride in herds ,,, I don't ride with dumbasses

Riding and bar hopping ,, no gas ,, no tags ,,, no licenses ,,, no brains,,,

I would have left that group at FJR Speed plus at the first stop.... <_<

What a "Train Wreck of a Day" that was. Not my cup of tea. I certainly don't wish it, but rather fear that group will encounter disaster at some point. And of course it won't be their fault.

I have NO clue as to the moral of that story, or even how the various characters interlace...gave me a migraine reading it! LOL

I believe in the KISS principal (Keep It Simple Stupid) that group horror story was WAY too complicated for my mush brain to comprehend. Good luck in the future rides!
