Streetmasters Ride

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Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA area
Rogdeb(s) and I rode down to Lancaster for the Streetmaster's workshop on June 10th. We left Elk Grove and rode down Hwy 99 to Hwy 4 East, then below Lake Tulloch to 108 East to Sonora. The same route I took last weekend for the Ebbetts ride, so no duplicate pictures. While passing through Sonora we stopped at Skyway's house and saw him and TurboDave as they were preparing to head to the Cal-24. Stupidly, I left the camera in the tankbag. Doh!

We rode up Hwy 108 over Sonora Pass, so I snapped a couple pictures of Roger and Debbie on Hwy 108.



We turned South on Hwy 395 and stopped in Lee Vining for gas and food at the "Whoa Nellie Deli" on Hwy 120.


After the Streetmasters Workshop we weren't sure which way to head home. TurboDave suggested a nice "backroad" way from Hwy 158. Saturday night, in The Pub at the Essex House Hotel, Walt Fulton and Nancy Foote suggested the same roads....,guess which route we took toward home? From Hwy 395, we took Hwy 158 West toward Bakersfield but turned North to Caliente and took the 30 mile (?) loop on Caliente Creek Rd. to Bodfish.

This road meanders along the creek and it is "open range". Of course, my camera malfunctioned and I didn't check it as I was riding along, so you don't get to see the cows and goats, etc.



From Bodfish we headed North toward Lake Isabella. We ran through a "cloud" of butterflies for 1 or 2 miles (the pictures don't show the little buggers!), climbed a bit and then "popped out" of the forest to see thisview of Lake Isabella:


We headed around the West shore of Lake Isabella on Hwy 155:


At Wofford Heights Hwy 155 turns West toward Delano. It climbs away from the lake and becomes a bit "technical. I got to watch Rogdeb applying his newly learned skill-set. Yo, the dude is smooooooth through the corners! Now, if he'd just get the "turn your head and look through the corner thing" working consistently....


Nice "wide entry/late apex" Roger, and just look at that "nose" pointed at the corner exit, Streetmasters would be proud of your new technique!


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We stopped to stretch at a vista point. Notice the looooong straights on this road. These pictures are a fair representation of what this road is like for 50 (?) miles:



This road would be fun to ride East for lunch at the lake and then back West. If I lived in the area, this would be one of my "therapy" roads. Thanks, TurboDave, Walt and Nancy, you were right! :clapping: :yahoo:

The last 5-6 miles leading into Delano is flat and straight (And, today, HOT!).













Of course, after spending 80+ miles in the twisties, we had no time to swing through Yosemite. Dang, drat, heck and pshaw....we'll have to schedule another weekend trip! :)

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Nice pictures do you manage to take them @ speed?....or are you carrying a pillion?....

No pillion. Actually, we pose the picture and then I snap it while using the zoom to make it appear as if the scenery is moving. :rolleyes:















Or maybe I keep the camera in the tankbag and pull it out and take the pictures with my left hand (a technique used by others). I must be very lucky because I just point-and-shoot (obviously I'm not using the viewfinder)and these are the pictures I get. :lol:

The picture of the Rogdebs making the left turn I held the camera out to the left, as far as I could, and pushed the button. I was pleased with that result. ;)

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You viewfinder? gotta be good.... :clapping: ....not this guy....the SO would try & crown me.....better yet....get her to shoot ....if they suck, the old ah honey its ok.....

Nice pics of your ride . It give me just another excuse to take a day off of work to go explore that good ridding area .

Now you can put on a ride clinic before the next ride :lol:

OK -- now for my few pics, I hope :D

I fully agree with Mike about the roads we took back. Caliente Creek Road (looping back east, north then west) was a great tryout for the skill sets we had been taught at the school. I learned a lot -- twas money WELL spent.


These are just a few cause Mike has posted all that was really relevant to the ride there & back. Just trying NOT to duplicate.

The dog ate most of Mike's M&M's, then proceeded to lick the dead bugs from my front spoiler and forks.


And some more views from the overlook.




That's it folks. more later of the school I hope!

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Nice pics of your ride . It give me just another excuse to take a day off of work to go explore that good ridding area .
Now you can put on a ride clinic before the next ride :lol:
Bob, I have a solution! Sign up for the September clinic and I'll give you directions for the roads we took back to Hwy 99. Lookee there, a win-win answer and an experience you wouldn't regret. :yahoo:

Hmmmmm, SEP might be a bit difficult for you since the kids go back to school about that time. :dribble: There's always OCT.... ;)

Riding clinics are for the pros to give. I'm just trying to be prepared in advance to do all I can to recognize, avoid and survive.

Hey, look at me getting to stand close to the lovely Mrs. Rogdeb!

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Sounds like the class was well worth it. If I had no had other prior plans, I would have been there. I look forward to getting the low down on what you learned from it.

I still can't figure out why you guys don't like my driveway? Damn flatlanders :p

I still can't figure out why you guys don't like my driveway? Damn flatlanders :p
I didn't say a word about the torture ramp you call a driveway. I don't know what I'd call a 50yd. long 10% grade with the only flat spot a double wide garage at 90 degrees already full of bikes. And this comment from an FJR owner that keeps an extra set of panniers already repaired and painted Cerulean Silver? :confusedsmiley:

Congrats on finishing the CAL-24. It sounds like you guys had fun.

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I still can't figure out why you guys don't like my driveway? Damn flatlanders :p
I didn't say a word about the torture ramp you call a driveway. I don't know what I'd call a 50yd. long 10% grade with the only flat spot a double wide garage at 90 degrees already full of bikes. And this comment from an FJR owner that keeps an extra set of panniers already repaired and painted Cerulean Silver? :confusedsmiley:

Congrats on finishing the CAL-24. It sounds like you guys had fun.

Does sound like much of a driveway to me.... Damn flatlanders! :D

Sounds like money well spent, Rog, did ya do it two up ? or was it a solo lesson ?NEVER MIND>> I just read the other thread!

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It was solo Dave -- NEVER MIND >> I just read that you read the other thread :)

They are looking into a 2-up school as there have been requests for one.

And Skyway, How come I didn't know until Friday where you came from?

Deb noticed the dragons on your cases. We could have talked more -- then got to Lancaster even later :(

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I still can't figure out why you guys don't like my driveway? Damn flatlanders :p
I didn't say a word about the torture ramp you call a driveway. I don't know what I'd call a 50yd. long 10% grade with the only flat spot a double wide garage at 90 degrees already full of bikes. And this comment from an FJR owner that keeps an extra set of panniers already repaired and painted Cerulean Silver? :confusedsmiley:

Congrats on finishing the CAL-24. It sounds like you guys had fun.

We don need no steenkin streetmasters class, the technique is all learned from negotiating my driveway. :D

Mike! Pictures! Woohoo...ur gettin fancy and shit. Thanks for sharing!

I still wondering what his avatar is going to be?

And Skyway, How come I didn't know until Friday where you came from?Deb noticed the dragons on your cases. We could have talked more -- then got to Lancaster even later :(
Anytime you want to head my way, I'll whip you guys up a mean full english. :dribble:
