Studded Knobbies for the FJR?

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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Idaho
Since buying the bike February 28, days to even try to break it in have been pretty limited. Here's the lovely view out of my garage this morning. "Yeah" for spring in Idaho.


Here's the drive into my office...


Hmm. Haven't had that problem around here. We had a little rain over the last coupla weeks.

I'd suggest moving south.

I feel your pain spud. Although the snow is finally gone in the GTA :yahoo:

Don't let those "Southern" boys get to you, they will never appreciate the joys of 4 seasons. :rolleyes:

what is that weird white stuff? Someone knock over a democrat Senator's limo or something?

Only time we see that much white stuff on the ground is either after a big police raid or fire suppressant powder.

I feel your pain spud. Although the snow is finally gone in the GTA :yahoo:
Don't let those "Southern" boys get to you, they will never appreciate the joys of 4 seasons. :rolleyes:
Hey, we get 4 seasons - cold, nice, f***in hot, and oh my f***in' f***in' f*** it's hot.

Right now it's 63 and sunny. :biggrinsmiley:

*sigh* they just don't do comedy series like that anymore, do they?

You got that right.. I almost passed my dinner through my nose when he said that.

A few others:

Looking at thimble - "Turkish Nipple Armour"

Asked why he's always holding the flashlight - "I dunno, it's just.. ... satisfying!"

Of course, then the focus groups got at it and sucked after the 2nd season. Kinda like the John Larocquette show. First two seasons it was hilarious and, had a bigger message.. after that..crapola.

I have no clue what you old pharts are talking about? Is it kinda like records or something? Just askin'...

I have no clue what you old pharts are talking about? Is it kinda like records or something? Just askin'...

Third Rock From the Sun

Edit: whoa.. wait a second, I'm pretty sure your older than I am.. ya.. you... ya... COOT!

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Getting back to snow, we got a little of that in Syracuse, NY. No kidding. When my Pop was a motorcycle cop back in the 40's and 50's, all they did in the winter was hook a sidecar onto the Harley, and if it was bad enough, a tire chain on the back. Rode year round. So there ya go. No prob.

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Don't worry 'bout ol' Carver Bungie.. The old fart forgets why he's picking his nose :unsure:

Too many rocks to the head on the motocross track.


Ahhhh, SOCAL. Love it, won't leave it. With all the faults of this state right there is one thing is doesn't have. Well it does but you can choose to drive to it. I choose to sit in shorts and t shirts and admire it.

You can always ship it out here. More than sure we could pass around between us and rack up some miles for ya.

Hey, it's :asshat: time for me! I shall compare the first post, from the beginning of the day, to this post, at the end of the day. My preference is obvious. :p

As I got home, I saw some nice color towards the west, so I went in, got the camera, and walked the block and a half it takes to get to this view:




Hmm. Haven't had that problem around here. We had a little rain over the last coupla weeks.
I'd suggest moving south.
Screw moving south, just move west. Mid fifties today in NW Washington. It was beautiful!

Of course, I spent the day working on the house. <_<

Ok--I'm over the weather now--no reason to "move south". Made the best of it--went up to Targhee with my girls snowboarding on Saturday--6 new FEET of snow in the last 2 weeks up there. Nothing like a foot of fresh powder in April...

Then the weather broke in town and took a 60 mile spin on the bike on Sunday. To be honest, I sat in a hot bath for a while as the ride was 41 degrees and I didn't layer enough; had the shivers for a while after :rolleyes:

Here's a few pics of the snowboarding from my cell-phone camera:



Since buying the bike February 28, days to even try to break it in have been pretty limited. Here's the lovely view out of my garage this morning. "Yeah" for spring in Idaho.

Here's the drive into my office...


Yeah-- I had the same problem living north of the border so I took a pair of my old avons and drilled them every three inches with a one sixteenth bit . Place a stopper on the bit so that its doesn't penetrated the tire carcass. Screw in three quarter inch stainless round head phillips screws . Alternate the screws from left side of the tire to right. Next do the same down the center of the tire every three inches. Works great on packed snow and ice but is a bit loose on asphalt. Have been able to negotiate up to two feet of snow with these and puches well through up to four foot drifts where I find that leaving the side bags at home permit me to penetrate the drift more effectively. Am going to enter the Lake Champlain winter crossing next year and may extend the screw length to one inch. I accept no responsibility for the outcome of this modification since one must examine their priorities before trying such stupid mods.
