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I do, but at work right now. I'll throw a few up maybe later.

Keep in mind I personally seek out the camps with the fewest crowds and amenities so "nice" is relative, but as you said Nevada is seriously lacking places to camp

My wife and I figured out a long time ago that there are things she enjoys that I don't and vice-versa.

I say, don't push it. Sometimes it's best if you do your thing and she does hers.

Remember, absence makes the heart grow fonder...

On a family driving vacation, I stumbled on Rye Patch a few years ago. I'm not sure I'd suggest it. I think the nearest tree was about 30 miles away. If I remember correctly, my then-8-year-old daughter burned her feet through her shoes when they touched the ground...the thermometer in the truck was reading something close to 110, at the end of July. It might be cooler now, but man was it a serious desert then. We walked across the parking lot to look at the boat ramp and see a few boats in the water, and then decided it was just too @#%% hot to stay.

I'd suggest a day-trip first, to check it out, if it's really only an hour and a half away.

Pack away some stuff to make the experience better for her. An inflatable matress and chair beats sitting on nylon and metal fold up chairs and tree stumps. Pack a bottle of decent wine and some upscale snacks. Cheese and crackers come to mind.

Most importantly, spend some time sitting with her. Listen to her. Stare deeply into her eyes and actually pay attention to what she has to say. Speak with her and actually keep the conversation on the subject she wants to talk about. If you are doing it right, she will say about 1,000 words to your two.

At some point that will result in you either getting some or her calling the police to have you locked up for mental instability.

Books are good, but costly. I swear she could win awards for speed reading. She can go though 3-5 books a day.
Go to the library before you leave. The books are free.

Her cooking without a microwave? Scary thought.
If she's willing, teach her how to cook outdoors. Maybe part of her camping issue is that she feels useless or like she can't really contribute. If she get's involved, she may enjoy it more. Along this same line, buy her "camping stuff." If she's more prepared for the adventure, she may be more apt to enjoy it.

Board games - Anyone got suggestions? She won't play x-box or playstation with me because I win. It PISSES her off to lose. I need busy games instead of competition games. Heck, she won't play connect four with me.
I feel your pain there. My wife won't play board games with me because I am a cometitive ass-hole. Usually this has to do with us playing games like Pictionary with other couples. Try simple stuff like Chinese Checkers, Chess, or Scrabble.

She enjoys surfing the internet. She plays flash based games, watches videos on YouTube, and keeps up on news events.
Depending on where you go, see if you can get her a paper in the mornings, or buy a Reader's Digest. Then she can enjoy staying in touch.

Pack away some stuff to make the experience better for her. An inflatable matress and chair beats sitting on nylon and metal fold up chairs and tree stumps. Pack a bottle of decent wine and some upscale snacks. Cheese and crackers come to mind.
Most importantly, spend some time sitting with her. Listen to her. Stare deeply into her eyes and actually pay attention to what she has to say. Speak with her and actually keep the conversation on the subject she wants to talk about. If you are doing it right, she will say about 1,000 words to your two.
Dude, go get a "Playboy" and quit reading that "Cosmopolitan."

Oh, and turn in your "Man" card.

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"I think the nearest tree was about 30 miles away. "

Two campgrounds below the dam one on either side of river. the west campground has plenty of trees and showers


sorry this is all I have for pics of the actual campground


Oh, and turn in your "Man" card.
LOL, I like that one.

I still have my man card, and plan on keeping it. When I am out teaching motorcycle safety or scuba diving she is at home, on the internet. Man, does she get fired up when she hears about me teaching an attractive women to dive at night and I don't come home till 2:00 in the morning. In addition, I get to hear about it for weeks if one of the other instructors mention to her some girl was hitting on me and I did not tell her about it. I just don't get the fantasy some women have about their scuba instructor. I don't understand it, but it makes teaching pleasurable.

She won't go diving with me as she is scared of being in the water with other people. Which is strange since she does know how to swim. I am lucky to get her on the bike with me more then three times a year. After much passive conversation she agree to spend time togetter camping from the motorcycle, as long as there is a flushing toilet and she does not get board. Getting board is something I don't understand. As I mentioned in the first post, I really can watch the wind blow and be happy with it.

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HOw about trying this one. Nude body painting with the best painted pic to be, comming soon to a web near you, than cleansing in the near by river or lake

:fans: :fans: :fans:
