Sucks to be you if you aren't in SoCal

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As I recently commented:

Since I have no heating or air conditioning expense here on the American Riviera, I really don't mind gas at 3.89 (still have yet to see the 3rd - 4/gal station here). Riding in sunny, 70 degree weather for most of the year really and truly does not suck.


Man it has been beautiful for riding the past couple of days here. No wind and the temperature is just about perfect. Only complaint I have being in the high desert is it's too cool for my likings in the morning. It should only be getting better for a while also. Let me count the reason the East coast sucks :D :D :D :D . Hope it's as nice where you are. B) B) B)
Guess that's why we are paying over 4 bucks a gallon for premium now.

Many of us here on the LEast would just like to pass on a friendly "Bite me" your way :D

Oh, and gas here for regular is $3.45 a gal.

Man it has been beautiful for riding the past couple of days here. No wind and the temperature is just about perfect. Only complaint I have being in the high desert is it's too cool for my likings in the morning. It should only be getting better for a while also. Let me count the reason the East coast sucks :D :D :D :D . Hope it's as nice where you are. B) B) B) Guess that's why we are paying over 4 bucks a gallon for premium now.

We have mountains with twisty roads. There is that too.
Lessee, it was mid-40s when I left the house and rode through low-lying mist-covered cow pastures this morning. In a few hours the temp will be in the low 70s. The sun came up in colors over hills and a lush green landscape. In most of the places I where I lived in LA it would've come up over the building across the street. Actually, after paying $3.45 for gas, today was another ride like this: Last Friday's ride to work

Oh, and for twisty roads we may have to go as far as it takes you to get to the freeway.

Seriously, take it all in good spirit. We all have ups and downs with where we live. We started in LA and Kali has gotten so crowded I prefer where we are.


Okay, its Friday. I live in SoCal and give encouragement to everyone to give the FNG and offical Friday welcome. Yeah, the weather is nice, but it is more of a tone thing. I know- it's hard to convey across the internet, but you may need to use even more smiley faces until people "get to know you". Alternatively, if you have to use more than two smiley faces, then maybe rephrase. Beside Cal City is East of Bakersfield! Some great riding, but you might as well live in Nebraska! :) Have you ever seen the ocean? :)

Oh, and TWN, I am really disappointed with your response. You can do better. BTW, how are those new lights? Love mine. Sorry to go OT, but hey this thread is headed that way anyhow.

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Lessee averaging $145.67 a month for heat and lights for a well insulated 1100 square ft. house and 825 square Garage. Not to bad for protection from earthquakes and wildfires :bleh:

Plus I get to play with lots of chemicals that ease my labors :D Get to build snow nudes and stand on water while fishing ;)

Man I'm almost depressed :huh:


.....and I was going to post about what a perfect day it was to commute on my bike today, and how much I was looking forward to going camping this weekend, in the CA desert. Just the two of us, a tent and two dirt bikes. But then I thought it might look as though I was gloating. That wouldn't be nice, when forum friends are still snow bound, now would it?

But I might just post some pix when we get back. :)


Did feel "it" here. Must be all that fresh water surroundin us here in the "mitten" state. Quells the vibes don'tcha know. ;)

Damn, maybe we should add tidal waves to the reason it suks not bein on the west coast.....

Wait a minute ya'll could get one'a those too!

Hate to admit it but the west side does appeal ta me. Just like a Fat Boy. No, not fat naked guy either. The two wheeled conveyance.


.....and I was going to post about what a perfect day it was to commute on my bike today, and how much I was looking forward to going camping this weekend, in the CA desert. Just the two of us, a tent and two dirt bikes. But then I thought it might look as though I was gloating. That wouldn't be nice, when forum friends are still snow bound, now would it?
But I might just post some pix when we get back. :)

Please do when you get the time. Where abouts are you going in the desert?

Okay, its Friday. I live in SoCal and give encouragement to everyone to give the FNG and offical Friday welcome. Yeah, the weather is nice, but it is more of a tone thing. I know- it's hard to convey across the internet, but you may need to use even more smiley faces until people "get to know you". Alternatively, if you have to use more than two smiley faces, then maybe rephrase. Beside Cal City is East of Bakersfield! Some great riding, but you might as well live in Nebraska! :) Have you ever seen the ocean? :)
Oh, and TWN, I am really disappointed with your response. You can do better. BTW, how are those new lights? Love mine. Sorry to go OT, but hey this thread is headed that way anyhow.

You are correct I figure. Just a misunderstanding thing although from reading it I would have taken it as a joke, guess that's just me.

Actually Southeast of Bakersfield to be correct. Yep there is a bunch of nothing for the most part, and I like it that way more times than not. How many of you can leave your garage open overnight and in the morning it's not picked clean? I can. Someone mentioned water ours is fine haven't got sick from it yet. If you are married it's not a bad place but if you are single (me) it's kind of a death trap. :D :D :D

Oh last thing high speed runs without much fear of ever getting caught are common place also!!!!

That is just a GREAT photo! (I almost said "cool" picture.) I'm saving that! Thanks LDRydr.

:D Get to build snow nudes and stand on water while fishing ;) :jester:
How can you not love this guy?! ..........This isn't available on Pashnit. :lol:

That is just a GREAT photo! (I almost said "cool" picture.) I'm saving that! Thanks LDRydr
Taking a look at this photo just now I'm wondering if my headlights were visible to the other traffic? I guess they don't give off enough heat to keep them free of the white stuff. The Soltek lights have covers on them and are HID so I KNOW they won't ever warm up. Glad I have a set of Motolights ready to mount, they'll keep shining no matter the conditions. :lol: Wish I could have kept the my visor from fogging up, that was a MAJOR PIA! And the look of the folks at Rooster's Restaurant in Pendleton when I dismounted (unattached myself from all the heated gear wiring) was PRICELESS.

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