Suggestions for MP3 player and headphones????

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Bringing this back to ask if there are any MP3 players that use SD cards.
See post #13. Strongbad says the full size Zens take SD cards.

I have a Zen V plus, which doesn't do the SD thing. I agree that Zen makes outstanding MP3 players and I really like mine, but I think it's a bad choice for a bike. You could never work the on/off switch while wearing gloves. My zumo is fine for the bike.

Huh? July you say? Bah!

Zumo isn't an option for me. I'll either ride w/out a GPS altogether or opt to take my old Garmin 76 for emergencies.

BUT, I have been looking into mp3 players with expandable memory.

Sansa has been mentioned already.

However, if you're into sound quality take a look at the D2 from Cowon. It's a video and music player, has reportedly great playback time, and gets quite favorable reviews in terms of features and sound quality.

A 4GB D2 can be had for $150. I like the idea of having multiple memory cards full of music - just plug them in and you have another few days worth!

Do it right and invest in custom ear phones. I use the Challenger earphones, around a couple bills but worth it. Great for under helmet with all day comfort day after day plus they will cut outside noise better due to molded for your ears only.
If you get a good fit the Challengers can't be beat. My first pair was awesome out of the box .. then a mouse ate them. So I ordered a new set (and a set for my wife) but they haven't been able to make them "good" yet - they still don't block enough noise. We've sent them back with new molds twice .. I suspect they have someone new in the lab making molds and they're learning. So far, the right side it perfect .. so re-doing the left side. I have to give them kudos for their customer service - they'll remold as many times as necessary to get it right.

In the meantime I have the Etymotic er6i's. The foam times wear out after a few days and won't expand enough. The flange tips block sound well but hurt after a day of riding, then hurt like h*ll after two days, and on the third day I expected my ears to start bleeding. Then I took the spare eartips from my heraing aids (Sebotek's) and used them .. much softer, but they don't block as much noise, and are harder to get in "right" the first time.

I've tried other things from Walmart - and none of the cheapo alternatives have been useful. They either fall out when putting on the helmet or don't block much windnoise.

So far, the Challengers are the best I've used.
