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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2005
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Middleton, ID.
I am in the process of finding some riding gear suitable(no pun intended) for the warm CA weather we have here but want some cooling to take place while wearing it. It's not uncommon to have temps in the high 90's here and I have a Joe Rocket Phenoix jacket but am a little concerned about protection with it using the mesh fabric Joe Rocket uses. They make a pant to go with this jacket but the same concerns. I've also look online at the Joe Rocket Blaster 2.0 Perforated leather pants but don't know how cool they are. Anyone have a better suggestion for this type of riding without selling the wife and kids to get the right gear with decent armor? PM. <>< :blink:

That's exactly the compromise. If the three variables you value are cooling, protection, and value--I think it's hard to beat the Joe Rocket mesh stuff. Sure, I'd rather go down with heavy armor and thick textile, but if I pass out from heat exhaustion in the 100+ weather that's not any better.

Perhaps a compromise is a mesh jacket, Sahara vest, and conventional pants.

Got most of mine at

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come on get real shorts tee shirt and sneakers with out socks . laugh all you want come on over to the 5 boros in n.y and thats just what a large percentage of riders / bikers have on

First Gear Mesh Tex II is a very versatile mesh jacket and it has a zip in/out liner that makes it good down to 50 degrees and up to 95+.

I had a Joe Rocket and the First Gear is much better quality and fit.

I wear my Mesh Tex II nearly every day to and from work because, as we know, every ride starts in First Gear!!

I live in Houston and that's what I use and have for over a year.

I have a Fieldsheer Mach 2 jacket (not on this list). It's a mesh jacket, but, it has has hard (not foam) pads and leather at the impact zones (shoulders, elbows, etc). To me, it's the best of both worlds and has held up very well for 2 full seasons. It also has a liner for the cooler weather that packs up pretty small when not in use.

First Gear Mesh Tex II is a very versatile mesh jacket and it has a zip in/out liner that makes it good down to 50 degrees and up to 95+.  I had a Joe Rocket and the First Gear is much better quality and fit. 
I agree that the Firstgear MeshTex is a much better quality and fit than the Joe Rocket and should offer better protection because of the dense mesh. I also have a Firstgear Killi Air which is about 70 percent mesh. It doesn't have as much airflow as the MeshTex but probably has twice the protection and comes with a really high quality, insulated, liner for cooler weather. It also costs twice as much as the MeshTex.

I have the Joe Rocket and Teknic mesh pants and neither works nearly as good as the jackets. There just isn't enough air flow over the legs for the mesh to do much. I think regular riding pants in a light color would be just as cool but can't seem to find any in any color other than black. I bought a pair of draggin jeans this winter but they are not going to provide the protection of real riding pants. The Aerostitch Darian pants might be an option but they are about $300.

I use the Firstgear HT Air pants. They are mesh and come with a removable winda and water proof liner. I am happy with how they work.

And while I agree with MCRIDER007 that legs on the FJR are protected behind a lot of fairing thereby negating some effectiveness of mesh pants, I will say that mesh still works, as my HT Air pants are MUCH cooler when the liner is not installed.

And while I agree with MCRIDER007 that legs on the FJR are protected behind a lot of fairing thereby negating some effectiveness of mesh pants, I will say that mesh still works, as my HT Air pants are MUCH cooler when the liner is not installed.
Last July I went on a 5 day ride with a friend and we were both riding V-Stroms (which have a lot of air flow on the legs). I was wearing Firstgear HT Pants over jeans and he was wearing the HT Air Pants over jeans. When it got so warm in the afternoon that I had to take my HT Pants off, he also took his HT Air Pants off and his butt and legs were sweating as bad as mine. Up to that point I was ready to buy a set of the HT Air Pants but decided to look for other alternatives. I do think the Firstgear HT Air Pants are better than the Joe Rocket or Tecknic mest pants that I have hanging in my closet.

For a couple of years, I've been using a Joe Rocket Phoenix jacket for 90% of my riding. With the liner out, it works well in the SoCal heat, and a Sahara vest does wonders on those really long, hot days. With the liner in place, I'm comfortable on cooler days, and when it gets even colder, I put on a fleece pullover under the jacket. On really cold days, I have much heavier, 3/4 length textile jacket, but I haven't worn it much lately.

A few weeks ago it became apparent that the Phoenix jacket needed replacing. I went to to check out mesh jackets, and came across the Tourmaster Flex jacket. In it's standard configuration, it's a full-up textile jacket, with CE armor in the elbows, shoulders, and back. When it gets hot, you can zip out the textile shell from the chest, back, and arms, leaving you with a Phoenix-style mesh jacket. On colder days, there's a two stage liner - you can zip-in just the rain liner, or add a full-sleeve quilted insulated liner. It's got the standard complement of pockets and reflective piping.

I've only had it for a week, but so far I've been impressed. In the mesh setup, air flow is as good or better than the Phoenix; with the textile shell in place, I've ridden comfortably in 50 degree weather. The insulated liner is very warm. It seems sturdier and more protective than the Phoenix, and matches up nicely with the Hein Gericke HT Air overpants I use.

Tourmaster Tech jacket

I went to to check out mesh jackets, and came across the Tourmaster Flex jacket.  In it's standard configuration, it's a full-up textile jacket, with CE armor in the elbows, shoulders, and back.  When it gets hot, you can zip out the textile shell from the chest, back, and arms, leaving you with a Phoenix-style mesh jacket
This type of jacket is a really neat concept. I looked at Joe Rocket's Alter Ego jacket but was very unimpressed with the both the quality and fit but haven't seen the Tourmaster Flex in any stores. Teknic also sells the same type of jacket in the Spider and 2006 Sprint versions, the difference being that the Sprint in a 3/4 length jacket -- but I haven't seen those in any stores either. My only concern would be if they are waterproof with all those zippers.

Last July I went on a 5 day ride with a friend and we were both riding V-Stroms (which have a lot of air flow on the legs). I was wearing Firstgear HT Pants over jeans and he was wearing the HT Air Pants over jeans. When it got so warm in the afternoon that I had to take my HT Pants off, he also took his HT Air Pants off and his butt and legs were sweating as bad as mine. Up to that point I was ready to buy a set of the HT Air Pants but decided to look for other alternatives. I do think the Firstgear HT Air Pants are better than the Joe Rocket or Tecknic mest pants that I have hanging in my closet.
I rarely wear my HT Air pants over jeans, especially in hot weather. Me thinks that was your problem. Not only would that combination be too warm, but when I have done it I have found it to be too much material - too bulky and uncomfortable.

For warm weather its either shorts or coolmax leggings under the HT Air pants. When it gets cold, its the coolmax leggings with the liner installed. For really cold, I wear a pair of fleece pants under the liner, and all is toasty.

Wow, I guess some advertizer's don't call it "mesh" wars for nothing. I have to agree with MCRIDER007 about not seeing allot of these items in the stores. It would be great if you could just go down and check out all the different items. There's really only one store in my area and that is Cyclegear. They handle about 3 or 4 different brands but not usually the one's I like or are too expensive. I guess the name of the game is to just keep searching and researching until the right one comes along. I didn't mention that I also currently use Bohn Body armor but with this setup you can't really take off the gear when you get to your destination without completely changing out your cloths. But does allow you to just wear Levi's over the gear so it doesn't really look like your wearing any protection. Thanks for the wealth of info. It will be put to use. PM. <>< :D

Bohn Clicky

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I didn't mention that I also currently use Bohn Body armor but with this setup you can't really take off the gear when you get to your destination without completely changing out your cloths. But does allow you to just wear Levi's over the gear so it doesn't really look like your wearing any protection.
If you plan to wear Bohn Body armor under your mesh riding gear than I would buy a jacket that fits the best and pants that have the most mesh -- which would be the Joe Rocket pants from everything I have looked at. They are the coolest mesh pants if you don't wear anything underneath but also offer the least protection -- but with the Bohn Body armor you should be at least as protected as wearing Levi's and a bit cooler.

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For warm weather its either shorts or coolmax leggings under the HT Air pants. 
Would the coolmax leggings give much protection in a slide? I keep hearing stories about the mesh melting into the skin on a slide when the mesh pants are worn without something underneath.
