Sunday, May 22nd - Fortuna lodging/dinner with Wheatie

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I am planning on Sunday and Monday at Fortuna. Will call Super eight in the morning.

I just had to add a quick note as I did not want to see this thread die an ugly death,,,,,

I will be there Sunday and maybe Monday, Got a room reserved just north a bit up 101, You should plan on a dining experience at the Samoa Cookhouse... Lumbercamp style...

Wheatie, you know you will be in the Humboldt Emerald Triangle..... be sure to bring your 215 card......

I just had to add a quick note as I did not want to see this thread die an ugly death,,,,,

I will be there Sunday and maybe Monday, Got a room reserved just north a bit up 101, You should plan on a dining experience at the Samoa Cookhouse... Lumbercamp style...

Wheatie, you know you will be in the Humboldt Emerald Triangle..... be sure to bring your 215 card......
Hold on there Eddie, It's hard enough to keep Wheatie on the straight and narrow anyway, definitly don't want to Medicate him. :lol:

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I have NO idea what you are talking about...

...and I never inhaled either 30 or so years ago. I just happened to be visiting friends and smelled some weird organic/leafy odor....

If you haven't already, please post up if you plan to be on this Most Excellent Adventure and attending dinner so I can make a reservation at the Eel River Brewery. No wussy "oh, I'm not sure I can make it" crap. Make a phucking commitment and show up. :D
Tyler, I've been following this thread for weeks and just can't pass up a chance to make some new friends and ride some great NorCal roads. So if you don't mind, please add me for Sunday dinner and Monday, Thank you!

If you haven't already, please post up if you plan to be on this Most Excellent Adventure and attending dinner so I can make a reservation at the Eel River Brewery. No wussy "oh, I'm not sure I can make it" crap. Make a phucking commitment and show up. :D
Tyler, I've been following this thread for weeks and just can't pass up a chance to make some new friends and ride some great NorCal roads. So if you don't mind, please add me for Sunday dinner and Monday, Thank you!
I think that's a very wise choice! :)

Damn, Starting to look like a party for Sunday and Monday night, Guess I should take a superfloater (sick day, not a huge turd) and maybe do the monday run... Highway 299 is SWEET!@!!


Unfortunately due to work issues, I'm going to have to head home from Bodega Bay and won't be able to make it to Fortuna. :(
If that's the case then you have to get Barb to take over. Can't have the boys messing around without guidance.

I'll write you note to excuse you from work :rolleyes:

Unfortunately due to work issues, I'm going to have to head home from Bodega Bay and won't be able to make it to Fortuna. :(
If that's the case then you have to get Barb to take over. Can't have the boys messing around without guidance.

I'll write you note to excuse you from work :rolleyes:
Sorry to hear you won't be able to make it to Fortuna, Tyler. What's "work" anyway?

Gunnywoof to Ray's suggestion, however. You are leaving Barb to wrangle the group aren't you?

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Tylerbabe, WTF??? I was so looking forward to having a visit again.. and you promised!

Whats work got to do with it?




Ride to Bogdega Bay and meet you? Hmmm, Well, cuz I'a a puss... I just spent a load of dough on two new Tourmaster Jackets, an Audio Vox Cruise control, a Powercommander III and my wings have been trimmed due to the fact I am going to ride south on Sunday and meet the group and then take a day off and ride the Monday 299-36 loop. My yard needs hacked back, the lower acreage needs mowed, the drive way needs to be bladed and I don't feel like doing any of that shit... to quote a commericial, I wanna ride... besides 101 is boring as watching old people hide a fart.

Are you going to be doing the WFO in Idaho Falls?


I am so jealous of you all! You all SUCK! :yahoo:

On my NorCal trips I always plan a couple nights in Fortuna, at the campground you will pass as you go to your hotels. EXCELLENT riding in that area if you stay off Mathole Rd (and if you DO go ... if that road is as bad as it was last year, then you'll have mysteriously bent forks too).

Eel River is a great choice! Smoked porter was quite tasty. One summer I was there they grew their own rosemary, and the BBQ chicken, ribs and tri-tip special was to die for.
