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I didn't see any gas stations...

Who'da thought, way up in Changthang Plateau, highest elevation used by humans....attractive females. Will wonders never cease?

Thanks for the link. Interesting movie. Reminded me a lot of the year I spent in Nepal, and some of the great people I met out in the boondocks.

So for all of the parts where he is shown riding, did he plant the camera, then ride away, and then ride back to get the camera? Same thing for where he is pushing the bike? Seems a little odd to waste precious fuel that way, and walk all that extra way when you are busting your ass at that kind of altitude. I have hiked, climbed, and lived at high altitude in that part of the world, and it kicks your ass for several weeks until your body adapts to it.

I don't think I'll be putting that ride on my to do list. Looks way beyond extreme to me.
