suprised a V rod today, (and my Mrs)

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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
Wenatchee, WA
Momma and I went out for a little ride today, Just beautiful, 75 degrees (first day over 60). We were coming back into town and at a stop light there was a guy on a new Vrod in the lane next to us. Both lanes turned right, mine went up river and his eventually across the bridge to town. We started out and he was kinda egging me on, so why not a little fun. We were side by side at about 25 mph when he gave it the go. I was still in first at about 3000rpm. I opened it up and as it shot forward the front end came up. Not just a little, which has happened before, but the kinda thing I used to do on dirtbikes.

I would have liked to see the look on his face. I know he got a kick out of the look on ours. Good thing he didn't see momma slap the back of my head. God this thing goes.

I have never initiated a street race with a Harley, or a car (other than one Lamborghini), but a few of them have with me. I like to let 'em think they're pulling me until about halfway through second gear, then I pin it and go by 'em on the back wheel like they're parked. By then, I'm pretty tired of all that noise anyway....

It's like picking on old ladies, but when they draw first....

I bet they have some newfound respect for BMW's when we get through with them.

In the Spring, when cagers have their windows down, its fun to just stay ahead of their bumper while allowing the engine to rev. I love to slow shift and stay "just" ahead when they can hear that I am not "pushing" the engine, then wave and accelerate away.

Yes...I am a baaaad man! :rolleyes: I consider it part or their "lessons" for that day. :blink:

Having the old lady on back is also good if you over do it and flip the thing......then you have something nice and soft to land on......kinda like having your cake and eating it, too.

You just gotta remeber the center of balance is changed. If I survived the bike coming all the way over, I'm afraid what that 5'2" of fury would do to me. Better not to know.
