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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2005
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Heath, TX
Is there going to be a SWFOG this year? Seem to remember a group from Phoenix was talking about putting one together.

Anyone know what is going on?

Long story short, dude who was going to run this decided to make it an all make riding event. SkooterG and I have been discussing hosting this event. If people are still interested, speak up and we'll put something together.

Seem to remember that the group that was putting it together did this for a living. No wonder they wanted all makes represented.

Reid and co put on a great show last year. I know it takes alot of time and effort, maybe a little late this year to put it all together.

Umm... no they dont. It was just another riding group (which I am somewhat affiliated with) that was going to do it. The guy who was going to be the head-planner decided "why limit this great ride to just one model" so he started planning this as a free for all ride.

As for being too late, I dont think it is. I would like to keep it in the spirit of last years LOE where it was a roving meet. I already have a route planned out to show off some of Arizona's more scenic areas and some of our more choice roads. The planning that still needs to be done is the hotel reservations, dinner plans, tshirt designs, prerunning the route, setting up the web pages, and of course choosing a date. I think last years meet was in the fall, so if we can select a date and get some information up within the next month, I think we still have plenty of time to get all of the 'minor' details taken care of.

This is of course is assuming people still want to have SW-FOG take place, and if everyone is OK with me running it.

As for being too late, I dont think it is. I would like to keep it in the spirit of last years LOE where it was a roving meet. I already have a route planned out to show off some of Arizona's more scenic areas and some of our more choice roads. The planning that still needs to be done is the hotel reservations, dinner plans, tshirt designs, prerunning the route, setting up the web pages, and of course choosing a date. I think last years meet was in the fall, so if we can select a date and get some information up within the next month, I think we still have plenty of time to get all of the 'minor' details taken care of.
This is of course is assuming people still want to have SW-FOG take place, and if everyone is OK with me running it.

If BeemerDon has made it an all makes ride then it isn't a FOG, IMHO. Of course others are invited but it's primarily a FOG. That said, if you want to organize it, go ahead. I personally would prefer to have it in the spring though because AZ will be too hot if you wait until after the rally in Reno.

When I organized the ride I contacted hotels and restaurants, etc. but let riders make their own reservations and pay the costs directly to the hotels and restaurants. I didn't do t-shirts because of the effort involved in taking orders, yadayadayada.

The SW-FOG in NM last year was in June. And the only reason we held it in the summer was because we spent most of our time in the northern mountains where it was cooler. It would've been way too hot IMHO to have ridden around Abq or gone south.

All told, it took about 12 hours to set it up and organize it. I spent some extra time getting donations for a raffle but that was for a charitable organization I wanted to support and not necessary if you plan the FOG. I can tell you that Gary of University Motors in ND. offered to donate a set of tires for the next FOG, IIRC.

Feel free to ask Warchild to let you adapt the pages I created for the FOG. He hosted the site and set up the database. That database would be a good starting point for inviting people too.

Email me backchannel if you'd like more details, etc... (e.g., waiver of liability forms, etc...)

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Hey Doc,

Unfortunately, I missed your little shindig last year due to my crash, but I sure had wanted to attend.

From what I understand, Doug Banfelder was the guy who agreed to take it on this year, and he is the one who has decided to go another direction with it. As an FJR rider, I was not real pleased with that. That's where vectervp1 and I started tossing around the idea of doing one on our own. BeemerDon is a great guy, but as President of the Arizona Beemer Club, is kept pretty busy. Of course he still has his FJR too though. Right now the lucky guy is motorcycling in Spain!

Not sure we could do it in the spring - something to consider. Not sure if we have enough time to organize, and, our planned routes are fairly high in elevation also, so might be too cold. Also, if its too early, riders that might show from cold weather states wouldn't be able to make it. I appreciate your advice, and if we do this, I am sure we will be contacting you for some advice.

October-ish sounds pretty good to me, too. I'd be interested. Pretty short on time away from work this year, but assuming that we're talking a weekend gig I could likely attend.

I'm not much good at planning ahead for anything, so just about any weekend Spring, Summer, or Fall could probably work for me. Really enjoyed last years get-together that Doc Reid put together - wasn't able to do the whole thing, but being local I took in what I could. Sure would like to share some ridin' with the gang again this year - AZ, sound good to me.

OK, it's official. Speaking as the originator of the SW-FOG, the 2006 SW-FOG is in your hands ScooterG and Vectorvp1!

Not sure we could do it in the spring - something to consider. Not sure if we have enough time to organize, and, our planned routes are fairly high in elevation also, so might be too cold. Also, if its too early, riders that might show from cold weather states wouldn't be able to make it. I appreciate your advice, and if we do this, I am sure we will be contacting you for some advice.
Greg, Good points. Fall would be OK with me too. Summer we hope to be up in WA at our new summer home on San Juan island. There's 3-4 other FJR riders on the island alone. And I wouldn't want to miss the gathering.

Maybe we should meet, unofficially, in the spring, say late May, and ride the routes, check out the hotels etc... ;) Where are you going to start from? Phoenix? Tucson? If Phoenix, please be merciful and organize the start somewhere on the outskirts of town. Driving through Phx is not my idea of a good time.

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OK, it's official. Speaking as the originator of the SW-FOG, the 2006 SW-FOG is in your hands ScooterG and Vectorvp1!

Not sure we could do it in the spring - something to consider. Not sure if we have enough time to organize, and, our planned routes are fairly high in elevation also, so might be too cold. Also, if its too early, riders that might show from cold weather states wouldn't be able to make it. I appreciate your advice, and if we do this, I am sure we will be contacting you for some advice.
Greg, Good points. Fall would be OK with me too. Summer we hope to be up in WA at our new summer home on San Juan island. There's 3-4 other FJR riders on the island alone. And I wouldn't want to miss the gathering.

Maybe we should meet, unofficially, in the spring, say late May, and ride the routes, check out the hotels etc... ;) Where are you going to start from? Phoenix? Tucson? If Phoenix, please be merciful and organize the start somewhere on the outskirts of town. Driving through Phx is not my idea of a good time.
Sedona would be a great place to gather.

Right now skookerg is out of town, but we've discussed a few different options.

In tradition of last years SW-FOG, we would like to make it a moving meet. We've discussed a few places where we would like to go to show off the beautiful scenery Arizona has to offer. Right now we're working on a starting point, but we are looking at not having it in a major metro area in AZ. We're going to see if we can avoid them during our route planning. It will more than likely be a smaller city in AZ that will be easily accessable by most.

We're also looking at hosting it in the fall in order to give us more time, and to not fry our guest in the 110+ degree weather AZ sees in the summer months. Timing of this is also going to based on what else is planned for the fall. For example, August is pretty much out as there are several events taking place, such as the 5 day SPANK Rally and the IBA National Meet.

I'm planning on starting a few more threads real soon to get more input from everyone..

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Don't forget that the Land Of Enchantment 1000 Rally is traditionally the first weekend of October. Should be hearing confirmation from Ira and Jeff any day now.

Oh, no I'm not forgetting about the LOE1000. This is one rally I've tried to run the last two years but due to other commitments I havent beem able to do.

I'm planning on attending the WFO-5 Rally in Reno this year but would certainly be up for an Arizona rally. I missed the rally in New Mexico last year due to the later than expected delivery of my 05.

Count me in!! B)

I'll throw in my 2 centavos...As a lifelong Phoenix resident I'd say prerunning a course in the lowlands during late May will almost guarantee 100F temps during mid day. April would probably be a better choice. Many people don't understand we have 10,000ft mtns in AZ where we can conceivably snow ski in the morning and drive south to water ski in the afternoon. The high temps don't typically drop around the Phoenix area until the middle of October. I remember one year it was 100F the first week of Oct. By the same token it can be snowing in the highlands by the last week of October...not likely though, but you should be prepared for vastly different climates at that time of year depending on the routes.

Several smaller towns in the mid elevations offer everything we'd need. Cottonwood especially comes to mind as it's only 25 miles south from Sedona and not nearly as pricey and touristy. Payson, about 85 miles to the east, also has a lot to offer with a variely of hotels and the roads between the two are perfect for "sport"-touring. Prescott, 50 miles south of Cottonwood is also a good choice.

Southern AZ south of Tucson is also a good riding area near the wine country of Patagonia, but I feel offers fewer choices for roads. However you could set up an Ironbutt route from the north, around the outskirts of Phoenix (past my place in East Mesa) and onward toward the south without hitting much "city" trafffic.

Just my thoughts. Sounds like fun ...October is my vacation month (slow period in the A/C biz) so I hope I can fit this in along with the scuba trip I normally plan during that time. Let's put a date on the calendar. :D

You can vote on a date in the topic SW-FOG Dates

Your absolutely right about the heat. This is one of the main reasons we are hosting it in September. A final date will be chosen on April 1st, or shortly there after. I may be out of town and away from a computer on that day.

As for the location, SkooterG and I are planning to stay away from the Phoenix valley. We will probably start in the eastern part of the state and make our way towards the Grand Canyon south rim by the end of the meet. We're looking at making the stops around 250 miles apart. Longer routes will be available for those who want to rack up the miles too.

Skooter and I need to meet up again soon so we can discuss the routes and decide on the final nightly stops. Some of the routes we wont be able to run just yet thanks to the cold weather we've recently started having.

More information on the stops should be coming soon!

Please put me on the list of those comitted to attend. Like Doc I couldn't make last year because my scoot was still down. Not this year.

I voted for the third weekend but I don't really have a preferance. I'll be there. :D

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