Has anyone side-by-side compared the morgan with a liquid (mercury or manometer fluid) filled carb tool?
Morgan vs fluid manometer is pretty much an even match. Both will do a good job, individuals have some personal preferences that lead them to one choice or the other. I own both, when working at home I always reach for the Motion Pro, when going to someone's house to do a TBS with them I take the Morgan.
Compiled from some of my older posts:
I have both the Morgan and the Motion Pro carb sticks. Against all odds both actually read the same absolute vacuum levels! They even match cylinder to cylinder. Who'd a thunk. Brundog's experience differs, I dunno why.
The Morgan is easier to handle and you don't have to worry about column separation the way you do with mercury. The Toxic Tune™, err, Motion Pro actually has better scale resolution and should result in a more accurate synch.
Note that each heavy red line division on the Morgan is equal to one block on the Toxic Tune™
My Morgan's instructions say to adjust the tube length until the rods just slightly oscillate to prevent stiction. My Motion Pro instructions say to adjust tube length until pulsing stops. Morgan says: "There will always be a small amount of fluctuation and this is necessary for the gauges to work properly." Very lightly tapping the Morgan will cause the vacuum readings to change.
After time the mercury columns will want to separate, this is caused by mercury loss and/or the columns becoming contaminated. Contamination usually comes from rapid opening and closing the throttle. This can also cause mercury to be ingested into the engine. No harm to the engine; do you want to sniff the exhaust? :skull: The contamination thing may eventually catch up with the Morgan too, time will tell.