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My Indian name is "Pants On Fire"
Jun 21, 2005
Reaction score
If so, I'd like to purchase one. I haven't heard too much on this subject... just a blurb over on one of the other sites.

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I just realized this was in the EOM section.... so I am editing the post

I'd be happy to if someone would like, get me some EOM graphics!

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Well, I guess nobody's come up with any ideas & went a step further. DANG! Guess that I'll have to buy another shirt from the dragon, then!

Hey slapnpop... thanks for the offer. I'm not very artistic... so, the chances of me coming up with a tee idea is slim to none.

How about getting dragon shirts and just plastering "FJR1300 EOM 2005" on them? Maybe they can even do that at the Dragon somewhere?

Heck, I can get shirts made easy enough. Wonder if TOTD or Deal's Gap is registered or anything like that?

Wow, that's a nice jacket. And, yes, if someone would rob that text and swap it to a long sleeved shirt, that would be awesome.

I want a jacket like that!

Here's some artwork for ya. Long sleeve, maybe?
Mannnn, that is shaweet! That'd be nice, for sure... maybe stick a little blurb in the graphics about EOM, too.

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I'll work on some graphics tonight. Who's handliing the financial affairs of the EOM? I'm thinking of uploading to zazzle.com, and would want the 10% kickback from zazzle's shirt sales to go to the right person.

It's a service where you can design and have printed your own shirts online, and make designs available for public purchase. Prices for the shirts are reasonable, and 10% gets paid back to the designer (if I read that right). Best of all you can have the design printed on whatever shirt color/style/size you want with a quick turn around and individual purchases for each use.

I've not gotten anything from them yet, but I'm gonna get a test shirt from them before The design goes public to be sure it's up to par.

What do you guys think?

Well, I think you'd sell a lot more shirts if it weren't geographically exclusive, i.e. EOM-only. Maybe some alternate atrwork choices for different regions or a generic option?

Sure, make a mix of them. EOM. Non -EOM. Whatever.

I sure hope FJR-Kevin gets his Japanese friend to stitch up a bunch of those jackets, too. VERY nice.

Let us know what you come up with, Slap! Heck, if you make the deal, and do the graphics, you might as well get the kickback. Or just take it in extra shirts and give them away as doorprizes at EOM! I have no idea who is doing the financial stuff, even if there is financial stuff for EOM. Smthng is down there now, seems he's the poobah.

I was planning on an FJRforum shirt and an EOM Shirt. I'll be working on the EOM shirt first since it's time sensative.

I have no idea who is handling any financials. Actually, I don't think there is any financials. I'm under the impression that we need to bring money... that's all that I know for sure.

I have no extra cash to fund something like this, either.

If it gets picked up, I definitely want one, though. You planning on black? That'll be a good color fo' sho'.

I will offer to take the orders & keep up with the ordering if someone finances the cause.


Zazzle would handle all that stuff. Each person can go to zazzle.com and order the shirt in whatever size or color, checkout, and zazzle prints and mails the shirts. It's a hands off affair from that perspective.

I'm thinking that if an official announcement were made with a link that'd probably go over pretty dern well.

Thanks SNP! You can be my hero today! :D

OK guys, it's 2:30 am and my eyes are bleeding... but since I love you guys, here ya go:

wait for it....



[SIZE=21pt]More Images![/SIZE]

Beware, one is 1.5 meg, but you get a good view of the front. I ordered two ringer t's, one grey and one white. Even if we don't go with this design, I wanted to get an idea of thier quality, and how much the printing color is off with a non-white shirt. I'll let you know when the arrive.

In the meantime, what do you guys think? If ya'll like it, and the shirts are decent, I'll make them available through zazzle's site.

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Wow, I really like the pic a lot! Really... A LOT! I don't care for the '05 graphics, though. They look out of place. THe FJR1300 stuff looks good. IMO the big blue '05 graphic needs to be tweaked.

Man, a tee is shaping up! I'm excited. Thanks SNP. Good job mister!
