Mr Bill
Old Dog
I want one. How does Zazzle work? Do we order and they ship to us direct? Whats the turnaround time?
No, I traced a photo of the sticker in freehand. It's vector graphics and I can change the color at will. BTW: what's your take on the shirt design, as the quasi-organizer?Yo, SNP... did you snake my FJR logo off the EOM web site and then doctor it up? If so, I can send you the Hi-Res Photoshop version I made instead... might be easier. It's all layered and such, so recoloring or whatever should be easy.
If that's the case we'll set it aside for incurred or future EOM exspenses in the most secure place I know. An envelope burried in a coffee can in the yard! If there end up being no expenses we'll donate it or something, can discuss later. Anyone got suggestions there?As for the financials... There ain't none!... we don't need two separate threads about money... I won't be able to keep track