Well-known member
I don’t even know where to begin. I suppose the beginning of the trip would be best. But let’s go before that for a moment.
SFO last year was an awesome time. It was enjoyable weather. It was good riding. It was great people. And the southern hospitality was top notch. I knew I had to make it fit in my schedule to return this year.
So the SFO ’17 forum thread gets published, I mark the dates on the calendar, and luckily for me- I didn’t have to swap weekends with the coworker, I already had this one off. Yay!
I knew my time available gave me the chance to start riding south on Wednesday morning. And I wanted to be pulling into the SFO Rally Camp by Thursday evening. What do I want to see between home and SFO? Last year I did the Kentucky rolling hills and Nashville, TN. About that time I am looking for ideas, a promo video pops up on facebook for the Unclaimed Baggage Center in Scottsboro, AL. So, I looked just south of there and noticed that I also haven’t seen the Little River Canyon National Preserve. And I wanted to go to Barber again, to see the addition of a bike that I had followed on social media traveling the continent. There we go, sounds like a plan.
Wednesday, 8:30am, I am ready to head south. It’s just a bit nipply…
But the bike is loaded, the full heated gear is on and cranked, and I’m good to go.
For some reason, I enjoy crossing state borders. And I really enjoy trying to get a picture of the sign. Lol. Before I had the Sena camera, I would try to stop and take a picture of the sign. Luckily now, I just keep riding and snap a picture on-the-go.
Tennessee!!!! I really like this state….
Stop for a hearty lunch just south of Knoxville. Cracker Barrel FTW!
Crossing the Tennessee River connecting to Nickajack Lake. Cool name!
Cross the time zone line and gain an hour. Down into Alabama!
And make it to the shopping destination with a half hour to browse the unique store. Unclaimed Baggage Center buys all lost luggage from the airline companies. They then sort them, clean them up, and resell them. You never know what you might find at the store!
I didn’t buy anything, so I saddled back up and back on the road. Crossing another river. Sun is setting lower, and the colors of the sky and crisp air are tranquil.
Dropped south just a bit and checked into the hotel.
They had prime motorcycle parking, and mood lighting!
SFO last year was an awesome time. It was enjoyable weather. It was good riding. It was great people. And the southern hospitality was top notch. I knew I had to make it fit in my schedule to return this year.
So the SFO ’17 forum thread gets published, I mark the dates on the calendar, and luckily for me- I didn’t have to swap weekends with the coworker, I already had this one off. Yay!
I knew my time available gave me the chance to start riding south on Wednesday morning. And I wanted to be pulling into the SFO Rally Camp by Thursday evening. What do I want to see between home and SFO? Last year I did the Kentucky rolling hills and Nashville, TN. About that time I am looking for ideas, a promo video pops up on facebook for the Unclaimed Baggage Center in Scottsboro, AL. So, I looked just south of there and noticed that I also haven’t seen the Little River Canyon National Preserve. And I wanted to go to Barber again, to see the addition of a bike that I had followed on social media traveling the continent. There we go, sounds like a plan.
Wednesday, 8:30am, I am ready to head south. It’s just a bit nipply…

But the bike is loaded, the full heated gear is on and cranked, and I’m good to go.

For some reason, I enjoy crossing state borders. And I really enjoy trying to get a picture of the sign. Lol. Before I had the Sena camera, I would try to stop and take a picture of the sign. Luckily now, I just keep riding and snap a picture on-the-go.

Tennessee!!!! I really like this state….

Stop for a hearty lunch just south of Knoxville. Cracker Barrel FTW!

Crossing the Tennessee River connecting to Nickajack Lake. Cool name!

Cross the time zone line and gain an hour. Down into Alabama!

And make it to the shopping destination with a half hour to browse the unique store. Unclaimed Baggage Center buys all lost luggage from the airline companies. They then sort them, clean them up, and resell them. You never know what you might find at the store!

I didn’t buy anything, so I saddled back up and back on the road. Crossing another river. Sun is setting lower, and the colors of the sky and crisp air are tranquil.

Dropped south just a bit and checked into the hotel.
They had prime motorcycle parking, and mood lighting!