Take Me Home, Country Roads - West Virginia

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That fog was NO joke. During the worst of it, we had to slow down quite a bit. By the time we could see something/anything, it would've been too late to react. All of a sudden, the fog disappeared. What a relief! :)

subscribed... wish that I'd gone out with ya'll. Very nice story.

I'm glad I was able to be part of Saturday's ride...even if I did feel like crap

That fog was NO joke. During the worst of it, we had to slow down quite a bit. By the time we could see something/anything, it would've been too late to react. All of a sudden, the fog disappeared. What a relief!
Yeah I fell back a bit so as not to potentially rear end the bike in front of me in the event of a fast stop... also had my emergency flashers on in case anyone came up behind me... definitely makes for a butt pucker moment!

Tyler, As always, your pictures are spectacular! Thanks for sharing your talent. Absolutely beautiful shots.
Thanks for taking a peek, Jeff! B)

I'm glad I was able to be part of Saturday's ride...even if I did feel like crap
I was impressed that you made it up and out that morning... but I guess a feeling crappy day on the bike is better than the alternative, huh? You seemed to pick up along the way...

Awesome Tyler, bring on the banquet!
Just for you, KJ...

We scooted back to the hotel in time to make the group photo... here Wayne is giving last minute instructions... something to the effect of stand still and smile, dammit!


Once the deed was done, everyone headed upstairs for dinner where a sumptuous meal awaited us...


And then it was time for the auction... Kevin/fencer was our emcee for the festivities...


Everyone was on pins and needles, hoping that their number would be called...






Even Andy/bikergeek99 was mellow...

Although that didn't last long...

Greg/geezer has one of the most infectious smiles...

Rallymaster extraordinaire...

Chris/axeman got up and told us about the organization that the proceeds would be benefitting, Jordan's Initiative, in honor of his son who was killed in Iraq... not a dry eye in the house... it was an honor for all of us to be able to give to the organization... website is here if anyone would like to check it out... https://www.jordansinitiative.com/

After dinner, it was time for more parking lot hijinx...





Lovely ladies of EOM...

Lots of smiles for friends...

Happy to see me??

Jay is quite a ham when a camera is around...

I think somebody poked Bill in the eye or something...

Oh Andy... sigh...

That's better... you don't look like you're turning... ;)

And then I went, "Braaaaaaaaaaaaapppp!!"

Is it just me or does Bob have a face that just looks like he's up to no good??

Who's still a weenie for not riding in the rain?? ;)

Me and the ionbeams... finally!! :wub:

Schmoozing with Steve/frushlorton... my heart sank when I saw his accident thread but really glad to hear he's on the mend and doing well...

Pay no attention to that bottle behind the hands... these aren't the droids you're looking for... move along...

I'll bet if we put some of these up for auction at the next gathering, we'd raise tons!

Folks drifted slowly away not wanting the night to end but knowing that there were early morning departures and long journeys ahead... I know I just wanted to stay there for a whole lot longer to spend time with all the great people that I knew already and the ones that I just got to meet...

Sunday morning was bittersweet as I waved to those packing up their bikes and gave some hugs too... again, it was an overcast day but no rain for my trip back to Sutton to return the bike... I had awakened earlier than my alarm clock was set so had lots of time to just enjoy my last few hours on those country roads...

I checked out some real estate and found some real steals...

I stopped off at church but no one was there...

So I went to my other church... The Church of the Road... I like that one better...





Saw several instances of this three-cross arrangement along the main highways...

I arrived in Sutton with time to spare so toodled about and got some pics of the town and surrounding areas...





Ready for fall...

Small town views...



Cobbled streets...

I turned in the bike and reluctantly repacked my bags to catch a flight back home... even the highways are beautiful out in WV so it made for a fairly nice drive back to Pittsburgh...

While waiting for my flight, my mind wandered back over the past couple of days... how beautiful the sights and scenery were... how much my heart smiled at the thought of the faces of those friends I left behind but still carried with me... and it was good...

Andy & Sue gave me this really cool plaque which now hangs next to my front door...

Which means basically:

Sláinte, meaning 'Good Health,' is an ancient Irish expression that derives from the word slán, meaning safe.

It is used in different contexts. For example, when downing a pint of Guinness you say 'Sláinte' before you begin to drink.

There are many other expressions that use slainte such as 'Is fearr an tsláinte ná na táinte" (health is better than wealth).

Another expression is 'Go dte tú slán" (may you go safe), which is what you say when someone is leaving on a journey.

So I end this report with that wish for all of you... may you have health, may you want for nothing, may you always feel loved, and may all of your journeys be safe... thank you again for your friendship and support over the years... you will be a part of my heart forever.


It was truly great meeting up with you in Sutton. I really enjoyed the lunch conversation, along with our ride down to Lewisburg. Loved being part of another one of your great ride reports. Looking forward to the next time our paths cross.

Stay just the way you are,

El Toro Joe

Excellent once again.

It's awesome being in the back of the pack watching the FJR train snake around the curves...loved that in your photos.

Also loved the photos in Sutton...very enjoyable to view.

But, Joe-drunk out of his skull- gesturing that "he's got this"...awesome. :D

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Awesome pictures, Tyler!!!! Such a great report. It was lovely to meet you. And I definitely hope to see you again, and ride with you! You have an eye for photographic shots.... Keep up the good work!
