Tamin' the Tail

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newbs need the forum
Aug 15, 2010
Reaction score
Spring Hill, Florida
Plans are set in motion. The FJR's finally repaired and ready to load on the trailer and tomorrow morning I'm headed out again for Orlando. Hopefully, I'll be loading up my daughter's '73 Honda CB350 four and heading for North Carolina with her to ride the Dragon again.

Here's a pic of the two bikes last year waiting to tour the Dragon:


The repairs on the FJR:

I attempted twice to repair my front brake light switch (lights staying on all the time), first with some tape at HotRodZilla's place in Albuquerque, and second by utilizing a Gen II switch sent to me by Extrememarine. However, neither attempt worked as tape fell off and the Gen II switch will not work with the Gen 1 wiring. Make a note: they are NOT interchangeable. However, a little filing and four wraps of aluminum tape on the brake lever tab that activates the switch took care of the problem, and my original switch is doing the job again.

You'll notice I said that I'm attempting to do this again. What I meant by that was that we tried to take this same exact trip in early June. Some of you may recall the post I made about the trip that never happened. I had the van all loaded up, the bikes were on the trailer, and on my way to the store the night before we left, the "check engine" light popped on. We'd just had the internal timing belt replaced on the engine the day before and it wasn't running quite right. We cancelled the trip, took the van back home and back to the mechanic. He took everything apart AGAIN and called to apologize for his error. He'd somehow gotten the exhaust cam one tooth off. Though he fixed it all, and it runs fine now, it was too late to salvage the vacation. He's a good guy and he felt awful about ruining the vacation,but hey, it happens to the best of us. So we rescheduled for this week. Below is a pic from last year at the Dragon with daddy and daughter. Doesn't she make me look good? Here she's wearing the Honda "T" that I bought her at Daytona Bike week that same year. It's hard to find stuff that fits her, she's such a little squirt.


Kathleen wants me to do a little work on the Honda before I load it on the trailer. I need to pull the plugs and clean 'em up and clean the oil off the engine. The baby four needs a rebuild, but dad couldn't get it done this summer. Too busy touring the country it seems.

So I'm feeling pretty good about taking this trip.


This is the last summer trip we can take together before she gets married. Oh I forgot to tell ya: Kathleen's engaged to be married on Dec 29 to a fine young doctor-to-be. I'm so happy for her. Brandon is just finishing up medical school. So before that handsome young crook steals off with my girl,


Daddy's gonna enjoy one last hurrah with her at the Tail of the Dragon before the summer's over a I have to get back to teaching.

I was a little concerned about being able to afford another vacation, after just completing a 6k trip around the country and a one week excursion with my second daughter Kelly and the baby in St. Augustine last week. But you know what? I refuse to be a sad broken down old geezer sitting on top of all my saved-up-cash wishing he'd done this sort of thing more often. I've got the opportunity, and I'm not going to let it get away. Robbinsville, NC, HERE WE COME !!!

More coming soon:


darksider #44

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Haha...Stupid switch.

Don't worry Gary. You can't take the money with you, so you might as well spend it on the people and things you love.

Can't wait to hear how this turns out. You want me to send that CamelBak back??

I envy you. I guess your ex-wife must have been smoking hot for the daughter to be that pretty and you to be, well... you.

Have a great time, be careful.

Oh, wait a minute. You are breaking forum etiquette. You are not allowed to start a second Ride Report when you have one open and unfinished. Looks like you are obligated to stay home and finish your ride report. I know, it is sad that the lovely Kathleen will be deprived of a trip a second time. Since I consider you a friend, I am willing to step in, load my bike on a trailer and drive to Florida to get Kathleen. I know all the good roads, the good waterfalls and I will act as a complete gentleman.

OR!!! You could finish your $#%@ Ride Report NOW!

Take your pick, but we'd probably all be better off if you chose option #2.

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Haha...Stupid switch.
Don't worry Gary. You can't take the money with you, so you might as well spend it on the people and things you love.

Can't wait to hear how this turns out. You want me to send that CamelBak back??
Camelback: Na... weather's wonderful in the Smokies. However, I'll send ya the switch if you'll answer that PM I sent ya... when I get back next week.


darksider #44

I envy you. I guess your ex-wife must have been smoking hot for the daughter to be that pretty and you to be, well... you.
Have a great time, be careful.

Oh, wait a minute. You are breaking forum etiquette. %
Yeah... the closer I stand to her, the better I look. Ya know what's a real joy to me? Ever since I can remember, Kathleen calls me just about every day. What more could a father ask for?

Great time: will do. Be careful: always.

Not sure what cha meant by forum etiquette % ???


SO SOLLY CHALLY. No able to aglee wit you. Must take most honorable daughter on vacation TODAY.

You need to get mush lest. You not tinking straight.


darksider #44

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Enjoy and safe travels to you and your daughter! I love those little Honda fours. I have a CB400F Supersport that's something of a barn find. Wifes' best friend had it sitting in her garage for 8 years and about 3 years ago I finally convinced her to sell it to me. Bike is now running and back on the road. Loads of fun to ride and such a great sound. That should be a great Dragon bike, light weight and very nimble.

The trip to Robbinsville NC was really grueling. We left Orlando after I loaded Kathleen's little Honda on the trailer, and ran some errands for darling daughter. It was 6pm when we pulled out. The GPS said, "6 hours and 32 minutes from Orlando to LaGrange, Ga.," but it took us about 9, rolling into my cousin's apartment in LaGrange, Ga. (near Atlanta) something like 4 hours later than we'd planned. So much for getting to visit with him. Reason for the delay: the van. Our 4 cylinder Dodge Caravan isn't the best tow vehicle, but it's all I've got. Towing 1100 lbs of Japanese metal along with a 300 lb. - 1972 converted snowmobile trailer (now it's got a wooden floor and 18" walls)... didn't sit well with the van. Most of the time I struggled to get it over 60 and going up hills usually involved 50-55 mph. Even then it was a struggle. However, I can say that it was a blessing that on this trip, the van has been running properly. Just wish I had a little more engine.

So, I wasn't happy that I didn't get to visit with my cousin as promised. We crashed out on his Aerobed to find that he'd left for work the next morning by the time we got up. So I got to see him for like 10 minutes while we were all trying to hold our eyes open long enough to get ready for bed. It was a good thing that he had an Aerobed as I forgot to bring mine like I'd promised. The man didn't even have a couch. Oh well. Tossed and turned most of the night due to a really soft bed and woke up dead tired. The Aerobed seemed to lose some of it's air overnight. Great.

It goes without saying that ya have to forget SOMETHING for every trip ya take. It gives the trip a... "memorable moment." Kinda the little personal touch for each individual trip. For me, for this trip, it was the Aerobed. I just plain forgot to bring it. Ugggh.

Next morning about 11 we finally got on the road and headed for Robbinsville and the Tail of the Dragon. The GPS said 3 hours and 41 minutes. We finally arrived after 6 1/2 hours -- after struggling up some of the steepest mountain roads on the planet (or so it seemed in the van). This was not the way I planned it. We ate up the better part of 2 days getting OUT and onto the road, and then dealing with all the delays that resulted in our late arrival on the second day. What a way to start a vacation. Hoping the rest goes a little better.

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Wow, I see from the above post you'll get no mercy here! It seems to me the best vacations always involve a little adventure or misadventure as the case may be. I look forward to the rest of the ride report and hope to see some pictures as well.

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+1 on riding there. It's a little more tiring, but a lot more fun. I bet that little Honda would beat you up pretty well on a long trip like that.

Unless I'm mistaken, I spotted your bikes in the parking lot of the Deals Gap Motorcycle Resort around 05:30 Saturday morning after I slayed the Dragon in the Dark (ride tale forthcoming).


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Ha--Kathleen just called me over to the computer to see this picture that somebody posted. Not sure I recall gabbing w/ you on the forum here, but yup, ya got me. I've been so busy with my schedule I haven't had much time to post up much here about this report. We spent the first night (only) at the Deal's Gap Motorcycle Resort. We spent the last three nights at this really wonderful little cottage: complete with kitchen and homemade jelly and fresh eggs (just laid) and fresh cut flowers. This little cabin is so cool... and only 50 bucks a night, tax included. Rented it from a lady named Mary Griffin. Find it online under "griffincabins" in Robbinsville. Here's a link: CLICKY Delightful lady, and has several properties for rent. I chose "the cottage." Reason: cheap, and it has a garage to store the motorcycles.

So ---- Actually, due to threats on my life and the general well-being of my daughter (Fine, so I exaggerate a little...) I had to finish my "Coast to Coast in 48 1/2 hours" thread. And now it's late on Monday night, the Dragon's been slayed, and we're getting ready for a good night's sleep. Tomorrow morning at 6 we plan to be on the way back to the sunshine state so we can enjoy the rest of its miserable summer and its boring, straight roads. I'm back in the classroom next week Monday and the FUN IS DONE. Kathleen's busy uploading the pictures off her iPhone so I can get started with the rest of this thread.


Great idea, but no, we couldn't. The Honda can't take those kind of miles, it's leaking and burning oil already, and Kathleen can't either. She gets pretty warn out after a couple hours in the saddle. It's hard work lookin' that young you know. We all know that the FJR will run 80-90 all day, the but that little Honda will not, and neither can Kathleen.

Redfish: quit yer groanin', it's comin'. Wait a minute, here's an idea. I'll send ya the pics, YOU write the ride report, and I can spend some extra time with my daughter !!!

Stay tuned to this station, ladies and gentlemen.


darksider #44

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Ha--Kathleen just called me over to the computer to see this picture that somebody posted. Not sure I recall gabbing w/ you on the forum here, but yup, ya got me. I've been so busy with my schedule I haven't had much time to post up much here about this report. We spent the first night (only) at the Deal's Gap Motorcycle Resort. We spent the last three nights at this really wonderful little cottage: complete with kitchen and homemade jelly and fresh eggs (just laid) and fresh cut flowers. This little cabin is so cool... and only 50 bucks a night, tax included. Rented it from a lady named Mary Griffin. Find it online under "griffincabins" in Robbinsville. Here's a link: CLICKY Delightful lady, and has several properties for rent. I chose "the cottage." Reason: cheap, and it has a garage to store the motorcycles.
Indeed, I mostly lurk, ride when I can, and am a fan of the longer distances. Great info on the cottage, 50 bucks there versus the Days Inn by the Alcoa airport sounds like a no brainer - I'll file that away for next time.

Redfish: quit yer groanin', it's comin'. Wait a minute, here's an idea. I'll send ya the pics, YOU write the ride report, and I can spend some extra time with my daughter !!!


darksider #44
Okay, sorry for pressuring you. I can only imagine how tiring it must be for you to be out riding your motorcycle all over the country, visiting with wonderful folks like HotRodZilla, doing IBA Cert rides, sleeping in 5 star hotels, slaying the Dragon, spending time with your daughter, spending money and racing mini-vans. You poor, poor man.

I could see myself moving some of the words around in the above quote just to change who was writing the report and who was helping the lovely Kathleen get herself and her little motorcycle home but I could not figure a way to do it tastefully, so I let it go.

Take your time my friend. I will be waiting (impatiently) for a Ride Report with pics.

I asked Kathleen if she'd write something in her own words for the forum. Though she didn't want to do so, I did get her to sit at the computer for a moment. So here ya go: special "guest comments" from daughter Kathleen...

Ignore my helmet hair in the pictures. Also ignore my dad's poor choice of angles when taking a picture.

And there ya go, the pictures and ride report will be coming soon. I'm dropping Kathleen and her Honda off in Orlando and will be on my way home to Spring Hill shortly.

More later.


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No doubt Gary writes some good reports. You can't help but like the guy. What I don't understand is why/how he gets the forum to do all the work for him. We have to hound him to type the Report and if it weren't for Sharif and Bungie posting pics we'd never see proof that he was actually there. The guy has to be a genius.

I do wish that the lovely Miss Kathleen were wearing gloves in that pic though. Shame on you Gary! I will say that she is dressed to match her bike though, that pic could have been taken 30+ years ago.

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