newbs need the forum
Crowded:Taming what's been tamed 45 thousand times in a year.. Sorry Gary but the tail sucks dry dik cheese. Crowded , slow, and as far as sight seeing? a pile of dumb *** squid ****..
For my 100th time. It's fukin overated and suks dry dog cok.
Yes sir it was. Each time we stopped to enjoy the scenery, there were a number of fascinating people, doing the same thing we were, there to talk to. There were crowds at the restaurants, and at the gas stations, coming over to ask Kathleen about her Honda and to ask me about my car tire. The Deal's Gap Motorcycle Resort was booked up full. There were people and motorcycles everywhere, and like you, I was a little sad about that. I wish I'd had more time to get to talk to them all. Seems like each person we spoke to was even more interesting than the last... The crowds you speak of are all individual people, each with a soul and an amazing story to tell. At least that's how I see them. And you sir?
You are right again. Speed limit on the Dragon is 35, which means that anything over 43 or so would be risky. Many of the slow speed curves require a little more skill and patience because of this slower pace. As a matter of fact, I got a huge thrill out of the fact that I didn't have to risk a speeding ticket to thoroughly enjoy the Dragon. It's a blast to just try to ride along anywhere near the speed limit. And Kathleen, who doesn't like high speeds as she's a beginning rider, felt comfortable at the relaxed pace. Here's something really cool, literally: Almost all of the Dragon is shaded, which really makes for a nice ride. Not exactly sure how all this relates to the cheese you spoke of, but the occasional cattle we saw in and around that area were pretty cool to see as well. And I was happy to be part of the slow problem as Kathleen can't ride very fast. Being a part of her life requires some adjustments. So we pulled over to let others pass a dozen times or more and enjoyed the thank you wave we received most of the time. I'm so thankful that those who waved their thanks when passing by to enjoy some higher speeds didn't seem to feel the way you do. I'd hate to ruin their fun, and I mean that.
Perhaps. This overrated (as you put it) Dragon reminds me of the Alum Cave trail that we decided to hike while in the area. Check it out here: CLICKY Judging by the crowd that was there compared to the other trail heads I saw, it was considerably more popular. That may indeed have made it overrated in the eyes of some. It was crowded, and required us to step aside many times to let others pass. This would indeed make it slow as well. But that didn't detract one iota from the fun we had that day. I would recommend that short hike to anyone, anywhere. The scenery was simply amazing. Much like the Dragon, I might add. But then again, fun and enjoyment are more a result of what is in each individual heart... than WHERE we happen to be. For example, I look forward to meeting each of my new remedial reading students next week, as a matter of fact, even though some of their other teachers might dread their presence. What others may see as a waste of time, I see as most definitely worth my while. And if that makes me a little strange, I'm OK with that.
Guess I'm just wired a little different than some.
darksider #44
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