Tank Blurbling Sound

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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2006
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Louisville, KY
I tried to search for gurlge, blurble, bubble, and bubbling but couldn't find anything on this. I don't know if it has been discussed in the past....

When I turn my FJR off, I am hearing some bubbling, gurgling sounds that seem like they are coming from the gas tank. It actually does it most if I turn the ignition on but don't start the bike. Is that normal? I've never noticed it before.

I get that sound. My bike is telling me it's having a hard time venting the tank. Usually, when it's really gurgley (can I say that?), it means I've kinked/crimped the vent drain hose.

I tried to search for gurlge, blurble, bubble, and bubbling but couldn't find anything on this. I don't know if it has been discussed in the past....
When I turn my FJR off, I am hearing some bubbling, gurgling sounds that seem like they are coming from the gas tank. It actually does it most if I turn the ignition on but don't start the bike. Is that normal? I've never noticed it before.
From what you describe, you are talking about two completely different situations. When you turn the ignition on, you are hearing the fuel pump running. Do you just hear the noise for a second or so, and then it stops?

When turning it off, I would agree with FJRocket and say you have a restriction in the venting. How long does it last? If you open the fuel tank cap (carefully, as gas may spray out), is there a whoosh of air, or is the gas bubbling (boiling)?

If the vent hose is crimped or obstructed, the tank will gurgle even after the engine cools for hours. Yes, I know this from experience.... :headbonk: I've even heard it gurgle the next day. Didn't seem to hurt anything, but I'd hate to open the cap and get a face full of unleaded. Or have the tank implode. Oh wait, my tank already has concrete induced implosion. :headbonk:

Mine does this too. Most noticeably after she's warm and I restart it. I notice it usually when im under 1/2 tank, I've left it in gear (trying to adopt that habit) and forget to pull the clutch before I start it. I hear the fuel pump hum andthe gas burble for a second. I figured it was just hot fuel entering the fuel pump.

I tried to search for gurlge, blurble, bubble, and bubbling but couldn't find anything on this. I don't know if it has been discussed in the past....
When I turn my FJR off, I am hearing some bubbling, gurgling sounds that seem like they are coming from the gas tank. It actually does it most if I turn the ignition on but don't start the bike. Is that normal? I've never noticed it before.
It's gas.

Eat bland foods.

if the engine is hot when this happens it's the gasoline percolating because of engine heat, especially if you have less than 1/2 tank gas in it.

Solution is to get one of Smitty's under-tank insulation blankets.

I tested it out last night and it only does it after it's been running and the bike is hot. When its cold, I turn the ignition on and nothing. When it's hot, I turn the ignition on and it gurgles.

From what I'm hearing this sounds rather normal.

I have never had gas spray out at me when I stop to get gas, so I'm guessing it's not the vent hose being crimped.

if the engine is hot when this happens it's the gasoline percolating because of engine heat, especially if you have less than 1/2 tank gas in it.
Solution is to get one of Smitty's under-tank insulation blankets.
That is not correct.

Gas should NOT be boiling because of engine heat. Any case of gas boiling is because of problems with the venting. No venting allows pressure to build up and when it is instantly released, the gas boils. I ride consistently in 105+ temps and take the tank down deep into reserve and have only had my tank boil once, and it was immediately precluded by the whoosh of escaping air when I opened the fuel tank.

keithaba - something is odd here. When the bike is cool, do you hear the fuel pump whir for a second or so upon turning on the ignition? When you hear the gurgling, is the tank on the low side? I think I have had mine occasionally gurgle, but it hasnt' caused me concern. I think it's when the tank is low. Of course, I generally have my ear plugs in and can't hear it anyways.

Tell you what, open the cap of your fuel tank, remove key with the cap still open, then turn on the ignition while peering into the tank with a flashlight. Report back here what you see in 200 words or less.

my key won't come out of the cap lock without closing the cap first.
It will if you compress the rubber ring against it's spring. :p

And I should clarify, when I hear the gurgling, I have attributed it to sounds the fuel is making as the fuel pump pressurizes fuel upon turning on the ignition, or sounds the fuel makes upon shut down when the pressurized fuel rail is releasing fuel. And IIRC, this occasionally occurrs when the fuel tank is low.

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"That is not correct. Gas should NOT be boiling because of engine heat. Any case of gas boiling is because of problems with the venting. "

Sorry SkooterG but my '05 FJR bubbled the gas from Day 1 of ownership, especially with less than 1/3 full, and there is no problem with the venting. It only stopped when I either removed the side rubber panels so the heat could escape and also after I put the insulation blanket under the tank.

There has never been any sign of excess pressure in the tank due to venting issues.

Gas or any other fluid will bubble or boil if gotten hot enough. Too many of us have seen this happen for it to be a problem with venting as noted by comments from others on this thread.

It's gas.
Eat bland foods.
I have to agree. That's clearly a bathtub fart you're hearing, which raises two problems: You're too old to take a bath and for some reason you have your FJR in the can.

(This useless post sponsored by your friends at Hormel)

"That is not correct. Gas should NOT be boiling because of engine heat. Any case of gas boiling is because of problems with the venting. "
Sorry SkooterG but my '05 FJR bubbled the gas from Day 1 of ownership, especially with less than 1/3 full, and there is no problem with the venting. It only stopped when I either removed the side rubber panels so the heat could escape and also after I put the insulation blanket under the tank.

There has never been any sign of excess pressure in the tank due to venting issues.

Gas or any other fluid will bubble or boil if gotten hot enough. Too many of us have seen this happen for it to be a problem with venting as noted by comments from others on this thread.
Well, yours is the first I have heard of it.

There are many Arizona, Texas, and southern Kali riders who ride in temps much hotter than yours on a regular basis and don't experience this problem. Fluids boiling are not just a function of temperature, but also of pressure. And yes, given the right temperature and pressure relationship, any fluid will boil. But until now, any boiling fuel in the FJR episode has been described as a rare occurrence for a particular FJR and has almost always been traced to the venting. If it was an inherent design flaw simply relating to heat, it would be occurring on a much more regular basis.

So why is yours special?

Ummm, sorry SkooterG - but please to do a search on "boiling" and you will be enlightened to learn my '05 was not "special" in any way when it came to boiling the fuel when hot after running in warm weather then shut off and sitting.

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Ummm, sorry SkooterG - but please to do a search on "boiling" and you will be enlightened to learn my '05 was not "special" in any way when it came to boiling the fuel when hot after running in warm weather then shut off and sitting.
Hmmm.........good thing you edited your post and took out the really condescending crap. I just might have been offended had it been left in.

Tell you what, I am busy for many hours to come, so don't currently have time to properly respond. But may I suggest you follow your own advice and perhaps amend or add to your above statement? If you let it stand I will respond properly much later tonight.

one last comment - Wednesday night we had a local bike gathering with eight FJR's out of a couple hundred bikes.

We were sitting around eating and someone mentioned the post about my "special" bike with the gasoline boiling and it turned out that four of the eight bikes were also "special" and had experienced the same thing.

All of them were '05's by the way.

if the engine is hot when this happens it's the gasoline percolating because of engine heat, especially if you have less than 1/2 tank gas in it.
Solution is to get one of Smitty's under-tank insulation blankets.

Tell you what, open the cap of your fuel tank, remove key with the cap still open, then turn on the ignition while peering into the tank with a flashlight. Report back here what you see in 200 words or less.
Scooter: It's been raining so I haven't had a chance to ride it yet. I defnately doesn't do it if it isn't hot. It also is doing this with the tank 3/4 full.

FJRMGM: Thanks for the info, I am going to continue to investigate carefully, just to be sure that the sound you guys are hearing is the same sound I am hearing, and that there is nothing wrong with my tank ventilation. I have been under the gas tank and it could be possible I cripmed a line, but it could also be completely a normal noise. As my proctologist says, "It never hurts to be thorough!!: JK ;)

I do need to get a smitty tank blanket anyway. The children have have been roasting since it's hit the 80's a few days here.

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