Tech Day - May 30 through June 1, Middleville MI

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Jun 18, 2019
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Middleville, MI
Inaugural Tech Day in Western Michigan. Hoping to set a regular Meet & Greet type Wrench Day

Hosted by me (Tim) and Ms. Cindy which means we'll keep you well fed and rested.

Event starts Friday afternoon (meaning after lunch) and will close when everyone feels the need to move on (Sunday most likely).

One Camper - get the premium overnight experience in the driveway. A queen bed and a fold down table as needed. Comes with coffee maker and a liquid only toilet (sorry I don't want to mess with the mess). Heat and AC as needed. First come - first serve.
Floor space in the house. Heat and/or AC, bring an air mattress or choose the downstairs couch.
Large yard for tenting - Bring along your own accommodations - put up your tent right next to the pond if you want - some bugs can be expected during this time of the year.
If you need a Hotel/Motel, let me know and I can make a couple recommendations - about 10m away.

Post up if you are coming. Please include:
  1. When you plan on arriving and if you are staying overnight. That helps the innkeepers to plan and stuff.
  2. What you're looking to do to your bike.
    • Plan on wrenching on your own bike with folks nearby who have already either broken what you're working on or have completely screwed the pooch on what you're working on.
    • If you're not sure what parts you will need for whatever you wanna do to your bike (say, a valve check or a fork rebuild), the sooner you speak up, the sooner you can get parts advice.

The Pole Barn (PB) is pretty equipped - but note that I don't carry 14 sets of everything - if you have tools, bring them?

Tire Change? I'm working with my brother - the tire change specialist - to be on hand if a change is desired. I would also suggest ordering and shipping the tires here so you don't have to bring them with you. If you wanna ship parts ahead of time, speak up so I can get ya the shipping address.

If there is missing information here, let me know and I'll add/correct this post. Also, if some of this looks familiar, I'm following Andy's (@BikerGeek99) advice, although all mistakes and errors are a result of the author. Thanks Andy.

Tim Schutter
I will be there. Cant think of anything I need to do but I am close to Middleville. I have some tools if needed so I can drive a vehicle/drop off stuff.

When you get the list together just let me know if you dont have something or dont have two or three of something and I will see what I have.

I would say I will be there Saturday which is probably when most work happens. Friday/Sunday if needed.
Is this in addition to a summer event at Andy’s place in OH or in place of? From my distance I would probably do one or the other. 🤷🏼‍♂️
This most likely will not have an impact on Andy's plans. His is later in the season, I'm planning on keeping to the early part of the season. Maybe @BikerGeek99 (Andy) can chime in about his plans...

I'd love to have you @HilltownDave - the more the merrier.

I am (by internet terms) very close by, about 1.5 hrs away... Plan on me being there!

I have an issue with the suspension settings on my 2014 ES. Hopefully, someone way smarter than me, can figure it out.

This most likely will not have an impact on Andy's plans. His is later in the season, I'm planning on keeping to the early part of the season. Maybe @BikerGeek99 (Andy) can chime in about his plans...

I'd love to have you @HilltownDave - the more the merrier.

Nope - no impact on ours. We will have ours later in the fall - typically around EOM, give or take a couple of weeks.

And if we're able, we'd like to come up for this, Tim!