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The Endless Font of Useless Knowledge...
Jun 24, 2005
Reaction score
Friendswood, TX
Don’t know if anyone else has tried these, but I got a pair of Techsox as a birthday present the other day, and really like them. You can order them through Lee Parks website, or through a vendor on the Techsox website…

I got a pair of the knee high cut socks and they seem to stay “up” much better than the old tube socks I was wearing. They’re very, very comfortable, and according to the literature are great for keeping your feet cool, dry, and even have anti-microbial properties. They’re left/right specific, so they fit your feet really well… Heck, they’ve even got a 1 year warranty for manufacturers defects…

The only drawback is they aren’t cheap. Running close to $22 a pair for the high cut version (around $17 a pair for the “boot cut” type, $12 per pair for the stubby ones). I think I’ll use them a few more times, but if I keep feeling the same way as I do now, I’ll probably be buying a few more pairs… they’re really great socks built specifically for us motorcyclists…

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Yup, great sox, have 4 pair. Great customer service, the owners are usally at the bigger bike shows...

I've now got a number of rides, in both warm and cold conditions under my belt with these on... probably close to 1500 miles, and they are definitely THE THING when it comes to making your feet comfortable while riding a motorcycle. Two thumbs way, way up... I've gotten at least 5 other riding buddies hooked on them as well.... try a pair... my guess is you won't be sorry.

Dan, next time just go to your local bicycle shop and buy a pair of De Feet Aereator sox made from Cool Max material. About $10/pair.

Lightweight, breathable and wicks any moisture away from the foot. What I always wear on the motorcycle or bicycle. Plus you can wear them with tennis shoes.

P.S. - I have a pair of those sox you described and like the Aereators better.


If I was looking for ankle high socks, I'd consider them, but when I'm wearing my Gaerne boots, I want something that comes up over my calves and up to the bottom of my knees... Defeet doesn't make any like that. And the stubby Techsox are $12 a pair... almost the same as the Defeet ones.

Go to a moto site such as Motosport, They have all lengths and weight of riding socks. Also Cabella's has hunting socks that will also work of different weight, materials and length. Most are cheaper but some not that much.


Not 100% sure that was a reply to me... but if so, you may have misunderstood my last post. Techsox come in a boot length version (also a calf high, and ankle high). They are moto specific riding socks and are exactly what I want/need. That's why I was trying to let people know about them.

+1 on the comfort of Techsox. I bought some at the Toronto motorcycle show in December and wore them for snowmobiling all Winter. Definitely great product and the L and R tags on the toes are good for the dyslexic among us!

Groo, I also half ass read the part of the price. There are a lot of other socks out there that are very good. I also like a sock above the boot height, both on and off road especially to shield the old leg from the knee pads. Maybe I'll give them a try. thanks and sorry.

Hmmmmh...............we are talking about socks. They're socks for christ's sake. I wear socks. After I wear them, I wash them. I put my socks on before I put my boots on. I take them off after I take my boots off. Are these socks in the conversation...."magical" socks? Can you moon walk with them? Is there some magical goose laying golden eggs behind them? Can we harness nuclear power with these "magical" socks? I feel left out. Cold, numb. Maybe if fjrchik can explain this to me. She may even be able to tell me how to keep sand out of my socks. :lol:

odot - Try them... or not... the choice is yours. Do you ever wear anything under your riding clothes on the rest of your body for comfort's sake? Under Armor perhaps? Glove liners when it's cold? It's just another way to stay more comfortable dude...

You must be the medium, groo. I grew up old school. Cold and wet. Although a spry 34. I watched my oldest brother swim into freezing water to bring to shore a seal that he killed with his 22rifle. We had to wash him down with snow to dry him off. I was ten years old then. Me and my cousins dragged that seal to my grandmother who then split and cut that seal to where we could eat it. After we cooked or dried it. Good meal....for a month. I'll ride a month with wet shoes before I complain. It's a different world now-a-days. I used to sleep at road stops next to my harley before I rode on the next day. Now I have a scoot that has a moving window. Now, I sleep at the next motel that can give me a shower. Then again....I am 34....I'm "old". Talk to my oldest brother about cold and wet. Then, and only then will we have a "fun" conversation.

odot, is this what you look like when geared up for a ride????



Well, I'm more along the Lee Parks school of thought, in that riding comfort directly translates to better riding, due to less distractions. Chapter 20 of his Total Control book is basically devoted to saying that well made and comfortable gear lets you focus on the important stuff.

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