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Bike Effects,

Hope you like them... let us know one way or the other.

Thread derail... so BE, where's my Power Commander? I mean, I ordered it like yesterday... and it's not here yet. ;)

dang, all this talk about TechSox reminded me that I bought a pair at the Cycle Expo last fall and put them somewhere and have never tried them.

So, found the sox and will use them on a 300 mile ride Friday in 85 degree weather and will give you a report next week about how they worked out.

Wish me cool feet.

Daniel - "due to less distractions." Is this coming from the same guy who now has so many gadgets plugged in and running on his bike he had to add a trailer hitch to pull the "Mr. Fusion" reactor to power them?

The Borg don't have as many wires and gadgets connected to them as you now do. :D

Prepare for Assimilation!!!

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And it's only gonna get worse since I'm adding a Power Commander to the bike as soon as it gets here. The distraction comment was related to gear you wear... not necessarily information inputs. I view the audio and visual information from my V1 and GPS as key inputs to helping me understand my environment. The audio from the XM helps me get in the right frame of mind... it's all part of the big puzzle called enjoying the ride.

And this from the guy who was telling me to go to Defeet? Heh... hope you like 'em Mike... let us know one way or the other.

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Wore a pair today for the first time. Awesome!!! Felt stupid at first though when I had them on backwards.... :huh:

wore the TechSox on Friday going out to Kerrville, a 300+ mile trip and they were comfortable.

BUT - they were also hot because they are too thick for 85-90 degree weather. And, because they are mid-calf height they kept any cooling breeze from entering my Oxtar boots so it made it worse.

If they were a little thinner I believe we would have a winner but they still rank second behind the Aerator by DeFeet bicycling socks I usually wear. Those are ankle length and the right thickness for warmer weather riding. It was hotter coming home on Sunday and my feet were more comfortable with the DeFeet sox.

I will wear the TechSox in the cooler months but that isn't April-October in south Texas..

Your mileage may vary.

This is what I was saying earlier. There are other options. There are socks that fit every need from shear summer materials that wick moisture to heavy winter socks, ankle highs to above the knee for dirt riding. It just pays tocheck around and meet your needs.

Bike Effects,
Hope you like them... let us know one way or the other.

Thread derail... so BE, where's my Power Commander? I mean, I ordered it like yesterday... and it's not here yet. ;)
I have recieved my Techsox, and I will be trying them out starting next Tuesday as I am taking off on a 9 day jaunt through Utah, and dropping into Arizona. I'll give them a good try.
