TechSpec Snake Pads for Side Cases

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I really, really like it. Thanks from the collective (well, at least from me) for doing the legwork. Question about the adhesive: If you decide you really want it off, can you get it off? Dry mount, or wet mount like the 3M film?


Yes the aggressive adhesive one can also be removed but only one time. The pad can not be re-applied once it's removed (as far as we know).

TechSpec tells us that the regular adhesive is made in such a way that it allows multiple removals and re-sticks.

Man I really like those.

But... if they just covered that front corner of the bag a bit better. THIS is where I seem to drag my boot heal across the bag when I swing the leg over.


Just ordered up! Apparently you've helped them add a popular product; I'm apparently the fourth order this week!

I inquired with TechSpec about the side case protectors in their "High Fusion" material and they will offer that for $54.95 +shipping in case anyone may be interested.


Gotta have me a pair of those. I have the Techspec snakeskin pads on the tank as well and these will go nicely.

Great job!


Just be sure to order the side case pads with the "aggressive adhesive" and when you're installing them, set the side case and the pad in the sun for a few minutes to let both warm up. The pads will stick much better that way.


<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="creg-ny-baa" data-cid="1143040" data-time="1398479839"><p>

I really, really like it. Thanks from the collective (well, at least from me) for doing the legwork. Question about the adhesive: If you decide you <em class='bbc'>really</em> want it off, can you get it off? Dry mount, or wet mount like the 3M film?</p></blockquote>

The pads come with the adhesive already applied to the back of the pads. Just peel the paper off and stick them on. I located them front to back with the help of some blue masking tape to give me the alignment that I wanted. I left about an 1/8" reveal along the top straight edge so that you can still see an 1/8" of red from the lid.

Hope this helps.


Yup, it is dry. That's the only bad part about it. I really do like the look, and I think I will copy your pattern to make a couple of clear ones! My bro in law does the 3M paint protection for cars, and gave me some scrap to play with after he custom cut the front fairing piece for me. You can hardly see the film, and it goes on wet so you can position it exactly before squeegeeing out all the air bubbles. This pic was taken under harsh H.O. lights in my garage.


I have used the 3M material on headlights on cars and bikes. I've also seen it on saddlebags, tanks, etc, and the wet installation makes contours easier work. On this bike the biggest reason to protect the bag is SWMBO's mount/dismount. She has balance issues, so that's a tragicomic process, and although she's never nicked a bag, she might, so the rubber snakeskin surface is way less likely to show any mishaps.

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