Tennessee Hwy 30

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Jun 8, 2008
Reaction score
South East Tennessee
Sunday morning headed out to meet shokdimn and one of his riding buddys in Woodbury, TN. I live on highway 30 just outside Dayton but very seldom go west from my house. I usually head east to the mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina. I had forgot that Hwy 30 from Dayton to Spencer (65 miles), has some of the most fun twistys around. Not only was the ride to meet shokdimn a joy, but he took me on some real nice roads north of Cookville. We were passed by two Busa's while slabbing to another fine road. Rich not to be passed without making a point, charged up next to them. One of the busa's promptly pulled a wheelie and rode it for what I would estimate as about a mile. Rich usually has his camera ready but didn't this time. What a photo op!

The weather was beautiful, the company genuine and the roads were outstanding. Middle Tennessee has some fine roads. Shokdimn, we need to bring some of those north Georgia boys up for a ride. .... Thanks again.. I'll be back! Don :clapping:



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Shokdimn, we need to bring some of those north Georgia boys up for a ride.
Copy that. We could even let the JAWJA contingent take point like last time. It’s easier for me to follow vapor trails :D (LOL) than garmin tracks anyway. Ahem…paging Mr. Twisty and GSP.

Now about the "stunter"!

What a photo op!
Yeah, I would like to have gotten a pic of the “stunter” doing the wheel stand. What a show. And his riding companion, she was putting on a pretty good show too don’t ya think. Lotta backstrap :wow: showing IMO.

Now, in all fairness, there wasn’t really a charge. :not_i: I like to think it may have just kinda seemed that way :yes: since they were slowing down and preparing to ascend a slight rise ahead of us. While, OTOH, our group, the good guys and “gen teal” :slow: folks that we be, gained a bit of ground on them as we maintained and/or perhaps gained a “lee tul” speed as we descended the slope from which we trailed the stunter and his companion. Gotta remember we were in the hills.

So “charged” is kind of a strong word or perhaps an overly descriptive word for the means by which it seemed like the FJR began to close ground on those two. And of course, one’s perspective based on viewpoint can tend to obscure many tiny details of an actual event. So, bear in mind, from my perspective, immediately following the “stunter’s” hand signals to his fellow rider (I knew something was up when I saw this going on), it appeared they initiated a rapid deceleration maneuver so as to allow the “stunter” to heat his tires I suppose. This he did, by violently rocking his bike back and forth from side to side. Dunno how he avoided scraping his pegs while performing the violent “rocking procedure”.

Anyway, following about a half mile of the rocking procedure he then hoisted the front end and went merrily about his way wobbling down the road on his back tire. Yeah, I’m with Fubar on this, I’d say about a mile too. Watching the erratic back and forth wobbling motion of the bike kinda made me think of a spinning top that had tapped an object and was shuddering in an ungainly motion from side to side as it tried to regain a stable spin. Reacting quickly and appropriately to the remarkable instability of the stunter’s wheel stand our group faded wide-left of the stunter so as to avoid any possible “fresh” road debris. Fortunately, this time there wasn’t any.

Yeah, that’s the way I remember it. So that’s my story and I’m sticking “2 it”. :bike:

Shokdimn, we need to bring some of those north Georgia boys up for a ride.
I'm in!! Me likes twistys, McDonalds and Wheelies!! :p

Sounds like a good ride for the later part of October or Early November?


Shokdimn, we need to bring some of those north Georgia boys up for a ride.
Copy that. We could even let the JAWJA contingent take point like last time. It's easier for me to follow vapor trails :D (LOL) than garmin tracks anyway. Ahem…paging Mr. Twisty and GSP.

Now about the "stunter"!

What a photo op!
Rich, did you show him YOUR stunting skills?

Sounds like ya'll had an awsome time. Gimme a call next time you head up towards Cookville, I'd love to join you. Didn't know they had good twisties up there. I grew up in Chattanooga, but don't remember ever going to Cookville.

Hope to see you guys in Suches weekend after next. Telling lies and drinking a few beers by the campfire in the crisp fall air. Man, that's livin! :yahoo:

Shokdimn, we need to bring some of those north Georgia boys up for a ride.
I'm in!!
Gimme a call next time you head up towards Cookville, I'd love to join you.
We’d be glad to have ya'll! And will do.

Hope to see you guys in Suches weekend after next. Telling lies and drinking a few beers by the campfire in the crisp fall air. Man, that's livin! :yahoo:
Sounds good. Here's hoping.
Stunting, I dunno, maybe Fubar could shed some light on the subject. Rumor has it there was a …… "gettin" some big air :w00t: over thrill-hill yesterday. Of course, flying too low is a probably a “cite-able” offense. And I’d have a hard time believing a “gen teal” rider would be guilty of such behavior. OTOH, if there was a “flying ashe” report confirming such rumored behavior was possible--well, then I’d be more inclined to believe such an event occurred.

On a side note, here’s hoping the “stunter” never finds out where thrill-hill is located. That could be serious trouble!

Yo, A ride in the twisties of TN sounds like a really fine idea. There are a few guys in SC thinking about hosting something in November near 28, 130, 176, 276, 64 and 11 north of the Cherokee Hills Parkway.

I'd love to see you guys organize something before the chilly weather and the holiday season is upon us. This will give us two new places to ride. JAWJANS like adventure.

Besides, vapor trails last longer and are more vivid in cool weather! :D

I'll keep the mailbox open.

Yo, A ride in the twisties of TN sounds like a really fine idea. There are a few guys in SC thinking about hosting something in November near 28, 130, 176, 276, 64 and 11 north of the Cherokee Hills Parkway.
I'd love to see you guys organize something before the chilly weather and the holiday season is upon us. This will give us two new places to ride. JAWJANS like adventure.

Besides, vapor trails last longer and are more vivid in cool weather! :D

I'll keep the mailbox open.
Hey boys, got that Penske on my FJR today. It sure feels good on the road. Haven't been able to cut any corners yet with it. Damn job always getting in the way of my fun.

Rich, I don't know what your talking about...."getting air". You must be thinking of one of your other riding buddys.. :rolleyes:

There was a female riding next to the wheelie man? I didn't see her backside when she went by.... :yahoo: :hyper:


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Yo, A ride in the twisties of TN sounds like a really fine idea. There are a few guys in SC thinking about hosting something in November near 28, 130, 176, 276, 64 and 11 north of the Cherokee Hills Parkway.
I'd love to see you guys organize something before the chilly weather and the holiday season is upon us. This will give us two new places to ride. JAWJANS like adventure.

Besides, vapor trails last longer and are more vivid in cool weather! :D

I'll keep the mailbox open.
Sounds like a possibility.
