Terrible dealership service

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Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Aurora, IL
Dupage Honda Yamaha website

Venting - bought new 07 on the lot in July. Had paint scraped off top of rear grab handle. Salesman says "we'll take care of it". Take test drive, love the bike, agree to purchase with his committment it will be repaired. Picked up bike early July. Put 800 miles on it over next 6 weeks, calling to check on damage status and the replacement part. Salesman changes story to say "we can't fix it now, been on the lot too long, dealership won't take the hit for it. Offers me to purchase a new rear grab handle at cost or have it touched up. I'm willing to see the touchup and go from there. Salesman orders paint. Scheduled for 600 mile service late August. Drop bike off for service and paint repair Aug 26. Dealer says will have it done before Labor Day weekend. I get a call on Aug 28th about the ECU replacement, saying bike will be done soon, need part. Fine, no Labor Day riding, changed plans and went out of town.

Came back Sept 1. Dealer called Sept 2, bike done, ready for pickup. Went to dealer on Sept 3, bike was not done, paint had been repaired with what looked like nail polish and was no where near the right color. Completely unacceptable. Went to service dept, counterperson wouldn't acknowledge my standing there while talking on phone to another customer, so went to sales dept, found my salesman, showed him the bike. Paint repair was the most ridiculus thing I've ever seen. Mechanic walks out and says bike not done, paint needs to be sanded. Are you kidding, you're actually going to sand this nail polish and call it repaired? It's not even the right color! I tell salesman, repairs are unacceptable and left bike. Called Yamaha customer relations. Passed along the story, after reminding them I completed the online delivery survey which included this issue and never having rec'd a call on it. Customer relations called the dealer, called me back, says dealer never ordered the correct paint, parts dept mistake. Would I give them another chance? At this point, I'm pretty hot. I let customer relations know, now I won't be satisfied unless the part is replaced. Clearly the dealer is willing to pass off mediocre work and call it good, why trust them again? Customer relations offers no alternatives except to keep them informed of what happens next. Meanwhile bike is in shop since Aug 26.

Thoughts to calm a very disappointed new FJR owner?

Thanks for listening.

That is disappointing news. I have dealt with them since I bought my FJR thee in August of '06, and have had very good luck. Just my opinion, but I wouldn't have let them off the hook in the very first place with the B.S. about it has been too long. If they agreed to replace it, it shouldn't have mattered if you had had the bike for a year.

I would call, ask for the owner, sorry I forget his name, and tell him your story. See what he says. If he gives you the same run around, then I don't know what to tell you, other than to let him know you had heard his dealership had a good reputation, and that is why you had bought from him. Let us know what happens.

Haven't heard many good things about this dealer, and many others in the area. Do what Tim said. Call the owner and go from there. You are stuck with them now in any case.

It is not FJR fault. When you get it back give it a good wash and a hug and life will be perfect again :)

Just my two cents -

since you're in a part of the country which will freeze over in 2-3 months and the dealer will have lots less business, perhaps you should let this cosmetic issue rest for a while and go ride instead? Maybe suggest (and get it in writing?) that they can fix it over the winter, so you can ride now?

since you're in a part of the country which will freeze over in 2-3 months and the dealer will have lots less business, perhaps you should let this cosmetic issue rest for a while and go ride instead? Maybe suggest (and get it in writing?) that they can fix it over the winter, so you can ride now?
That's a good idea, and then tell them that if they continue to screw you around, you will call the Better Business Bureau and your state's attorney general's office about them failing to honor their "contract." It doesn't matter how long your bike sat on the lot, it was brand new and should have been in brand new condition when you rode it off. If you didn't damage it, they are responsible to make it right. IF you do send the BBB and the AG's offices letters, make sure you give the owner a copy, just to make his sphincter tighten up a little. Good luck.

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When you talk to the owner, above all keep your cool, don't let emotion or anger enter into your pitch or your voice. He will respect a rational customer complaint a lot more than one from a perceived hothead or asshole. It may not be easy for you. Also, talk to him about the value of customers to small business, in particular about the "lifetime value" of a customer. What do you spend on the sport every year?: tires, farkles, gear, maintenance, repairs, replacement bikes, additional bikes... For example, you spend $15,000 on a bike you intend to ride five years - $3,000 per year purchase cost; spend $500/yr. on tires, $500 on maintenance; $1,000 on accessories and gear... You're already a $5,000/yr. customer. You may spend $50,000 with this company in the next 10 years. Does this owner want to blow off $50,000 in business over a $120 part? If he does, run, don't walk away because these folks are supreme idiots who you may as well cut your ties with them now.

Also, tell him how much you want to be able to do business with them, but you need a dealer with real integrity and he has an opportunity to demonstrate his business has it. Tell him you understand the enormous challenges and difficulties in running a profitable small business. If you need to dig deeper, you may tell him that studies indicate satisfied customers tell one, maybe two, others. Unhappy customers tell nine others. He must strive for satisfied customers if he wants to be prosperous or more prosperous in the long run.

Keep in mind, if he lives up to his responsibilities, you then have some obligation to demonstrate your loyalty in the future.

My 2¢ as a small business owner.

Hey there. Born and raised around Aurora. Went to Kaneland HS, now live in Oswego.

That dealership went to Hell after Bill Vanenbrook, the original owner, died. He and my dad went pretty far back. From selling their first ever Goldwing in '75 to an uncle of mine with it being passed to my father eventually, to the purchase of both my 86 XR250R and '92 Nighthawk, the place was willing to deal and took care of the customer and service was unparalleled as I recall. WTF? Gotta get those repairs in writing. The wife and I bought a used Acura MDX from a Nissan Dealer and made them fix every ding, scratch, rubber seal, and made sure everything worked perfectly before taking possesion. Got it all in writing though. You got a NEW bike, and they won't repair the grabhandle???? I add again WTF? BS BS BS until you just give up and go away. I don't suppose they want return business. You could look into Pro Source down in Morris on Rte 6 East of Rte 47. Farther, but the travel time may be the same given the usual tri-city traffic. Good luck. Maybe I'll see you on the road.


That very Feej you own is the first one I ever saw. I was there to check out the ST1300 behind it, (being a strictly Honda bred guy) only to have your bike catch my eye(No...No... I just couldn't consider a Yamaha...). Well that changed. I started my research, discovered this forum, spent many nights driving up there after work to stare at your bike under the lights. Showed it to my wife one day and got to sit on it finally, happy that it fit like a glove. She approved of it and thought it was a match. I checked on it time and again to dream. Last time I was there was probably May/June. Just out of my $ range still. Maybe next year. Maybe hold out for the Gen III whenever that comes.

So if you ever want to swap for an hour and try my '07 CBR600RR, Le'me know, cause I haven't ridden a Feej yet. LOL.

Ride well, neighbor.

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Dupage Honda Yamaha website
Venting - bought new 07 on the lot in July. Had paint scraped off top of rear grab handle. Salesman says "we'll take care of it". Take test drive, love the bike, agree to purchase with his committment it will be repaired. Picked up bike early July. Put 800 miles on it over next 6 weeks, calling to check on damage status and the replacement part. Salesman changes story to say "we can't fix it now, been on the lot too long, dealership won't take the hit for it. Offers me to purchase a new rear grab handle at cost or have it touched up. I'm willing to see the touchup and go from there. Salesman orders paint. Scheduled for 600 mile service late August. Drop bike off for service and paint repair Aug 26. Dealer says will have it done before Labor Day weekend. I get a call on Aug 28th about the ECU replacement, saying bike will be done soon, need part. Fine, no Labor Day riding, changed plans and went out of town.

Came back Sept 1. Dealer called Sept 2, bike done, ready for pickup. Went to dealer on Sept 3, bike was not done, paint had been repaired with what looked like nail polish and was no where near the right color. Completely unacceptable. Went to service dept, counterperson wouldn't acknowledge my standing there while talking on phone to another customer, so went to sales dept, found my salesman, showed him the bike. Paint repair was the most ridiculus thing I've ever seen. Mechanic walks out and says bike not done, paint needs to be sanded. Are you kidding, you're actually going to sand this nail polish and call it repaired? It's not even the right color! I tell salesman, repairs are unacceptable and left bike. Called Yamaha customer relations. Passed along the story, after reminding them I completed the online delivery survey which included this issue and never having rec'd a call on it. Customer relations called the dealer, called me back, says dealer never ordered the correct paint, parts dept mistake. Would I give them another chance? At this point, I'm pretty hot. I let customer relations know, now I won't be satisfied unless the part is replaced. Clearly the dealer is willing to pass off mediocre work and call it good, why trust them again? Customer relations offers no alternatives except to keep them informed of what happens next. Meanwhile bike is in shop since Aug 26.

Thoughts to calm a very disappointed new FJR owner?

Thanks for listening.
I bought my FJR at Phibbs powersports in Albany, it was 150 miles from home to me. I got my new bike home, and the wife points out that there is a scratch in the back of the luggage rack. Picked up the phone, talked to the sales guys, new rack was ordered the following day and shipped to my door. They didn't even want the old one back!!! Now thats a dealer I'll travel to do buisness with again!

one more thought, pull the rack off over the winter and get in touch with Garauld on this board. He will get it painted up and fixed right for you. I'd never go back to that dealer.

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Gunny on everyone's suggestions. That is a bunch of BS. For service, I have to go to Chicago Cycle off of Toughy- probably the most expensive but I trust them with my bike - so far they have done a fine job with my bikes regular maintenence. Champion Cycle off of Western are not too nice. They skipped a couple steps on the 600 mile service and my wheels were scrated after I had them put on new tires so I don't go there anymore even though they are 4 blocks from my house. A new shop just opened up by me - Cycle Sport off of Rockwell. I emailed the owner and they do work on yamahas, not sure if they are an authorized dealer though...

Good luck getting your bike fixed - ride it now while its still nice out. After 3 months of snow and bitter cold you'll be jonesen' to get on your trustee steed.

Can anyone recomend a dealer in the Chicagoland area?

I am starting to think there are NO, NONE, NADA, ZERO, good dealers in the Chicago area. I am so glad I have an independent service shop that I can take my FJR to for maintenance and service items.

Haven't heard many good things about this dealer, and many others in the area. Do what Tim said. Call the owner and go from there. You are stuck with them now in any case.
It is not FJR fault. When you get it back give it a good wash and a hug and life will be perfect again :)
Right on! Thanks

Hey there. Born and raised around Aurora. Went to Kaneland HS, now live in Oswego.
That dealership went to Hell after Bill Vanenbrook, the original owner, died. He and my dad went pretty far back. From selling their first ever Goldwing in '75 to an uncle of mine with it being passed to my father eventually, to the purchase of both my 86 XR250R and '92 Nighthawk, the place was willing to deal and took care of the customer and service was unparalleled as I recall. WTF? Gotta get those repairs in writing. The wife and I bought a used Acura MDX from a Nissan Dealer and made them fix every ding, scratch, rubber seal, and made sure everything worked perfectly before taking possesion. Got it all in writing though. You got a NEW bike, and they won't repair the grabhandle???? I add again WTF? BS BS BS until you just give up and go away. I don't suppose they want return business. You could look into Pro Source down in Morris on Rte 6 East of Rte 47. Farther, but the travel time may be the same given the usual tri-city traffic. Good luck. Maybe I'll see you on the road.


That very Feej you own is the first one I ever saw. I was there to check out the ST1300 behind it, (being a strictly Honda bred guy) only to have your bike catch my eye(No...No... I just couldn't consider a Yamaha...). Well that changed. I started my research, discovered this forum, spent many nights driving up there after work to stare at your bike under the lights. Showed it to my wife one day and got to sit on it finally, happy that it fit like a glove. She approved of it and thought it was a match. I checked on it time and again to dream. Last time I was there was probably May/June. Just out of my $ range still. Maybe next year. Maybe hold out for the Gen III whenever that comes.

So if you ever want to swap for an hour and try my '07 CBR600RR, Le'me know, cause I haven't ridden a Feej yet. LOL.

Ride well, neighbor.
Thanks! Will do - see ya out there

When you talk to the owner, above all keep your cool, don't let emotion or anger enter into your pitch or your voice. He will respect a rational customer complaint a lot more than one from a perceived hothead or asshole. It may not be easy for you. Also, talk to him about the value of customers to small business, in particular about the "lifetime value" of a customer. What do you spend on the sport every year?: tires, farkles, gear, maintenance, repairs, replacement bikes, additional bikes... For example, you spend $15,000 on a bike you intend to ride five years - $3,000 per year purchase cost; spend $500/yr. on tires, $500 on maintenance; $1,000 on accessories and gear... You're already a $5,000/yr. customer. You may spend $50,000 with this company in the next 10 years. Does this owner want to blow off $50,000 in business over a $120 part? If he does, run, don't walk away because these folks are supreme idiots who you may as well cut your ties with them now.
Also, tell him how much you want to be able to do business with them, but you need a dealer with real integrity and he has an opportunity to demonstrate his business has it. Tell him you understand the enormous challenges and difficulties in running a profitable small business. If you need to dig deeper, you may tell him that studies indicate satisfied customers tell one, maybe two, others. Unhappy customers tell nine others. He must strive for satisfied customers if he wants to be prosperous or more prosperous in the long run.

Keep in mind, if he lives up to his responsibilities, you then have some obligation to demonstrate your loyalty in the future.

My 2¢ as a small business owner.
Will give it a try - sounds like the new owner may not have the customer service concerns the original owner had... will take the high road and see what we get. Thanks

A cool head, unwavering persistence and the tenacity of a pit bull. That'll likely get you the results you deserve. Give up any one of those things and you're screwed. Also, keep it in perspective: you own a one hot bike that'll give you an insane amount of pleasure.....with or without the scratch. Not trying to minimize or overlook poor service; just encouraging you to keep a cool head as you relentlessly try to resolve the issue. And if you cannot, plenty of people will know to avoid this particular dealer. The word of poor customer service travels ridiculously fast ;)

Good luck.

Thanks all for the quick feedback - anyone heard of Wildside Yamaha? Wildside Yamaha This one isn't too far from my place...
I had an emergency tire change that needed to be done quickly and, unlike two other local dealers, Wildside fit me in. They treated me fine and the tire change and balancing was done very well (at the typical high dealer cost of tire changes, of course :glare: ).

Although I don't love dealers (fortunately, I haven't had any terrible experiences but I haven't had any fantastic experiences either), I would go to Wildside again.

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Gunny on everyone's suggestions. That is a bunch of BS. For service, I have to go to Chicago Cycle off of Toughy- probably the most expensive but I trust them with my bike - so far they have done a fine job with my bikes regular maintenence. Champion Cycle off of Western are not too nice. They skipped a couple steps on the 600 mile service and my wheels were scrated after I had them put on new tires so I don't go there anymore even though they are 4 blocks from my house. A new shop just opened up by me - Cycle Sport off of Rockwell. I emailed the owner and they do work on yamahas, not sure if they are an authorized dealer though...
Good luck getting your bike fixed - ride it now while its still nice out. After 3 months of snow and bitter cold you'll be jonesen' to get on your trustee steed.

Can anyone recomend a dealer in the Chicagoland area?

--Everyone has their opinion, but Champion is one dealer I would never go back to...long story...don't much like Chicago Cycle either, but they have a good selection of gear...

I still like DesPlaines Yami on River Rd. Never done me wrong yet. And I've been dealing with them for years...and years. Had a '94 Intruder they did a lot of work to, and have been up front and concientious (so far) with the FJR...

would love to hear more about Cycle Sport, don't know them.

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