Terrible Handling, bike won't turn

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Creston, CA
I noticed yesterday that my FJR was having trouble steering, is that what you call it, steering? And it was going bumpa-da-bumpity-bump at low speeds, but then it was OK at really fast speeds like 65 or 70. I never go faster than 70, because that's illegal. Anyway, I need some help. Can anyone tell me why my bike handles so badly? My Harley never handled like this, just sayin'..




Hmm, tire zit. Bad luck. Always happens to me before a big ride I'm nervous about. They say you're not supposed to pop them.

Hopefully it'll be gone in a few days.

Stop aiming for rocks in the turns squid.

And change the tire already. What, you going for poser points now?

:lol: :rolleyes:

Just let some air out of that tire and you should be just fine. Get it down to about 10 psi and let us know how if feels at speed.

Well, ya wanna be doing 70 when the zit pops? Ewww.

I don't think that'll plug. :D

Maybe you can ride home like that rolling tire-changer video!

Hey, is that what's messin' up your throttle bodies?

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NO, quit your job now, (or just explain to your boss how much company time you wasted by taking a picture of your tire, posting it to the forum and having this discussion), and go get a new tire mounted before you ride home.

You're gonna die a horrible flaming death if you don't!!

:dirol: ;)

Of course it will make it just 50 more miles. That's what good friends for, to tell you what you want to hear and to give you good advice like this.

So, if we are wrong and it fails while you are traveling 50 mph, or fails while leaned over in a corner, what is your fall-back plan? Are you packing a case of sticky strings and a couple of rolls of duct tape?

Of course it will make it just 50 more miles. That's what good friends for, to tell you what you want to hear and to give you good advice like this.
So, if we are wrong and it fails while you are traveling 50 mph, or fails while leaned over in a corner, what is your fall-back plan? Are you packing a case of sticky strings and a couple of rolls of duct tape?
Ahh, Jeesh, Ion, now you go and get all logical and crap on me! :lol: I'll have you know I have HOPE, high HOPE that all will be OK, that my CyclePort gear won't let the ashphalt rub my ass raw... well, uh, now that you mention it... :rofl:

Only way to smooth that tire back out is to put some high speed miles on it.

Geeze, looks kinda like a herpes outbreak .....whada you been doin' with that tire???

Try some rubbing alcohal on it. Or maybe it was hand lotion, I don't remember. Wait, I know. Coat it with Armor All and then a nice layer of KY and it will be so slick it won't even notice the asphalt and will go forever.

Try some rubbing alcohal on it. Or maybe it was hand lotion, I don't remember. Wait, I know. Coat it with Armor All and then a nice layer of KY and it will be so slick it won't even notice the asphalt and will go forever.
Silly... It is Windex that you need to put on it.

Of course it will make it just 50 more miles. That's what good friends for, to tell you what you want to hear and to give you good advice like this.
So, if we are wrong and it fails while you are traveling 50 mph, or fails while leaned over in a corner, what is your fall-back plan? Are you packing a case of sticky strings and a couple of rolls of duct tape?
Damn, Alan, what were you thinking????

If it fails while leaned over in a corner, it's okay.....the zit's in the middle of the tire. DC just needs to keep it leaned over 'til he gets home.

Oh, and Don....that front tire has NOTHING to do with the hard turn-in. It's that damn car tire Eric talked you in to put on the back!!! :rofl:

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Mother of God, Don! You've somehow managed to outSkooter SkooterG with a POS tire. I think you both need Tire Therapy!

Illegitimate bastard son just walked in the door, grabbed a beer and a tamale out of the refrigerator and looked at your tire.

SkooterG just said put a car tire on the front and all of your problems will go away! I've beach property here in Arizona for you!

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