Test Drive

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New member
Aug 24, 2010
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Test drove a 2010 today. First time on an FJR, couple of questions. When I stopped my shins hit the fairing, and when I started rolling same thing putting my feet back on the pegs. After the demo the dealer raised the seat on the showroom seat, seemed to solve the problem, but without another test drive, really don't know.

Other thing is the windscreen was shaking at anything over 60 mph. I tried raising and lowering the screen, didn't seem to have an effect.

Is the shin/faring thing an issue that has been resolved by raising the seat (34" inseam), and what gives with screen? It was not something I would like to have in front of me, somewhat distracting.

Comments/solutions please?



The windscreen is not absolutely rigid, but it should not rattle or shake in its' mount. Try moving it back and forth, at the bottom, near the front outer bracket. If there's any play it will be evident and likely indicate the fasteners are loose. I had to tighten all three screws on the r/h side of my bike just last week.

I haven't experienced the shin banging ergo problem you described. Raising the seat height in your circumstance may indeed resolve the problem you were having.

I've read one other time of somebody with inhuman leges having "clearance" problems with the fairing edges. Never had a problem myself, so I really don't care. :D

Raising the seat is probably the only option, but since you're further off the ground now, it's a good thing those legs are so damn long!!!!

I don't think the windshield should shake like that. It might not move up and down perfectly smoothly if adjusted while under way, but it really shouldn't be rattling around up there.

It posted twice somehow. Disregard this, as it once contained a duplicate of the above.

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Are you like, nine feet tall???

I'm 6'4", 35+" inseam and NEVER hit the fairing. 5 years ago I asked this same question on the forum just before I bought my 04, since I had read one, maybe two, posts about legs banging the fairing.

5 years later, I've never found it to be a problem....

.....but then, again, I don't have freakishly long, mutant legs.

Are you like, nine feet tall???

I'm 6'4", 35+" inseam and NEVER hit the fairing. 5 years ago I asked this same question on the forum just before I bought my 04, since I had read one, maybe two, posts about legs banging the fairing.

5 years later, I've never found it to be a problem....

.....but then, again, I don't have freakishly long, mutant legs.
https://www.eaglerider.com/rentals/yamaha-fjr-1300.aspx Bobsled: What is your height and inseam? Unless you're larger than RadioHowie, an FJR should fit you just fine. Do you have an Eagle Rider Rental Agency near you? Perhaps rent an FJR for a solid eight hour riding day and check it out again!

PS: I'll certainly vouch for RadioHowie's comment: He's truly freakish, a real mutant and has an ugly face! I never looked at his legs. jes' sayin'

I recall a "Crotch" fixation. Jes' sayin'. :blum:
Dear Steve, I do have to admit that when we had dinner last March at the Disney Boardwalk Florida, I had noticed that you had either a potato or a sock stuffed in your pants. But Bro, you are supposed to put the spud or the sweatsock in the front of your pants, not the back! Ya *******!!!

Test drove a 2010 today. First time on an FJR, couple of questions. When I stopped my shins hit the fairing, and when I started rolling same thing putting my feet back on the pegs. After the demo the dealer raised the seat on the showroom seat, seemed to solve the problem, but without another test drive, really don't know.

Other thing is the windscreen was shaking at anything over 60 mph. I tried raising and lowering the screen, didn't seem to have an effect.

Is the shin/faring thing an issue that has been resolved by raising the seat (34" inseam), and what gives with screen? It was not something I would like to have in front of me, somewhat distracting.

Comments/solutions please?


If you rode a new stock bike I don't get it. I have 34" inseam. Only time I hit the fairings is when I had the highway pegs on. I ride with the seat in the low slot but use driver peg extenders for a little leg room.

My stock windscreen only shook when I followed or passed a semi at highway speeds. I use a stream shield now and in the full up position it does shake more than the stock one did.

I recall a "Crotch" fixation. Jes' sayin'. :blum:
Dear Steve, I do have to admit that when we had dinner last March at the Disney Boardwalk Florida, I had noticed that you had either a potato or a sock stuffed in your pants. But Bro, you are supposed to put the spud or the sweatsock in the front of your pants, not the back! Ya *******!!!
Dayum! That 'splains the funny looks I get!

My primary ride for the last 10 years has been an Electra Glide that has a foot position well forward of the FJR's. I ocasionally hit the fairings on the FJR when coming to a stop or taking off, but I think it's a product of my riding history rather than my height (6'4"). When I was shopping I found the FJR less restrictive to my legs than a Connie or ST.
