Test ride results: FJR1300A vs Concours 14

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2008
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San Diego, CA
I'm going to replace my Ninja 650R very soon (possibly next week) but was struggling for a while trying to decide between the FJR1300 or the Concours 14 since there's no way to tell which is better just from reading reviews online. I went to a local dealer which I'd been to a few times just to test-sit on bikes, but this time I was actually able to get them to let me test ride the bikes even though I flat-out admitted I would not be buying that day but probably in a week or so. As I'm sure you guys know, it's normally extremely difficult to get test-rides on Japanese bikes unless you've already filled the paperwork and are just about to buy it, and sometimes not even then. :)

Anyway I wrote down my notes on each bike as soon as I got home. They're almost entirely very subjective impressions, and some of them may simply be due to the way the particular bikes I rode were adjusted. I'd be interested in knowing if that's the case.

Let's start with the 2008 FJR1300A:

+Pulls the instant you start to release the clutch. (Adjustment?)

+Applying throttle from a stop is very predictable and linear.

+Good shifting feel.

+Engine sounds very confident and is deep in pitch, with a turbine-like whine as you rev it more, but it's not obnoxious.

+Feels less top-heavy than the C14 when stopped.

+Speedometer is in exact center, huge, with a good font.

+Tachometer is very close to speedometer so you can see both at once.

+Windshield blocks all wind and some noise when fully up. (note: I'm 5'6)

+Ducking my head just a couple of inches blocks all noise.

+Even wearing thin khakis, just very faint engine heat on right side.

+Grab-handle behind seat great for walking it around.

+Simple maintenance which is really well-documented on this site.

+Side bags seem low compared to C14; little chance of striking with boot.

-LCD display somewhat poorly arranged; curved gauges like fuel are weird.

-Clutch-lever pull is a bit stiff; fine for shifting but not for slipping < 10 mph.

-Throttle is also relatively stiff.

-Upper legs seem spread quite wide when sitting on the bike.

-Windshield shakes around a bit even when fully down.

-Like the Model T, comes in any color you like as long as it's black.

-Feet seem like they're a bit farther forward than the C14 or 650R. (I think...)

-Engine is louder than the C14 at low speeds; it sort of drones.

-On a totally-flat dealer-room floor, required quite some effort to get it off the centerstand, and finally comes off with a loud bang.

I don't know if the clutch-lever pull was typical of the bike or just the way the one I rode was adjusted, but it engaged, as I mentioned, the instant you let out the lever, and then it's pretty much fully engaged and releasing the clutch lever the rest of the way out has no effect. This is in stark contrast to most other bikes I've read, including my own, where it engages only when the lever is already mostly released.

Anyway here are my notes on the 2009 Concours 14:

+Despite many reviews I'd read, bike leaned over very easily and smoothly to whatever degree I wanted with no resistance. Of course the tires had no wear on them whatsoever; the bike had literally never been ridden before.

+Well-designed LCD display, placed right in the center.

+The red color looks great, particularly in sunlight. (Metallic flakes.)

+Light clutch pull.

+Excellent crisp shifting feel.

+Keyhole for removing the seat is on the side so it's easy to access even at night. (It's underneath on my 650R, very difficult to find at night. Where is it on the FJR?)

+Effortless to get off centerstand.

+Windshield is very low in the fully-down position.

+Windshield barely shakes at all in any position regardless of speed.

+Very easy-to-access glove compartment.

-Tons of free play in the throttle; hard to tell when it would engage. (Probably an adjustment issue?)

-Shifter peg was very difficult to get my toe underneath to upshift.

-Windshield neither blocks wind nor noise in the fully-up position. It's way too small.

-Slight fairing buzz above 6000 rpm.

-Odd-sounding high-pitched engine whine (muted though; not too loud).

-Engaging first gear from neutral made the bike jump forward slightly. (My 650R is even worse and jumps violently. Don't know the cause but may just be a maintenance issue.)

-Feels more top-heavy than the FJR when stopped.

-Speedometer and tachometer are on opposite sides and far apart; have to do eyeball gymnastics to try to see both.

-Stock mirrors are unusually low.

-Grips were uncomfortable; felt very narrow at the edges and wider in the center.

-Did notice some engine heat despite very short test ride, but I was only wearing thin khakis.

-KI-PASS seems confusing / inconvenient.

So basically the cons of the Concours 14 were much worse than the "cons" of the FJR, which were entirely minor nitpicks. Well I did have trouble leaning the FJR I rode but I'm pretty certain the suspension was just too soft. The bike dipped forward pretty severely when stopping even gently, heh.

Oh, and I have a question -- given my experience with the stock windshield on the FJR, what height Cee-Bailey (or other brand?) windshield do you think would block all noise when fully up while being no higher than stock when fully down (and ideally even lower)?

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My boss likes to say, "perception is the editor of reality". I rode a C14 back to back with my '05, so maybe my take on the subject isn't quite as valid, given that mine is a 1st gen. I think my opinions are pretty unbiased though, since I'm not all that endeared to my FJR, but I'm content enough to keep it a few more years. Since this subject has already been beaten to death in other threads, I'll just touch on a few points. The majority of my likes and dislikes with both bikes come down to personal preferences and nits to pick. It drove me flat crazy that the C14 mirrors are chock-full-O-saddlebags. The view to the rear is still good, but it made me feel like the bike needed a whole lane to itself, even though it's really no wider than the feej. The C14 tail is high, that's for sure. At 5"6", I can see where that would be a significant issue for you. I'm surprised to hear that you found the C14 to be more top-heavy, as I felt just the opposite. Could be partially a 1st gen vs 2nd gen thing, but the feej does carry ALOT of heavy stuff up high! The FJR clutch grab-point is probably due to lever adjustment. I noticed the same thing when I rode my buddies new 2nd gen, and he had the same complaint. A quick adjustment of the lever span changed that noticeably. The FJR windshield does move around quite a bit. After 3 years, I still notice it. But the C14 doesn't have a whole lotta windshield to move around. Going to a (pretty much necesary) larger windshield would probably cause the same scenario on the C14, but I don't know that to be a fact. At your height, a Laminar lip on the stock FJR shield would probably be as good as anything you could buy for alot more money. I'm 5'8" and that's what I settled on after trying the Yami tall, Cal-Sci, and V-stream, all of which were just too much shield for me, and didn't really give enough wow-factor to make me want to keep them. The feej will be the clear winner in the heat issue, as the C14 is HOT! If you live in a hot climate, that alone could be a deal breaker. Some things you'll learn to live with, but odds are, you're going to do the same thing as most of us and modify to taste regardless of which bike you get. With that in mind, buy the one you like the best, since both are excellent bikes. With ABS being standard on the feej and optional on the C14, price becomes a variable, depending on your desire for that feature. Both are great bikes, only you know which is better for you.

Potential, you should perhaps also look at maintenance issues while comparing, especially spark plug replacement (very involved and time-consuming on the Kawasaki) and valve adjustment intervals. There's quite a contrast there.

The red DOES look good though.

Whatcha gonna buy?

As for the clutch on the FJR, I did find it to be stiff when I first bought the bike and it does engage very close to the grip. I bought my '07 on 26 Aug 08 with 1 mile on the odometer and I now have ~4500 miles on it. With the mileage, the clutch action has improved ( or maybe I have adjusted to it) and I have no problems slipping the clutch for low speed maneuvers. It does still engage close to the grip.

Maybe the throttle is a little stiff. It hasn't bothered me enough to change anything yet, though.

Windshield does shake - I just don't pay attention to it.

After 4500 miles, I still sometimes have a difficult time getting the bike off the center-stand. If I don't manage to rock it off the first time, I just do it again.

I have had my FJR for 3 months and looked hard at both. I didn't like the C-14 trunks and the KI-Pass seemed too much of a gimmick. It did not seem as well fit and finished either. What sold me was a well established aftermarket, it is on Gen II rev 3 , and the guy that does most of the bike work for me has worked on a lot of them. The C-14 is still new and I am very leery of Gen I products which I consider it since it has been so long since they revised it.

Oh, I guess I forgot to actually say which I chose -- the FJR1300 is the one I liked best, without a doubt. But even though I knew about the simpler maintenance with the FJR, larger fuel tank, slightly better fuel efficiency, etc., these things aren't deal-breakers or -makers. I needed to ride both and record my impressions to know which I'd like best.

+Keyhole for removing the seat is on the side so it's easy to access even at night. (It's underneath on my 650R, very difficult to find at night. Where is it on the FJR?)
On the FJR it is on the left side, below the handle for lifting/balancing when putting it on the centerstand, roughly knee height.

Oh, and I have a question -- given my experience with the stock windshield on the FJR, what height Cee-Bailey (or other brand?) windshield do you think would block all noise when fully up while being no higher than stock when fully down (and ideally even lower)?
That depends on your height AND, with a taller windshield, it's not going to be as low as the OEM unless you use some spacers to tip it back.

For instance, I'm 6'2" x 32" inseam and I'm using a +4 because I want the windshield height for the cold weather I ride in. You might only need 2" extra. There is no easy answer unless you can find someone close to you who will let you switch windshields and try them. I've done that for the Gen I owners in my area.

I have had my 07 FJR since last Dec. and have about 7500 mi. on it. Your observation on the FJR are similar to what I found. You will adjust to the clutch. I have no problem slipping it in slow tight turns. Getting it on and off the centerstand will also will come easy after you have done it a few times. The seat lock is under the passenger seat on the left side. Frankly I had not noticed the windshield shaking all that much but I ride with it in the lowest position most of the time. I do wear a full face helmet with the shield open just a crack so I do not eat the bugs. I have not found the top heavy sensation at stops or in slow speeds to be a problem. I do keep telling myself I shoud add some sliders though just in case I screw up. I got the 07 because unlike many on this forum I am not a fan of black either.

I also looked at the C 14 and I decided on the FJR for several reasons. The C 14 was just out and totally new. I also had concerns about the KI Pass. It might have some advantages but I had concerns if you lost it on the road. You could not even get a locksmith to help you out. The C 14 has better straight line performance but I do not have the skills to handle what the FJR offers. The FJR also runs on regular unleaded and the C 14 requires premium. I am 67, 5' 9' and weight 168 with a 32" inseam. I always wear boots with about 1 1/2 inch heals so I can get flat footed at stops. Good luck on your shopping

Excellent write-up. On the clutch, if you're 5'6" you may have the clutch lever adjusted closer to the bar. The closer you adjust it, the less 'disengage travel' you get.

I've never tried it but if you set it at the closest setting, will it disengage at all?

If you're not fully releasing the clutch, the bike will leap when you kick first.

Oh, and get the Yamaha! (my vote's in) :D

I shortlisted both the FJR and C14 before I bought. Ergos aside since that is very subjective to the rider, I was put off by some of the problems I read about on the C14 forums. KiPass seems to still have some bugs. There were a number of posts about the tire pressure sensors not working and also several regarding the tires losing more air than should be expected. Also a few warped front brake rotors. These were all warranty issues of course (except for the tires losing air) but I really don't want to have to take my bike back to the dealer for little annoyance things.

Oh and this forum was a big positive for me too. When I saw the knowledge base here I felt that I had a far better resource than that for the C14.

Hi Guys,

I also have been considering both the FJR and the Concours for some time. I presently own an 08 Buell Uly but will be selling or trading it in the Spring for a new bike, hopefully my last for awhile. I just attended the Cycle World Motorcycle Expo here in Phoenix and was able to test ride both bikes. I really wanted to like the Concours best because I love the red metalflake and they're much easier to get. I rode the Concours first and was amazed by the power(never having ridden a l4 before). I loved the digital display with the instant mpg readout and gear indicator but I found it difficult to shift smoothly and even after a 25 minute ride it was still jerky when shifting. But the main problem was the HEAT! It was a hot day but not unusual for Phoenix and the gas tank (or air box) was toasty. I was wearing jeans and high boots but still felt a lot of heat. When we ended the demo ride another guy on a Concours said it was like an oven. Shortly after that I rode the FJR which I have always liked but don't like the black color. I thought the power of the FJR was equal to the 14 and it shifted much smoother. It felt smaller and lighter just like they say in all the comparos in the mags. But most important was the lack of heat from the engine, that sealed the deal as far as I was concerned. So I guess I'll learn to love black and spend more time washing and cleaning my bike. So I'm sold on the FJR but have to wait until Spring when I have some investments coming due. I'll continue to moniter this forum for words of wisdom and will be looking forward to Spring. :rolleyes:



Before buying my FJR, I went and looked at the C14. I liked a lot of the new high tech features, but what killed it for me was the seat height. I'm 5-8 with a 30" inseam. The C14 is taller than the FJR and I couldn't come anywhere close to flat footing, my tip-toes was all I could get, all the while the edges of the seat were digging into the inside of my thighs. Also, fit and finish on the FJR is better than the C14, and then factor in having to use premium gas in the C14 vs regular gas in the FJR and it was a done deal.

I'm loving my '07. You'll be happy with yours too.

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I felt the same way you did, kpfetz, about wanting to like the C14 largely because of that color. :) Also the bike looks like a touring bike to me, unlike the FJR which looks more like an elongated sportbike. And based on some things I'd read in the C14's favor, I was almost ready to just buy it sans test-ride if I could not find a dealer or private seller allowing them. I still would have enjoyed the bike but I definitely do prefer the FJR.

And if it wasn't clear, the clutch-lever engagement was a positive for me. I like that because it makes stopping on steep uphills much safer. It does make shifting a bit slower since you have to squeeze the clutch in all the way to shift but that's very minor, particularly with a bike that doesn't need to be shifted very often anyway.

Regarding the windshield, I'd hoped that my description of my experience with it (ducking just a couple of inches cancelled all wind noise) might help indicate what height I need. But it looks like all aftermarket windshields are at least 2" higher anyway, except the standard-contour Cee Baileys which are the normal shape so they won't help either.

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Prior to my April 2008 purchase of my (new) 2007A, I looked hard at a new Concourse alongside an FJR at Wilson's Cycles in Fresno. I had always liked the look of the FJR, and knew when I sold the H-D Dyna that I would get a sport tourer as that fits my riding style to a "T". On the Connie, I could not see the "actual" benefit of the KI-PASS, it just seemed like something that could leave you stranded if it went haywire and was primarily a marketing gimmick. The HUGE exhaust can was a real turn-off, I think the first place my wife and I rented as newlyweds was smaller than that thing!

The Connie is reported to have some performance advantages over the Feejer, but why anyone would need something faster than an FJR is beyond me (unless perhaps you are the good Doctor - V. Rossi, who rides a Yamaha as we all know).

As always, someting as personal as a m/c comes down to what you individually like, and either would be a great option. For me, the FJR was the better of the two, and I have enjoyed every one of the 4100 miles so far with zero regrets.

Enjoy and be safe in (on) whatever you decide.


Ooh, another FJR-C14 compo!!!! Oh gosh, I am so excited I might touch myself!!! :derisive:

Here's to repeating the same type of thread yet again in the "FJR Specific Discussion" area :drinks:

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Good test report, Issues regarding clutch travel I have my lever set at position '1' this seems to help clutch activation no end. Getting the bike on the main stand I find really easy. Getting the bike off the main stand I usually have two fingers on the front brake, as I push it forward slowly off the stand I add a bit of pressure to the front brake (no clunk) for safety i always deploy the side stand when putting the bike on or off the main stand just in case it does ever fall over towards me. If it falls away from me then I am stuffed.......... I am 6' 1" with a 32 inseam and weigh approximately 205 LBs naked (please do not try to picture me) :D I find the screen just a bit too low, but I have had worst. As for colour (color), my 2008 is silver. I like black (my Meanstreak is black) but I prefer the FJR in silver B) I have had no problem with heat (it always seems cold and raining here since I purchased it) I think if you do buy a FJR you will hopefully never regret it........... happy ridding

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Also the bike looks like a touring bike to me, unlike the FJR which looks more like an elongated sportbike.

You say that like it's a bad thing. :)

Ooh, another FJR-C14 compo!!!! Oh gosh, I am so excited I might touch myself!!! :derisive:

Hey, hey HEY....this is a family forum! :eek: I've got more than enough links saved in my favorites for that kinda talk!

:D :D :D

The FJR kinda reminds me of Jessica Simpson. The C14 looks like Aretha Franklin. They both deserve r,e,s,p,e,c,t -but I know who I want to ride with.
