Testing my SPOT

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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Prescott Valley, AZ
It's not what you think. All this talk about a SPOT assistance list got me to thinking that I hadn't checked mine as far as receiving text messages lately. So tonight I went outside to fire it up and send a signal. At the same time I noticed my motion sensor light at the Northeast corner of my house had been going on and off a bunch of times so I figured I'd reach up and reduce the sensitivity of the motion sensor. When I did, I was a bit blinded by the flood light and while reaching for the adjustment, touched this little guy!

After my heart rate returned from the stratosphere I finished the task at hand. By the time I got my camera out he had moved off of the floodlight sensor and was scooting along the rain gutter, defying gravity. The moral of the story is, watch were you put your hands during Tarantula mating season!
