That was.... strange

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Yup. If she's on her side, it is as The Prophet (blessings upon him) deemed it. Later, baaaaaby.

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I guess she could have gotten a call that her lil daughter was in some kind of peril
i tend not to work so hard making excuses for the terminally stupid. i simply pray they buy it before they can breed and don't take out someone worthwile in the process.
well my point is my own inclination to give her the benefit of the doubt from my own life experience

Twice, I drove like a bat outta hell running every light and pissing off many my wife was in active labor with my my first born and another my wife's heart was racing at 200+, granted, my mother did convince me to ignore my "it's my job as the man to handle this" urge, and call an ambulance and let the professionals handle it.

Ya cain't fix stupid. I just wonder what she told the cop that inevitably showed up. That could get you a knock on the front door if she could have read/remembered your tag number while she was trying to shave your rear tire with her front bumper. I'd keep an eye out for the cops over the next few days, and figure out where you were between the hours of_____and_____. Know what I mean? No way she got your number, but could easily remember bike color/riding gear color.

...after breathing for 50 yrs on this planet and seeing the decline of civilization, I won't put myself at any risk for stupid people.
i tend not to work so hard making excuses for the terminally stupid. i simply pray they buy it before they can breed and don't take out someone worthwile in the process.
My friend, Charlie, says there's a portion of society he calls "Extras" and they need to be periodically 'culled' for the benefit of the 'herd'.

Maybe?, our poor-to-non-existant bureaucratic driver training & testing -- for our National 'personal' transportation system -- is doing the 'culling'?

We need to try to stay out of the way and let Darwin do his 'thang'.... :blink: :unsure:

So I'm going up Econ heading home. I stop at the light at Curry Ford, which is one of those "two lanes narrow to one after the intersection" and I'm in the "keeps going" lane. (I hope that makes sense)
We've got a lot of those kind of intersections where I am and people (read - [SIZE=12pt]stoopid people[/SIZE]) are always willing to challenge me if I'm in front. I doubt you'll ever see me w/a bigger smile on my face when this happens!

Dunno why she had to get around ya but yer smart for lettin' her go and try to kill herself. Ya just can't help some people (read again - [SIZE=12pt]stoopid people[/SIZE]).

well my point is my own inclination to give her the benefit of the doubt from my own life experience
Twice, I drove like a bat outta hell running every light and pissing off many my wife was in active labor with my my first born and another my wife's heart was racing at 200+, granted, my mother did convince me to ignore my "it's my job as the man to handle this" urge, and call an ambulance and let the professionals handle it.
I might have agreed with that 10 or 20 years ago, but the percentage of idiots driving like idiots for no reason at all has skyrocketed.

For a living, I drive on the highways and byways of the Sacramento Valley....

.....I sea stoopid peeple everwhere all over the dang-ol' place. :dribble:

well my point is my own inclination to give her the benefit of the doubt from my own life experience
Twice, I drove like a bat outta hell running every light and pissing off many my wife was in active labor with my my first born and another my wife's heart was racing at 200+, granted, my mother did convince me to ignore my "it's my job as the man to handle this" urge, and call an ambulance and let the professionals handle it.
I can understand your excited state in those situations but the irony if you had killed someone in the process of getting there would have been worthy of a headline.

Man causes death for birth.

Man causes death for death.


Whatever was going on in the head of the van driver is irrelevant. Drive "like a bat outta hell" no matter what the cause, and you just might have to face the consequences.

Pull over as witness and get accused of wrongdoing?

Nope. Been there, done that. I'll let God sort it out in the end.

Ya cain't fix stupid. I just wonder what she told the cop that inevitably showed up. That could get you a knock on the front door if she could have read/remembered your tag number while she was trying to shave your rear tire with her front bumper. I'd keep an eye out for the cops over the next few days, and figure out where you were between the hours of_____and_____. Know what I mean? No way she got your number, but could easily remember bike color/riding gear color.

First off, I think you don't have anything to worry about, and I would not keep an eye out for cops.

But if a cop were to ask you ...

"I have no idea what you are talking about. She could have seen me riding anywhere on any day!"

Implicate yourself just one hair close to this mess and it's all yours.
